
The long lost Moon

The school's angel Vivian Blendic is from a wealthy family. Since she was little her life was perfect. She has a loving family and friends. A lovely boyfriend whom she'll marry. Little did they know that there's a side of her that she hides from everyone else. One day her mother got sick and had to stay at the hospital often. She and her husband grew stranger by day until he brought a misstress and his new daughter home and everything changed. Vivian was bullied by the new misstress. And her stepsister manipulated her to steal everything from her out of jealousy. Her father wasn't the warmhearted man she knew before and her fiancé cheated on her with her stepsister. In a world called Efidia ruled seven royal kingdoms.People call them "The Seven Elements" or "The Moons".The legend says that the one of the kingdoms invaded the most powerful one, but was defeated. Since they broke the rule of peace between the families, they were banned from "The Moons" and remain only in books these days. After the battle the victorious kingdom suddenly vanished and no one heard a word from them since. Into Vivian's school transfered new students who look familiar to her as if she knew them, even though she never met them in her life..

Cherry_Moon_Web · Teen
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9 Chs

Coming back

Over the past week Vivian called Tom a few more times until yesteraday night he texted her that he was busy.

That's all? He was busy but didn't even bother to apologize? How could she be so blind?

The whole week she video chatted with Christine and Eric. She missed them so much. At the thought of her going to school and seeing them tomorrow made her excited.

It was already night and she just finished talking with Christine on the phone. She layed down and couldn't wait for tomorrow.

*The next day

When Vivian opened her eyes she couldn't it was an early morning and she stormed out of bed. She quickly got up and took a shower. Changed into her school unform. It was a white shirt with the logo of the school on her left chest and a blue and red striped skirt. She finished tying her bow and went down in a hurry with a bright smile on her face.

When she was rushing down the stairs she bumbed into Melissa who was going down as well.

Melissa fell on the floor.

"I'm so sorry Melissa I didn't mean to. Here let me give you a hand." she offered her.

But Melissa slaped her hand away.

"Get that filthy hand away from me!"after what happened that day she avoided Vivian as much

as possible. Even though she didn't believe that this little thing could be so scary she was still a little frightened.

Melissa wanted to teach her a lesson this time but her phone rang.

When she looked at the display a wicked smile appeared on her face. She answered the phone.

Vivian was about to leave when she heard Melissa.

"Oh hi my darling Tomie~"

She frozed on the spot. Did he just called Melissa but sended just a four word text to her?

"Last night was amazing we should meet up again~" Melissa said with an exaggerated high voice.

Vivian didn't want to hear more she took her bag and left the house not even looking back. Melissa is NOT going to ruin her day! She won't let her.

When she got to the school she hugged both Christine and Eric for a while minute each.

"I missed you guys." she said tearing up while letting go Christine.

"You're such a crybaby." said Christine tearing up as well.

"You're both so sensitive. You haven't seen each other for only a week."said Eric annoyed.

"Right, but I missed you too." replied Vivian looking at him. Making him blush.

*He's so obvious.* Thought Christine trying to hold her laught.

Eric sees that and glares at her.

"We should go to class." suggested Vivian.

And so they all went to the class. On the way on the hall they chatted like always. On the way a few students greeted them, mostly Vivian.

When Vivian opened the door she bumbed into something really hard making her fall. But before she could reach the ground a strong warm hand catched her a pulled her back on her feet.

Before she could say something the person already ran away and every girl in the class ran after him.

Vivian was shocked. What was that? That was so crazy how the crowd moved so fast. If you were in their way the would step on you like a bug and pushed you to the ground.

"What's going on?" asked Vivian still confused.

"Oh that was one of the new transfer students I told you about. The one from our class. His name is Aiden Lenox." told her Christine.

"Every girl is crazy about him. I don't get it I'm more handsome than him." mumbled Eric watching Vivian staring the crowds direction even if they were out of sight.

"You wish." said simply Christine making fun of him.

They glared at one another and Vivian was quietly still looking the direction zoning out.

Why does she have this strange feeling? She didn't even get to see his face.

Aiden Lenox...

"Let's go." Christine said in a sweet voice wrapping her arm's around Vivian's interrupting her thoughts and ignoring Eric who wasn't prepared of her sudden change.

*Lunch break

"Finally it's OVER!" said Christine relieved and stretching out her arms.

"It's not over yet we still have one class after this." said Eric to her.

"Can't we just skip that and go shopping?" Christine asked knowing the answer but still asked.

"Of course not!" Yelled at her Eric annoyed.

"Vivian~ Eric is mean to me again~" Pouted Christine  turning her way.

Vivian was writing the homework the teacher just assigned so that she wouldn't have to do it later. After all it's all so easy.

"How can you understand it so easily? I didn't even get what we did last month."

"Because you're stupid. Vivian's smart and hardworking, not like you." said Eric to her.

"Eric! That's not true!"

"Yes, it is!"

"No, it isn't!"

"Guys, stop fighting." said Vivian calmly finishing her homework.

"She/He was the one who started!" both of them said at the same time.

Vivian giggled.

"You're both so funny."

Eric blushed and then he smiled. He's glad she's not feeling down after what happened at home.

What a fool. It's obvious he's into her. Christine just looked at her twin annoyed. Whatever, she's mine anyway.

Eric somehow sensed her glaring and glared back at her.

Vivian shook her head and stood up holding her sandwiches.

"Let's go eat."

"Let's go to the roof!" Suggested Christine excitedly looking away from her annoying brother.

"Okay!" Vivian agreed.

The three of them found that no one was ever going to the roof anymore so they wanted to spend time there alone since they were always surrounded by Vivian's fans.

Eric and Christine had to buy their lunches so they told Vivian to go on ahead.

Going up the stairs she was excited because they haven't eaten on the roof for a long time since there were people around a lot.

When she opened the door a strong wind blew her hair back and she closed her eyes for a few seconds and waited.

When the wind calmed down she heard voices not afar from her.

Is there someone here? Weird. Normally no one comes here anymore.

She walked quietly to the voices trying to hear what they're saying.