
The Lonely Demon King Is Waiting For His Phoenix Bride

Zayn Paige is the loneliest boy in their class, despite being hot, he is still the nerd of their class. They all want to bully him, although he's not that easy to bully. People call him sort of names because he looks strange. Although they all attends Supernatural Academy, they still thought he's weird. Demons attacked their school, and everyone were all using their powers to save themselves. But they noticed something: Someone they thought should be the first to be eaten by the monsters. Why are the monsters being docile toward him? "What! The loneliest boy is playing with the tail of the monster. Let's run."

PrixyGold_STAR_03 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Demons arrival.

Zayn walked out of the his house, in the middle of night.

He flicked his hand and the black fly appeared.

"What again?" The fly said in it's tiny and a lazy voice.

"How is she now?" He asked.

"Who? Don't tell me you call me here and disturbed my beautiful sleep because you want to know how your little lover is doing? You even dare cheat on Phoenix. The title of the demon king should be given to another person." The Fly fumed in anger.

"Then that means I don't need you anymore. Should I kill you. When you aren't useful anymore." He said.

"Take it easy bruh. She is definitely fine. Her brother made her happy a lot. She is awake though since yesterday." It quickly said.

Zayn nodded his head and told the fly to leave.

He was about to enter when two shadows appeared.

"What?" He asked.

The shadows knelt down and bowed. They both were in all black.

"His majesty. The demons are planning to enter this town. They should be in town already. They heard about the Phoenix and they wanna take her. They didn't seem to know you are here, they won't have come. And I think they are planning to enter tomorrow" The first shadow said.

"Even if they know, I don't think they will stop. Since Emerald the King's right hand is supporting them. He is even planning to become the king." The second Shade said.

"They probably thought I've died, that's why they dare do some of things I would never acknowledge." He said with a devilish smile. "They can come. They will meet me here." He said with his eyes turning black.

"I think they have a spy in Willies. Emerald always received a letter from Willies, but we don't the sender."

"I'll definitely catch them all soon."

"You have seen the Phoenix you've been searching for. When will you come home." The first Shadow said.

"Very soon. When I'm done with something." He said. "You can leave."

The shadows disappeared into thin air.

Zayn walked into the house. He went to the living room and slept on the sofa.

Few hours later, it was 9 am already.

He walked into the school with Rica.

They both walked to the class and smiled at each other, walking to their seats and sitting.

Jenna sneered as she looked at them. She wanted to say something, but she remembered what she did to her before and stopped.

"I hate that girl more than I hate Sarah."

"Sarah is not worth my hatred. But I hate this girl with passion." Jenna said with a cold voice.

Sarah walked in with Sebastian.

People wanted to give her a mocking smile., but when they saw the cold expression on Sebastian's face, they stopped.

She sat on her seat with nervous smile and Sebastian sat beside her.

Lyra dragged her chair toward Lilia and smiled.

"It's good to have a protective brother, as hot as Sebastian." Lyra said dreamily.

"You like him?" Lilia asked.

"Sure." She said with a big smile.

Lilia looked at her as if looking at a dummy. A flirt handsome guy rejected a beautiful girl like her, who the hell is she to be accepted by the most 'IDGAF' guy in school.

Mera stared at Sarah for few minutes and looked at Rica who was smiling at what Zayn was saying. She stood up angrily and walked towards Rica.

"You don't think you have something to say to Sarah?" She asked placing her hands on her waist.

"Like what?" Rica asked with a questioning glare.

Mera laughed to herself and said, "Like apologize or something?"

Rica laughed. "She knew what she did and she knew how much she deserved it. If she really want to die badly, she shouldn't come to me. And when did you turn her sister or manager?" Rica smirked.

Mera laughed coldly and pulled her up punching her.

"Ahhh!" People gasped.

"I just want to let you know that, because you are a Phoenix, doesn't make above others." She said and gave her another punch. "You don't look down on somebody." She said. She was about to give her the third one when the latter held her fist and pushed her away.

Rica threw a ball of fire at her which Mera dodged. She smirked and smiled.

"Do you think you can handle me? Tens of you can't do anything to me. I'll crush you." Rica said.

"Can you guys stop? I don't need anyone to fight for me." Sarah screamed.

Mera laughed and looked at her coldly.

"Do you think I'll waste my time fighting for you? Girl I'm more than that. I just hate it when people try and cheat on people who are weaker than them. If you like, try and let people ride on you." Mera said and walked out angrily.

Sebastian watched her with interest as she walked out of the class.

"Something has happened." A girl ran to their class and said.

"What happened?" Lyra asked, walking towards the girl.

"Demons have entered the school." The girl said trying to catch her breath.

"How? When? And where?" He asked.

"We just don't know. But I heard they entered the town like some hours ago." She said.

"Then they will meet us here. Aren't they just like normal demons?"

"They are more than that. These demons has two horns and magics are not working on them." She said.

"Wait. How come you know?" Sarah asked.

"Can you stop being too know in this situation, Sarah. What if we get killed?" Lyra said.

"Continue Sarah." Sebastian said.

"The news hasn't even reached the school. No one is running helter skelter. Why are you the only one here? And I don't think I've seen anybody like you before?" Sarah asked.

'Why would you know her? Is not like you know everyone here.' Lyra wanted to say, but shut up because of Sebastian.

"Hahahahahahhh!"Another loud voice said from the girl's mouth. 'You got me. You are too just wise.' The girl began to turn to a big demon with two horns. "I am definitely one of the demon.