
The Lonely Demon King Is Waiting For His Phoenix Bride

Zayn Paige is the loneliest boy in their class, despite being hot, he is still the nerd of their class. They all want to bully him, although he's not that easy to bully. People call him sort of names because he looks strange. Although they all attends Supernatural Academy, they still thought he's weird. Demons attacked their school, and everyone were all using their powers to save themselves. But they noticed something: Someone they thought should be the first to be eaten by the monsters. Why are the monsters being docile toward him? "What! The loneliest boy is playing with the tail of the monster. Let's run."

PrixyGold_STAR_03 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Only wants to learn Martial Arts.

A gray haired woman entered in a red dress. Her face was decorated with a very loud makeup and could be mistaken as a witch. She looked like she is in her late thirty or early forty.

"Of course she is a witch." Lyra whispered to Lilia as if she heard what she was thinking.

"A witch? How can a witch be a teacher?"

"Because she is very strong. Witch are considered one of the most powerful in this country. But selina, our teacher is very powerful. She is the most powerful witch. She can handle any student even the most powerful one Sean, respect her." Lyra said.

"Why?" Lilia asked.

"Because...They are respected by the king. They are considered one of the most powerful woman and only second to the high priest."

"Are mermaids not powerful?" Lilia asked.

"Of course we are. Berina, my Aunt is in the top 100 most powerful women in the world."

"What rank? 100?" She asked with contempt laced on her face.

"Of course, no. How could my aunt be the last. She is 99th." She said smiling happily. Lilia smiled at her, thinking she's a fool to walk with a dullard like her."

"Lilia." Selina called and Lilia was shocked how she knew her name. "Welcome to Willies. I dont want you to get punished in my class, your first time in my class." She said and wrote Spells on the bed without marker.

"What is a spell? Anyone answer me. I'll point, and if no one answer me, the person is seeking for an half death." She said walking around the class, with her red long nails, tapping together, making a tata ta sound. "You." She pointed at a girl with a big glass.

The girl stood up immediately, nervously and answered her.

"A spell is used by witch." She said and a laugh was heard.

Everyone eyes fell on the owner of the laughter with a strange look.

Lilia never thought she's going to be embarrassed like this, with everyone staring at her, so she looked down. This is not the first time she laughed in class. She always laughed to anything that is funny, with the class. She didn't know why today was different. No one laughed with her.

"Its your first time in my class, so you might not have known. No one laughs in my class." Selina said and faced the girl that got the answer wrong. "Sit down." Surprisingly, she said to the girl.

The girl sat down immediately thanking her stars.

"So Lilia. Tell me what spells is." Selina said walking to Lilia's seat.

"I.I I have no idea because I haven't been taught before."

"Then why did you make jest of someone who made attempt in answering. Next time you do that, I'll give you a very small punishment. Thank your stars I'm in good mood." She said and walked to the front of the class. "So.... What is a spell?" She asked again. "Dani?"

"Sp.spell is..is the magic we used to do or get what we want to get." Dani said.

"You are getting dumb day by day, Dani..You are the dumbest snake I've known, your parent must have been very disappointed in you." She said to Dani whose eye shifted to Kelly. "Kelly? Any idea?"

"No idea." He said grumpily.

"Then you, Jenna?" She asked.

"I have no idea."

"Sorry to say, but your brains are empty." Selina said to both of them.

"Sarah, thank you. What is it?" Selina said.

"A spell, which can be an incantation, a charm, an enchantment or a bewitchery, is a magical formula intended to trigger a magical effect on a person or objects. The formula can be spoken, sung or chanted. Spells can also be performed during ceremonial rituals or prayers. They are mostly performed in a witchcraft and sorcery." Sarah said, trying to adjust her big shirt.

"The clothe is bigger than you." Selina said and smiled at her. "She said it all. Spells are use to trigger an effect on a person. For example, I want to cast a spell on Jenna to sleep." She said and stretched her hand toward her. "Molles somnos, somno iam." she casted and Jenna who was about to protest, sleep peacefully.

Lilia was surprised as it was her first time people using spells.

"She is Amazing, isn't she?" Lyra asked.

"Of course." She admitted.

"I'm going to dispel now." Selina said and stretched her hand again.

"Nunc igitur consurge consurg." She woke up immediately.

"Can you stop using me as your practical?" Jenna yelled.

"Let's continue on the type of spells. Spell has main two types. Divine spell and Arcane spell. Divine is from above, while Arcane is from the world and universe. Most divination spell is foresight which grant creature an advantage."

Selina taught them for hours before leaving the class.

"Why are the royals afraid of her. Only Sean is sleeping."

"Because, she is their Aunt. And she could be very strict." Lyra said to the curious Lilia, and focused on her assignment for the first time Lilia have known her. "What is a Primal spell?" She pondered.

Zayn was walking into a silent space in the field to smoke when he noticed someone following him. He pretended to not know and sat down on a rock, waiting till the person come close and he grabbed the hand, flinging the whole body down.

"Yeah. My waist. Huh!" She cried with tears running down. "Why can't you just calm down for once?"

"Its that why you are sneaking on me?" He asked with no hint of remorse.

"I want you to help me do something." She said wiping her face. "But no need. You are showing me that you are a demon. I'm very sure you are king of demon in your past life." She said angrily and stood up.

"Then you must be a fish in your last. Because....what is this?" He asked as he grabbed her very tiny waist.

"W.what?" She asked in a low voice as she felt his hand around her waist.

"Your waist is tinier than a fish." He said laughing as he used his finger to trace her waist.

"I know you are a pervert. Leave me alone." She said, trying to release herself from her hold, and the big shirt she wore, slapping his face.

"Hold on. Wait." He said huskily, and his breath fan her neck. She went hot immediately. Her heart raced like never before and her face turned red.

"What is that?" She seemed to have lost her voice.

Zayn laughed cunningly to himself and held her waist again.

"You didn't button the trouser? Why is it falling?" He asked and she glared at him.

"How are you expecting me to know that. Its yours." She said almost yelling.

Zayn only nodded his head and stood up still holding her waist.

He suddenly removed his belt, which made Sarah's heart beat more.

"What are you trying to do, pervert?" She asked very loud. He ignored her shout and helped her put the belt on the hole of the trouser. She was embarrassed when she saw what he did.

"You have a dirty mind. What do you think I want to do? You aren't my..." He said but was cut short.

"Shut up."She screamed at her. "I only came here to know if I can learn martial art from you. If you can't, bye." She said very fast and walked out of the field with tears.

He watched her walking away helplessly, but said nothing.