
The long forgotten system

As soon as Thomas noticed his body laying there dead on top of a puddle of his own blood he sees a large mirror next to his body. Thomas was so focused on his dead body that he didn't notice the mirror at first. As soon as he noticed the mirror he started walking towards it wondering what the hell it was, what was going on. As Thomas walks up to the mirror he sees himself. But something was off he didn't notice it right away but as he was getting closer to the mirror he started to see his shadow move and unusual ways. Finally as he got to the mirror his shadow started rising behind him, Thomas was dead but it felt like his heart was beating so fast his chest hurt. Then he heard it, A slight whisper barely noticeable but he could hear it, it was telling him to touch the mirror Thomas felt hesitant. But he was dead what's the point of hesitate when you're dead so we got up to the mirror and touched it. As soon as he touch the mirror everything went white he couldn't see anything he felt blinded by the pure whiteness that surround it his vision. He didn't know how long he was like that, how long he was surrounded by the pure whiteness that felt endless he couldn't move he couldn't hear and he couldn't feel anything, it was so weird to be stuck like that but what could he do?

Garbagecan115 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Wake up

All Thomas could hear was screaming and crying all across the battlefield and then the shadow figure started to rise in the air with its shadowy roots still pierced into the ground.

The roots no longer popped out all over the battlefield to pierced the enemies, instead as soon as the shadow figure got high into the sky a ripple like effect happened to the roots going towards the ground.

As soon as the ripples hit the ground a massive wave of dark matter spread across battlefield engulfing any and everyone.

After the wave engulfed everyone including Thomas all he could see was darkness, it didn't last long and light start to spread all around as the darkness faded.

As Thomas looked around, he didn't see anyone on the battlefield anymore it seemed everyone had been killed in the last attack.

But he could now see a lush green field with mountains surrounding all around it.

There was a beautiful sunset on one side, and on the other side was a dark sky with tons of stars and the aurora borealis above the mountains.

Thomas couldn't focus much on that for long because he could see a shadow on the ground rushing his way.

It look like a five foot by five foot rotating black circle with waves of shadow coming off of it as soon as it got within 3 feet of thomas it stopped.

Thomas had no idea what to do, he knew this was a dream because in his head there was no way in hell that this could be real, that any of what just happened could be real.

The next thing he could see was the rotating black circle liquefy around the edges and condense in the center growing into a skeleton shaped shadow.

The liquefied areas of the rotating black circle started to flow towards the skeleton and turn into black shadow roots.

At that point Thomas realized that it was the same shadow figure that was decimating it's enemies in the battlefield.

And then the shadow figure raised it's skeletal arm and pointed towards Thomas and as soon as this happened Thomas noticed his shadow liquefy.

His liquefied shadow started to flow towards the shadow figure and as soon as I get near, the roots of the shadow figure stretched towards the liquefied shadow.

"What the…." Thomas's thoughts were interrupted.

As soon as the roots touch the the liquefied shadow, the shadow figure liquefied and merged with his shadow.

In front of him there was a puddle of black bubbling goo, the surrounding areas of the goo the grass started to burn.

Thomas felt like the goo was so hot that it was more like lava but then, the goo shot in his direction.

"Shit shit shit what the fuck is that thing?" Thomas thought as he tried to run away.

Unfortunately for him it was too fast and it latched on to his feet, as soon as it touched his skin it's starting to burn.

"FUCKKKKKK!!!!!!" Thomas screamed in pain.

Thomas started to feel excruciating pain starting from his feet and slowly making its way up his body until the pain covered all of him.

What he didn't realize was that there was thousands of puddles of goo flowing towards him and adding to the goo that was already on him.

These puddles were of the dead from the battle before with the shadow figure.

The beautiful lush field was transforming, the green lush grass was starting to turn to ashes.

As soon as all the goo attached themselves to Thomas the pain disappeared and he was able to think again.

"What is this?" Thomas thought.

Thomas was still covered in that goo, but as soon as he had that thought the goo started to seep into his skin.

"Wake up!" Ren's Voice echoed inside of his head.

Short chapter it’s 3:00 in the morning and I can’t think. I’ll get some more out when I wake up

Garbagecan115creators' thoughts