
The Lonely Demon King Is Waiting For His Phoenix Bride

Zayn Paige is the loneliest boy in their class, despite being hot, he is still the nerd of their class. They all want to bully him, although he's not that easy to bully. People call him sort of names because he looks strange. Although they all attends Supernatural Academy, they still thought he's weird. Demons attacked their school, and everyone were all using their powers to save themselves. But they noticed something: Someone they thought should be the first to be eaten by the monsters. Why are the monsters being docile toward him? "What! The loneliest boy is playing with the tail of the monster. Let's run."

PrixyGold_STAR_03 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Demons' Arrival (2)

They were surprised at what the girl had turned into, and they all shifted to the back.

"So? Who do you think you are? The demon has nothing on us." Dani said with her chest out. Although she has never seen a demon as big as this, but she remembered her mother once killed the demon that roamed around their house, singlehandedly.

"Hahaha! Who are you people for me not to handle? I am only here for one thing, to capture the Phoenix. Hand her over to me, I will definitely leave you guys." He said with black smoke coming out from every hole of his body.

"And who do you think we are? Demon know your place. Your ancestors have been killed, thousand years ago. You have no place here. If you think you can do anything to us, that's a big lie because me alone can get rid of you." Jenna said, walking closer to the demon, casting fire at the demon, who returned the fire back at her, which threw her down.

People were surprised, but started using their power.

A brown haired guy, with glasses on walked towards the demon to stab him, but the demon used one hand to lift him up.

"You all are nothing to me."

"You think no one can stop you. I'll definitely do that." Dani said and closed her eyes, opened it back and her eyes turned brown. She dragged out her snake whip and flew toward the giant demon.

The demon only laughed and pushed her slightly, but she forced to the hardness of the floor, and she spatted blood.

"Anyone else coming?"

"I don't have to do anything to this demon. He is not worth my time." Rica said. "But Brother, they are from your clan." She said.

"Yes they are. But they will have the taste of their medicine." He said looking unfazed at what is happening.

Lyra brought out a shark rod and stretched it toward the demon. She closed her eyes and began to cast spells.

"What can your power do to him?" Lilia asked, scoffing. She thought she is going to worsen the situation like the others.

"I'm gonna try my possible best, not to let this damn thing have anything on us." Lyra said and continue with her spells.

"Those that are more powerful than you were beaten badly. Who do you think you are?" Lilia asked.

Lyra ignored her and focused all her attention on what she was doing?

Everyone there except Sebastian, Zayn, Rica, Lilia and of course Nat, who sat at the very end of the class, reading a book as if what was happening doesn't concern him. They all began to cast all their powers on the demon, which never worked.

Sarah was hiding at the very back, and felt ashamed when she saw how people were fighting hard, and she could do nothing.

She saw a big hammer on the floor, at the very far end of the class. She picked it up, clenched her teeth and furiously screamed, and ran toward the demon.

She was surprised at how high she jumped and hugged the demon's neck, slamming hammer very hard on the head.

The demon never expected that. The shock she gave to him made him angry and he picked her off his neck with his palm and threw her away like an ant. She crashed to the floor.

Zayn reacted for the first time that day and ran toward her with an high speed. No one noticed that and all focused on the demon, except Rica who released a cold smirk when she saw what happened.

Sebastian also reacted when he saw how her sister was pushed and he wanted to use his magic, but it's not working.

Everyone realized that none of their power are working on the Demon.

"Why do you have to do that?" Zayn asked her, hugging her to his chest.

"I'm fine." She said releasing herself from his hold and stood up. "Sebastian." She called and walked closer to Sebastian. She whispered something into his ear, and he smiled cockily.

"Hope you are fine? Go and sit somewhere else." He said and Sarah nodded and went to sit.

Zayn watched as she listen to her brother obediently and smiled sadly.

"I'll kill you all." The demon said and smirked.

Sebastian picked the hammer from the floor and smirked. He speedily walked towards the demon, and strike the harmer on his head. The demon got angry and was about to kicked him, but he swiftly dodged and strike again.

Nat stood up from where he was and yawned.

"What are you guys doing since morning? Is it that hard to kill this old man." He said and brought a sword.

"You have a sword?" Lilia asked with excitement written on her face.

"Yes." Nat smiled.

"Is it real?" She asked.

"You might wanna have a taste?" He said with the same smile. "This is stressful, damn. We don't need all this, if someone just cleared them with one hand " He said tiredly swinging the sword.

Zayn looked at him suspiciously, and the latter didn't even look at him.

"What are you going to do?" Jenna asked with a smirk.

"You haven't figured out yet? The same thing Sarah told Seb. If you don't know yet, then your brain need to be checked." Nat said and joined Sebastian in the fight..

He cut the Demon's right leg and the demon screamed.

"What did you tell her?" Jenna asked.

"Maybe, there is something special about the Demon?" Dani asked.

"Shut up. Let her talk." Jenna said.

"It's just as simple as ABC. Powers never work on the demon. They swallow people's power. You guys don't need to be dumb in all things. Rica said standing up." Rica said.

Jenna looked at her furiously and scoffed. If not because of her nephew and friends that are not here.

She also joined in the fight and slammed a chair on the Demon's head.

After fighting for a long time, they eventually defeated the demon, who turned to ashes after he died.

"Finally." A girl said.

"He is actually the only one in the school and he thought he'll make it? What a joke!" Jenna said and Rica laughed.

"You see. She fought and you never did. That makes her better than you are." Dani said to Rica who sat down, drumming on the desk with her finger.

Jenna glared at her, but somehow agreed with what she said.

"And also, this particular demon is the one with least powers in the school. Demons is everywhere in the school. They are killing students, and they are more than two hundred in the school."

"How did you know?" Lyra asked.

"I don't know too. I saw the vision, when I held his neck. It surprised me too." Sarah said.

"Who will believe that nonsense. Vision? what a joke!" Dani scoffed.

"Really? Are you seeing vision now? Oh my! Finally, your power is coming out." Sebastian said.

"Is that what you should focus on now? The demons are in school now dummy." Mera said jumping in through the window, her cloth stained with blood, and closed the window before a demon can enter.

"What happened? Why are you stained with blood?" Sebastian asked her cupping her cheek.

"Why are they like that?" Lilia asked.

"Because they once dated." Lyra said.

Mera kicked him away and walked towards the others.

"The demons are more powerful than ever. They are really sucking people's power. Some are carnivores, they are really eating people. I have to escape to make it." She narrated and breathe heavily. She looked around and suddenly asked. "Where is my brother?"

"Your brother and my nephew are very powerful. You should worry more about yourself." Jenna said and sat down. Mera only nodded before finding a place to sit.

The outside screaming was much, but they couldn't do anything.

Suddenly, the classroom shook, the floor began to crack.

"What is happening?" A nerd screamed and about to cry.

From the ground, a bigger demon than the first one, came out, with blood on his hands.

"Aaarghhhhhhhhhh!" They screamed.