
Chapter 4

"Some worlds out there believe that the word 'doctor' means 'great warrior'. Is that what I have become?" He sat heavily on the dust covered bed, his whole body hunched in defeat. One moment, he was the Time Lord Victorious and the next, he was just an old man.

He buried his head in his hands, pulling at his brown hair, "I see so much death. I see the strands of time. What has been, what is, and what will be, as well as what could be. It is a curse. I have seen death. Hell, some of it was my own doing."

He sat in silence for a few heartbeats before hoisting himself up off the bed. Out from underneath the mattress the Doctor pulled out a long silver rod, about four feet in length, in which he plugged his sonic. The tip of the rod bloomed like an exotic flower, a ball of blue energy swirling at its center. Gone was the old man once again and in his place was the last of the Time Lords. "Time to see what has changed in my absence." he winked at Loki.

"I can assure you, Doctor. The wine is just as good as the woman." The prince said with a smile. Bringing himself off the bed in a swift movement. Dust not bothering to move at his action. Good. Loki hated dust. It made him sneeze. Not fun for a god who possessed magic.

The last time he'd sneezed it had covered an entire room in flames. It took almost all of Asgard to put it out. He'd even once summoned a dragon. That, however, was not to be spoken of. Loki had managed to rid of it on his own. Causally, Loki ran his fingers through his hair. The strands falling back into place before he reached for his helmet. It had been a war meeting his father addressed. Loki thought at the very least he'd look his nicest. Wasn't he a proper prince? A chuckle left Loki's lips at his cleverness. Satisfied with his appearance, he winked back at the Doctor as he walked over to the door.

"Are you coming?" He asked. His hands on his hips like a sassy young girl.

For some strange reason, this god reminded the Doctor a lot of a certain Captain Jack Harkness. Women…booze…men…no holds barred for that man. He patted Loki's shoulder again before using the sonic staff to unlock the door.

The hinges squeaked, "Remind me to have Odin send someone to fix this room up," the Doctor said, closing the door back behind him, "I plan on staying longer this time around." The Time Lord took long strides down the forgotten hallway, his nose crinkled in disgust. His fingers traced the circular markings that now decorated the staff, the language of his people etched into the silver.

The same language that, at one time, could burn planets and create galaxies. But now…he sighed. The Doctor traced a carving on the wall, dust and cobwebs coming away on his fingertips. An engraved image of the TARDIS was revealed, the arrival of the Doctor to Asgard immortalized in stone. The gift of the Tesseract to Odin, a forgotten story to many of the Asgardians, the Doctor believed. The engraved Doctor, him in his floppy hat and overlong scarf, looked silly next to the imposing figure of the eye-patched Odin. Another scene showed a young Thor and a little Loki sitting on the Doctor's knees as he regaled them with stories of his adventures.

The Doctor traced the lines of the Tesseract, now might be the time to take the artifact back. The Time War was now over and there was no more need to hide the cube.

"I'm sure your presence is always welcome," Loki replied. His eyes curiously swarming the silver staff in the Doctor's hand. It looked strangely like Odin's spear of destiny, but a completely different color to be it. Confusion flustered across Loki's brow. His mind unsure how to feel about the thing. He'd always preferred smaller more concealable weapons, but this staff suited the Doctor very well. It was similar to what wearing the right boots could do to a warrior's outfit. The thing fit into the set of characteristics like a puzzle piece.

Hesitantly, Loki tore his eyes away from the item back to the golden halls of Asgard. The sun now gone from the sky, leaving the two men in nothing other than the light of steady burning torches. A cool breeze cooling the warm summer night with its gentle breath. Though the realm was at peace with the other realm, it still felt as if war raged outside the calm gates.

It seemed to never change in the palace for the young prince. The sounds of battle haunted him. The sounds of swords clashing in an even rhythmic pattern of four clangs repeating itself in his head over and over again. It was agonizing, but through the years he'd become accustomed to its presence. The song almost sweet in his ears on some days, but others, it felt like it mocked him. The noise only going away when he'd disappear into the depths of a planet where the stars were nowhere to be seen.

"However.." Loki gestured to the room covered in the grey film of dust. "I don't think our servants will like you very much."

The Doctor lowered his hands, sighing, before turning back to Loki. He chuckled, "Usually those who know of me wish me to leave…quickly." The Time Lord left the wall, striding quickly to the the far end of the hallway, where the crackling firelight twirled upwards to join the stars.

Loud angry voices could be heard, accompanied by the smells of cooked food. The Doctor emerged from the hallway, Loki, he knew, to be behind him. Burly men turned, many of them covered in bits of food, scraps hanging from their beards or thick tresses. Most of the men barely glanced at the Doctor, instead focusing on the god behind him.

Their faces turned to anger and they barreled towards Loki, but the Doctor brought his silver scepter to bear, the blue light at its tip flashing in warning.

"Come closer at your own peril!" the Doctor said, his voice level, only a hint of anger tinging his words. The gods backed away, although their eyes kept flickering to Loki. The Doctor banged the staff against the stone floor, catching the gods' attention.

"Is it not customary to bow to a prince of Asgard?" The Time Lord's voice this time around was enough to bend the knees of the gods, their anger now diminished, embarrassment tinging their ruddy faces. The Doctor wrapped his free arm around Loki's shoulder, escorting the prince through the crowd of men.

"Loki, my friend, are you not hungry? I feel as if I could eat a horse. Although I doubt horse would taste good. I prefer apples, myself, or a good banana. But never pears. I hate pears. Absolutely cannot stand pears. Bbbuuutt, I am open to trying new things."

The Doctor brushed some congealed food off of a nearby bench while a servant hastened over. The Time Lord gently pushed Loki down onto the bench before settling himself beside the god.

He waved the servant, a young girl with dark brown hair, closer, "Bring whatever hasn't been spoiled. Just, no pears. Everything else is great. Quickly, quickly!"

The girl scampered off to fetch the food while the Doctor and Loki sat at the scarred wooden table. The Doctor smiled, nudging Loki's shoulder playfully, "I would be wrong not to admit I was just a bit scared. Who wouldn't be when a large horde of burly men with murder on their faces come barreling towards you?" he laughed, rubbing his fingers over the engravings on the staff, "But a part of me relished in making them obey me."

He locked eyes with the god of mischief, "I admit, they did deserve it. Ah, here we go."

The serving girl had returned, with friends, laden down with platters of food. Meats, vegetables, fruits, breads…they were all there. Minus the pears, of course. The servants laid the platters down and backed away from the pair, hurrying away to do other things. Only the girl remained, filling goblets to the brim with ruby red wine. The Doctor sniffed the wine, taking a little sip…and found it agreeing with his tongue. He smiled, another thing to put on the list of things he liked. He loaded a plate full of venison, a couple of bananas, a few apples, and a handful of potatoes, and tucked into the meal. "This is excellent. You are right, my friend, the wine is excellent."

However, Loki's stomach did not ache for food. Instead it twisted at the thought of it. Fear of Odin's chastising clearing all need for basic luxuries. He knew that within minutes his father would come in, and all Loki could do was hang his head low. The sound of doors being slammed open growing nearer. Loud footsteps following each boom of doors until the one's in the dining hall joined the other's. A cold rush of air filling the place they sat. Instinctively, Loki inched closer to the Doctor. His arms crossed over his chest.