
First Dungeon? Maybe

The next day I decided to finally enter my first dungeon. I'm kind of confused if it is supposed to be like Pokémon mystery dungeon or more rpg like but I will figure it out. I was too excited to even think properly. I had the time to do it to because Professor Oak literally had to force me out of the lab because of how clingy Daisy was being.

I mean I know they were clingy before but it went to a whole new level. As in I was a per level existence to her. Which forced me to teach her a lesson in true petting. A lesson she will never forget which I know I can state proudly. Seeing her absolute distraught face hit me hard though so I promised I would only take the day off but that's more than enough time.

I need alone time to truly have a training montage.

So without any waiting.. or so I would like to say but now my mom turned clingy. I guess I really have spent a lot of time away from home and the whole reason I wanted to train in the first place is to get strong enough to protect us both without worries so she wouldn't have to be alone if I was always with her.

In the end because of the training I was unable to spend much time with her at all. I decided to spend a bit of time with her because I truly do miss my mother. We spent a lot of time doing arts, crafts and watching movies together. Maybe I should do more child like things with her. I feel bad for taking away my childhood moments from her. It's decided I'll tell Professor Oak I need 2 days off a week from now on. Even though it might hurt Daisy I'll just ask her to come to my house instead.

I hugged my mom and looked into her eyes with a bright smile and said "I love you mommy". I had to look down after that one because it finally hit me what I said unconsciously. I started fidgeting a little until she pulled me into a hug. I could feel my hair getting slightly wet as my mother held me. Immediately I returned the hug with my goal clear.

"Mommy can we spend every weekend together like this? I would really like that" I said such an embarrassing thing out loud but tried to keep my face calm. My mother who was watching my behavior started to laugh and said "I'd love that honey it sounds great but because we are both busy how about we keep it to the afternoons of those days?".

My mom is the best so I agreed before we both left to our own rooms for now. I had until dinner time to train. So now I tried my dungeon skill. "System use my instance dungeon skill please" I thought politely in my head and for once my system politely responded back [Some polite treatment from you wouldn't hurt to have all the time so just for today I'll be nice. Initiating dungeon instance... Putting notification clone in sleeping position in this world... Finding clear spot... Loading finished. Warning host to be ready to face anything in this world.]

I was at last moved in to what seemed like a separate dimension of Pallet Town but it had a more desolate feeling. It made me feel uncomfortable but I was a little used to it because that was the mood of my previous life's city of residence was like. I thought I had time to get used to the area with time but it seems I wasn't allowed that as I started hearing morning and groaning. The shuffling and dragging of feet alerted me along with the noises that these were not humans.

I would like to not think the worst. Currently I was in my house on the second floor so I didn't have a good view so I tiptoed down the stairs and out the back door in the kitchen. As I move into my fenced backyard I could now clearly hear all the noises but I was still in denial. So I looked through one of the crevices in the fence to see to the other side and to my now confirmed guess. They were zombies.

I was screaming internally. Why zombies? I have always been a bit of a coward when I'm not in to the action I'm doing and how can I get into it when the fear is clouding my mind. That is until a rush of warmth filled my head clearing it. After that I focused on my task at hand. My body is average so I don't have too much stamina so I have to be conservative but I also need a lot of battles for training. Isn't this Pokémon why do I need to train?

For some reason the thought of getting stronger is ingrained in me but I don't understand why when I should be making my Pokémon stronger.

Well I don't have much of a choice now so let's hope for the best. The first thing I did was create an aura shield around me then slowly proceeded using my silent steps skill. I tried making a dagger out of aura and it worked but it was draining for me. Well I guess that's what I get for only doing Naruto training exercises using aura(Meaning meditation, holding up an object such as a lead against the body and coating a part of the body to allow it to climb or walk on objects).

As I made my way to the gate of my backyard I quietly pulled the lever to unlock it and slowly pushed it open to take a quick peak out. There in front of the gate was a horrific, grotesque face covered in boils and puss. Worst of all the jaw seemed to be dislocated giving it an even scarier look. I immediately slammed the gate close and locked it and held my hand to my chest. My heart was beating really fast. My willpower when it comes to things that look scary is weak. I gulped in a big breath of air and once again I felt warmth flood my head.

It seems I have some sort of calming skill but it doesn't effect my willpower at all. It seems that the skill is effected by it. So I decided another plan of action or so I would like to say but multiple fists hit the gate behind me. I jumped up immediately and starting climbing up to the roof of my house and gazed outward. Their were zombies everywhere. This reminds me too much of zombie land without the comedy.

So I must do the next best thing and that is spam aura at them until they die. Making a ball of aura I shoot it at one of the zombies near the gate of my backyard. Luck was on my side it seems as the aura ball hit its head causing it to explode. The gore made me feel sick my skill triggered at the right time preventing me from actually hurling. Maybe I need to actually check my skills again it has been awhile since I have focused only my system.

As soon as the zombie truly fell the system seemed to hear me and notify me with [It seems the host has learned to adequately use his aura, has gotten his first kill, and has gotten a headshot bonus. All of this together give you 250,000sp. Congrats now please actually use me host]. I was extremely happy that I forgot I was surrounded by zombies and just laid on my roof. It was then I realized I probably spent too much aura on concentrating and actually performing my aura ball. Something that always happens when I first cast a new, what I like to call, spell. It gets much easier to do after that.

It was then that I thought "System open the shop I am ready to splurge".

Well this was a lot harder to make than I thought. Honesty I am not too happy with the chapter I think it was okay but that’s how I feel about every chapter. That’s why I like comments of readers telling me their thoughts. Hope you like it. Cheers

KittenSnipscreators' thoughts