
The Lonely Farmer Adventures

dropped, energy spent for upcoming work

siemie · Fantasy
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1 Chs

The coming of age ceremony Part 1

<p>For as long as I can remember I was having a great of not the dream life you could live. <br/>I grew up in a rich household, a noble family with the rank of a Duke, that's right my Father Edmund got the title of a Duke by his achievements in the war against the demons two centuries ago.<br/><br/>After the war, he got rewarded with this title and he chose to name our family the Springgard family.<br/>My father is an mage, a hero, and a legend amongst the common folk. In every family , you will hear his name being mentioned at least once.<br/>He is a hero for the children to look up to, and is also my goal, to become a powerful wizard just like my dad.<br/>In this world, your life and your future achievements are determined by the job you gain when you reach the age of 10 years old. At the end of every year, all the children that have become of age will be sent to the church where to gods will decide what job you will be given and you will get specific job related skills based on what you get as a job, and what you have trained for before.<br/><br/>My mother Alicia is a famous Sword master , so I've been getting trained in this field by her from since I have become five years old. After a year of the gruesome training with mom, it became clear that I wasn't very talented in this field so my parents decided to let me learn magical knowledge about the concept of mana and magic.<br/><br/>I can't believe my parent think this amount of knowledge is a normal amount to digest as a five year old child, but since I have a reputation to uphold I can't just disappoint them.<br/><br/>Four years have passed an I have just turned 9 years old, My older sister Rina will go to the awakening ceremony tomorrow, so we are having a luxurious meal together , this rarely happens since dad is always busy with the territory and mom is almost constantly training the solders and my older brother Rein who has acquired the job: "Sword man", if you're wondering isn't "Sword man" the most basic job for handling the sword, then you're completely right. Everyone even my mom started with the most basic job.<br/> Later on if you level up you will have your first job evolution when you reach level 10, everyone has a different method of leveling, for citizens it's doing basic chores, for farmers it's harvesting and plating crops, for combat related job's it's killing animals and killing things including people.<br/>But killing people is of course illegal and you will be marked as a dark person, you will have your entrance to town's invoked and you will have a small bounty placed on your head which will increase with the amount of misdeed's you have committed.<br/>My brother just like my dad and sister have blond hair with hazel brown eyes and an elegant demeanor.<br/>I have gotten the genes of my mother, I have black hair and dark brown eyes.<br/>My brother is amongst the people who will have a bright future, as his job related skill he has gotten Son of the Sword Master,<br/>[ Status<br/>Name: Rein Age: 11<br/>Class: Swordsman Lvl: 9<br/>Exp: 35/250<br/>Job Skill: Son of the Sword Master<br/>{ increases the sword skill effect's by 15% gain 5% more experience per kill }<br/>Stats:<br/>Health: 90/90 Mana: 9/9<br/>ATT : 9.5 VIT: 9<br/>DEF : 12 INT : 6<br/>WILL : 3.5 LCK: 1.5 ]<br/><br/>The base stats for a healthy adult with the citizen job is 10 for Attack (ATT) , Defense (DEF), and Vitality (VIT)<br/>5 for Intelligence (INT) , 1 for Luck (LCK) and 1 for Willpower (WILL)<br/>For a 12 year old child, this is already considered very good, especially the stat luck, this is a stat that you can rarely improve, and it decides what opportunities or lucky encounter you will have in the future it also influences the likelihood of getting a critical strike on your opponent.<br/><br/>Edmund: Tomorrow is a very important day for you Rina, I believe you will get a job deserving the name of the Springgard family.<br/>Rina: Yes father, I sure hope so, I also hope my job will be magic related just like you, I want to become a mage, so a magic apprentice with a good job related skill is what I wish for.<br/><br/>Alicia: I believe you will get the job you want, you've been so good to the people around you and the god's will be proud of you and give you what you want and deserve.<br/>Vincent: Yes, sister I believe you will get the job you want since you're so nice to everyone and always help mom and dad when they have some issues.<br/>Edmund: Quickly finish up your meal and go to bed early, the journey starts early at 5 since we still need to go to the church.<br/>Everyone woke up early and I waved goodbye to my sister and dad who left in a fancy carriage towards the nearest church where the awakening ceremony will be held.<br/>They will return in a week's time since they need to ride the carriage for 3 days and then the ceremony will be held in the church of the capital. <br/>I'm looking forward to the coming year and what sis managed to get. I also want to become a grand mage like dad, but I will have to train hard for the coming year and then also go to the ceremony.<br/><br/>I can't wait till my ceremony commences and I can become a cool mage like dad!</p>