
The Lonely demon King is waiting for his Phoenix Bride

Zayn Paige is the loneliest boy in their class, despite being hot, he is still the nerd of their class. They all want to bully him, although he's not that easy to bully. People call him sort of names because he looks strange. Although they all attends Supernatural Academy, they still thought he's weird. Demons attacked their school, and everyone were all using their powers to save themselves. But they noticed something: Someone they thought should be the first to be eaten by the monsters. Why are the monsters being docile toward him? "What! The loneliest boy is playing with the tail of the monster. Let's run."

PrixyGoldstar · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

He is too Lonely.

He sat down, a deep smoke of cigarette coming from his mouth, and reminiscing on the past.

"Big brother. Promise me you won't leave me." A little girl of about five said.

"I won't. Ever. You too promise not to leave me." A young boy of about sixteen years old said rubbing her hair that has a fire color.

"Phoenix promise big brother." She said and sat on his lap, hugging his neck. They were both laughing.

He walked in the wood alone. Everywhere is silent and lonely. It was very dark at night.

He walked deeper into the wood and heard some noises coming from afar.

"It's mine."

"Its not yours, it should be mine."

"That's nonsense. I saw her before you."

He heard what they were saying and walked closer. He covered his face with the hoodie.

He saw a girl on the floor, and two demons with horn were fighting on her.

As he saw what was happening, he turned to leave, but the demons saw him.

"Hello. Who are you? What are you doing in our territory?" They asked him, but he didn't turn to them and was about leaving. One of the demon used rope and drew him close to them and he fell on the girl on the floor.


"Hishhh..." The girl moaned in pain.

"They are two now. You can take one and i will take one too."

"Wow. Are you debating on me?" He asked them as he stood up and dusted himself.

"Yes. You of course." The second demon said.

"Really?" He said and smiled devilishly. He stared into the demon's eye and the first demon startled as he saw his friend becoming very very tiny, till he fell and die, with his eyes widen up.

"You must be a senior demon. I apologize for not acknowledging you." The demon said and he turned to escaped.

"Do you think I'll let you leave?" He pocketed his hand and smiled cunningly.

"This subordinate have realized his mistake." The demon said.

"Really? But i won't let you go like that. He pointed his finger at him and a dark smoke oozed out from the finger and strangled the demon till he died. "What a waste of time?" He said and cleaned our hand with tissue and threw it down. He turned to leave, but someone grabbed his leg.

"Please. Don't leave. Save me." The girl said, unconsciously.

He wanted to released his leg from her hold, but she held it tightly.

He sighed in helplessness and bent down to carry her. He was surprised as he lifted her up and her face is revealed.

'I wonder who can be easily taken as a prey, if not her.' He said and carried her out of the wood.

He dropped her on his bed and covered her with duvet. He wanted to leave but she held his hand.

"Don't leave. Stay with me." She said lowly.

"Okay." He was surprised he said okay. He didn't know what has been happening lately. He seemed to be gentler to girls. He wanted to push back the duvet she pushed away, but distant himself because of her smell. "She smell badly. Does she even bath? How come I didn't notice when I carried her." He complained.

He thought of what he could do to escape her. He covered very well and held his breath. He sealed the duvet to the bed, so she can't kick it down anymore.

"Very troublesome." He sighed as he went to the living room. He picked up a pencil, and started drawing what he normally draw everyday, Phoenix bird.

He drew like different type of phoenix, but he dumped every thing he drew. He wanted to make it perfect, maybe he will still see her.

He drew it till the next day.

Sarah woke up and yawned.

She remembered that she was kidnapped before she passed out. She was surprised to found herself on the bed.

'What really happened?' She wondered. She looked around the room and was astonished that the room looked simple and beautiful. She didn't know why she was feeling a sense of serenity and peace in a stranger's hone.

She got down from the bed and started looking around the room. She got to the book shelf and smiled as she saw that she'd read all the book there. She walked out of the room with that smiling face. She traced every nook and cranny of the house with her eyes and got to the living room.

"This house is very beautiful." She said to herself.

She was looking around, when her eyes met a boy's head. She was about to shout, when she saw the face.

'Isn't that Zayn?' She watched him and walked closer to him as the other person was too engrossed in what he was doing and never noticed he was being observed.

'Why do I keep seeing loneliness in him? He is too damn lonely.' She wondered and peeked at what he was drawing, a PHOENIX.

He felt someone walking towards him, he dragged the person's hand and pulled her toward him, and she fell to his arm. He saw it was her and their eyes met for five seconds before he took his eyes away and cleared his throat. He thought she is going to stand up but Sarah wasn't trying to stand up at all. He pushed her and he fell down to the floor.

"So. You are like every other people that likes Phoenix? What do you guys see in her. Its not like she exist." She said to herself in a low voice but could still be heard. Zayn expression turned serious when he heard what he said.

"You look like a chastise and decent person in class. Who could have guessed that you are looking for someone to seduce?" He said with a grave expression.

"Really. I don't think I'm shameless like you, just for you to bring a lady home. To do what? Hahaha!" She laughed mockingly.

"You really have some nerves. You don't seem to fear me."

"And who are you to fear. We are both the same thing, POWERLESS." She said with a raised voice.

"Get out of my house." She said.

"Is not like I came here willingly. Is that person that brought me here that's gonna take me back."

"To the wood? Sure. Let's go back there." He stood up.

"No!" She shouted. "Those demons are scary. I wonder how you killed them single handedly?"

"Then when are you leaving?"

Sarah wanted to cry. She doesn't wanna go back to that place again.