
The Lonely demon King is waiting for his Phoenix Bride

Zayn Paige is the loneliest boy in their class, despite being hot, he is still the nerd of their class. They all want to bully him, although he's not that easy to bully. People call him sort of names because he looks strange. Although they all attends Supernatural Academy, they still thought he's weird. Demons attacked their school, and everyone were all using their powers to save themselves. But they noticed something: Someone they thought should be the first to be eaten by the monsters. Why are the monsters being docile toward him? "What! The loneliest boy is playing with the tail of the monster. Let's run."

PrixyGoldstar · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


The next day was monday.

Sarah was hugging the duvet to her chest. She was rolling on the bed sleepily. She was shocked when the duvet was pulled from her body.

"Who the hell is that?" She said standing up to slap the intruder.

"Forgot you have class?" Zayn asked holding the duvet in his hand.

"When did you become interested in studies?" She asked.

"I'm irritated of your body on my bed. Get dressed and let's go to school." He shrugged.

"Really. Then what am I going to wear? I don't have clothes here."

"The clothe you are wearing belong to who?" He asked staring at naked lap, the clothe she was wearing only got to her thigh.

'Her legs are beautiful. How come he didn't realized that yesterday?'He thought.

"What are you staring at?" she asked covering her laps with her palm.

"Don't flatter yourself. You are not my type. I'm thinking how a girl like you wouldn't bathe for three days."

"Who would know? Its not like I'm writing that on my head." She said.

"Everyone knows you don't bathe. It's not until you write it on your head. You are dirty." He said scrunching his nose and left the room.

"Idiot. Fuck you." She yelled after him.

"You aren't my type to fuck. Get dressed. before I come back. Chose whatever clothes that is your size there." He said to her from outside.

"That idiot. Is it necessary for him to bruise my ego?"She said angrily, standing up from the bed. "Idiot. You aren't my type to fuck either." She shouted.

Zayn was already in the bathroom when he heard her cursing at him. He laughed lightly as he switched on the shower.

He was already dressed in a red polo v necked shirt, exposing his chest, and a blue oversized pant when he entered his room without knocking.

"Can't you knock?" She asked. She was dressed in his black shirt, bigger than her, and a trouser, obviously very big for her.

"It's my room. I can do whatever I want to do." He said.

"Because its your room. You can also peek on a girl? Are you not a pervert?" She asked sitting on the bed, turning her back to him.

"I don't know you are this interesting. Why aren't you always like this in class?" He smirked coming closer to her.

Sarah noticed him coming and faced him. She was surprised with his dressing mode and face.

'Why is he being called a nerd? He is obviously a demon. A hot demon for that matter.' She thought.

Has he always being this hot? Or is just that she never looked at him that long.

He walked closer to her and she shifted back.

"Don't come closer." She said.

He stopped for a moment, before continued walking.

"I can't let you follow me to school dressed like this." He said, sitting on the bed and pulling her closer.

"W.w.what are you doing?"

"What do you think I am doing." He said helping her packed her hair very well. "Your hair smells...badly." He said in with a disgusted face.

"Leave me alone."

He held her tight and helped her to do her hair very well. He helped her button the sleeve button and also helped her roll the trouser.

"Are you allergic to deodorants?" He said spraying it at her.

"After spraying it." She glared at her and stood up.

They entered the school the same time.

Everyone were surprised.

Although both are in the same level, they haven't seen them together before.

"Are we sensing romance?" A girl said.

"They are definitely going to match. Two losers dating is going to hit good." A boy smiled.

"Wait. Are they talking about me. I will rather date the starfish of Aquarius than to date you." She laughed angrily.

"Don't flatter yourself..." He hasn't finished her word when she finished his words for him.

"I am not your type. I know. You aren't my type either." She said angrily.

Why is she getting angry? She said it first, He thought.

"Do you think I should teach you how to fight. Martial arts." He suggested.

"Do you think I haven't tried it before? I've trained for six years now, but I still can't fight." She said as they both entered the class.

"Maybe your teacher is a dullard."

"My teacher is Sebastian. How dare you mocked him that way?" She flared up again.

Zayn said nothing as he walked to his seat, and she also walked to her seat.

"Wow! You dumped me to follow this loser?" Lilia said to him lowly.

Zayn only looked at him and said nothing.

"Wow! Interesting. I've been anticipating for this moment, where the loser will date a loser."Dani said smiling, walking close to Sarah.

"You seems more obsessed with me than your life. Dani stop stressing yourself." Sarah said.

"Really? You seems to have become more tongue sharped. Is your boyfriend assuring you that he will always get your back?"

"Is your brain that need to be checked. I've always been like this." She replied.

Dani was very angry that she took out a snake whip and flung it at her.

Sarah was expecting the whip to touch her and closed her eyes, but was surprised when nothing touched her body, It was Dani that screamed instead. She opened her eyes to see Mera holding the whip. Mera released her hand from the whip and walked towards Sarah.

"To have no power is always bad, but try and have a fighting skills." She said to her and walked to her seat.

"Mera release me." Dani whose hand was frozen up with her whip said.

"Tell your queen to release you. I don't release what I've bound." She said.

"Jenna." She screamed.

Jenna who was sleeping woke up due to the noise.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Help me." She yelled.

Jenna looked at her and glared at her. She flicked her fingers and Dani got released.

"Next time don't disturb me when I'm sleeping." She said and slept back.

"Idiot. Stupid. You dare embarrassed me." Dani said to sarah.

"Miss Serpent. I am not the cause of your misfortune. Mera froze you not me. Go face her." She said.

"You... You will always be a loser. You are also dating a loser. I'm very sure you gonna birth a loser." Dani said angrily and walked to her seat.

"Moron." Sarah hissed before opening her book.

Zayn studied everything that happened with a cold expression.

Lilia looked at him angrily and couldn't say anything.

Why is she worried? Both of them are losers. They aren't worth her time and anger, she thought and focused on her history book, looking for where they mention Phoenix.