
The Lone Beast

(Flying around the city(Grown up)... My name is Duncan Percival. In the year 560AD,a monster was created. A Demon of Light and Fire...they called him Zordak(The god of Darkness). Zordak conquered many nations and set up a foundation(NightBlood). The NightBlood Army was seen as the Army of Death. They were created with the mission of subduing supernatural beings and also obtain the greatest magic of all"The Red Crystal". A hundred and eighty years later,my clan was created. We were created from the"Lost Sea"...a blue magical ocean in the"Other World" where all the magic of this world emerged. We were given the task of protecting the world and balancing the"power"(Magic). We weren't just created. Within the two Percivals created(Lucian and Mariquet Percival{Ancestors}),in them were the Sacred Beasts of Magic that once sought out to destroy the world but ended up getting sealed within my ancestors. As far as history goes,ten Beasts were sealed in each of them. They were the"husks". Once given birth to,another Beast emerges from them all into the newborn Percival. It was also known that my ancestor(Lucian Percival)was the strongest of us all but was only able to seal Zordak in exchange of his life. He sealed Zordak in a magical coffin known as"The Coffin of Creation". This is not a story of creation nor the end...it is about keeping our world safe. (Entering the Other World)...

AlcrazHawke · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 - Bond

March 16th, 1985. {LOUISIANA}


[It's been three months since my arrival at Verility High. It all looked weird to me at first but I've gotten used to it. I'm not longer alone. I've got friends to protect and they've also shown me who i really am. I am.. the [Beast.]




(Duncan cleaning the house)...

(Music playing)...

¶You can't ever stop me ever¶...

¶You can't catch me ever¶...

¶Never.. Cause I'm¶...


(Speeds to the kitchen)...

(He prepared breakfast in two minutes)(Speeds to the dining and arranged everything in two minutes)...

Done!(smiling)Oh.. Something looks incomplete(Trying to recall).

Oh now i remember(snapped his fingers and sped round the gathering room in two seconds)...(Mopped it clean in three seconds and sat on the couch)...

Now, it's all done(smiling).

(He turned on the TV)...

The program should be starting about... (Checked the time)right now.


(Previously on Love)...

JOHN:(Proposing)Isabelle, I can't do without you. Will you...

(Duncan felt Thomas's presence)...

DUNCAN:Oh boy!(Turned the TV off and pretended to read)...

THOMAS:(Smiling)That's my boy. Make me proud Duncan.

(He was about to do the house work but suddenly synchronized everywhere and saw that it had all been done)...

Uhm... Kid!(Confused).

DUNCAN:(Making a blank expression) What's up?

THOMAS:Did you hire an house help in my absence or maybe(suspicious)...

DUNCAN:(Pretending to read)Nope. I did it all.

THOMAS:That's not possible for a kid like you unless...

DUNCAN:(Looking straight into his eyes)Unless what?

THOMAS:(Hits his forehead)Ah! You used your powers, didn't you?

DUNCAN:(Faced another direction so as to avoid eye contact with him)Err... Something like that might've happened.

THOMAS:(Threw a pillow at him)Look at me you cheater!(Staring at him).

DUNCAN:Uh oh! Not good(Tries to sneak away).

THOMAS:(Walking towards him)Don't you dare move a step(Frustrated).

DUNCAN: Err... You're gonna have to catch me first(smiling).

THOMAS:You silly kid! (Thomas chases him around the house)...



(Elena having a phone conversation with Duncan)...

ELENA:(Giggling)You're so silly. By the way, how is your day going?

DUNCAN:(Smiling)Pretty cool. What about you? Are you having a great day?

ELENA:Thing is.. I have some Chemistry to solve and I've been really busy all day. My day has been completely boring and I could really use a break(smiling).

DUNCAN:(In a cool tone)Wanna go somewhere fun?

ELENA:(Sigh)My God. Anywhere is okay as long as it's not my boredom territory.

DUNCAN:(Smiling)Okay. How about Central Park?

ELENA:(Excited)Well, sounds cool to me. Where should we meet up?

(Duncan sped into her room in a speed of light)...

DUNCAN:(Smiling at her)I think here should be okay.

ELENA:(Gasps)Ah! Dude, you freaked the shit outta me(hits his shoulder).

DUNCAN:Ow!(Holding his shoulder)So... Shall we?(Winks at her).

ELENA:Such a playboy(smiling).

(She rubbed his hair)...

DUNCAN:(Carried her)Here we go(smiling).

(He sped off with her to Central Park in a speed of light)...


(They arrived at the park)...

DUNCAN:(Dropped her)And... Here we are(smiling).

ELENA:(Gazing at the park)Wow... So beautiful(smiling). (Saw a view of amazing things and fun stuff)...

DUNCAN:(Anxious)You like it?

ELENA:(Looked at him for a moment)Is that really a question?(Smiling).

DUNCAN:(Sat on a park bench)Go and have fun. Will wait here for you.

(Pretending to be okay)...

ELENA:(Smiling)Scooch  over.

(Duncan made a space for her to sit)...

(She sat down)There is no way I'm having fun without you. You brought me here so if I'm gonna have fun, I say we do it together(smiling at him).

DUNCAN:(Smiling)Is it really gonna be okay? I'm not much of the fun type.

ELENA:(Placed her head on his shoulder)It feels great to be out here with you. I feel safe knowing there's someone i trust watching out for me(smiling).

DUNCAN:(Smiling)What would you like to do first?

ELENA:(Smiling)Uhm... A cotton candy?

DUNCAN:Got it.(Speeds to the booth and brought back a cotton candy within two seconds)Wish granted.

(He handed it over to her)...


(Duncan sat beside her)...

DUNCAN:(Smiling)Anything else?

ELENA:(Pointing towards its direction)The roller coaster(smiling).


(They both walked to the roller coaster and entered it)...(Roller Coaster moving).

ELENA:(Screaming out of excitement)Yeah!Whoo!

DUNCAN:(Smiling)You really love this ride?(Hair blowing).


(Roller Coaster went round five times)

(A few minutes later)...

ELENA:(Smiling)That was fun. Thanks Duncan(holding hands with him).

DUNCAN:(Breathing heavily) God, that was really breathtaking. So.. hope you had a nice time?

ELENA:(Smiling at him)Yeah... I had a really nice time.(Looking straight into his eyes)Thanks for taking me out. Now, my head feels a little bit better.

DUNCAN:(Smiling)I'm glad you feel that way. So... See you tomorrow?

ELENA:(Pecked him)Yeah. See you tomorrow(smiling).

DUNCAN:(Holding her hand tighter)Ready to go home?

ELENA:(Heaved a heavy sigh)Yeah. There's no place like home.

DUNCAN:(Smiling)Close your eyes.

ELENA:(Confused)Close my eyes?(Smiling).

DUNCAN:(placing his hands on her face)Just trust me. Can you trust me?(Raising one of his eyebrows).

ELENA:(Looking straight into his eyes)I trust you.

(Elena closed her eyes)...

(Duncan sped off with her and dropped her in her room. She opened her eyes but he was nowhere to be found. He had left)...

He's... he's gone.(Smiling)Thanks Duncan.

(She jumped on her bed having being exhausted)...(Silent for a moment and finally... )Geez! I should really get on with the Chemistry.

(She ran out of bed in a hurry)...

{MARCH 17TH, 1985}



(Duncan was hanging out with the F. L. (E. T. H members but suddenly noticed) (that Elena had left their presence)

DUNCAN:(Smiling)Where's Elena?

ROBERT:Haven't seen her yet.

JACK:(Typing on his phone)Should be somewhere around here.

DUNCAN:(Hits his forehead)Seriously! Guys, how can no one know where she went? She was here until a minute ago.

ALL:(Revolted)We aren't stalkers!

DUNCAN:(Trying to calm down)Alright. You guys should just calm down, alright? I only asked not try to ruin the air.

JASON:(Folding his hands)Air is ruined already dude(in a serious tone).

TYLER:(Placed his hand on Duncan's shoulder)Alright, easy Fido.(In a calm manner)I think i saw her heading back to the facility.

ALL:(Shouted at him)Dude! Seriously?

TYLER:(Trying to make his way out of the situation)Okay.. Okay. I knew the whole time but I wasn't gonna say anything only because I find it unnecessary knowing where she was(looking at them all).

DUNCAN:(Sigh)Now i suddenly have a headache. Excuse me boys.

(He left their presence)...

ROBERT:(Suspicious)Why do I have a feeling he's going to see her?

TYLER:(Smiling)Cause he is.

(They all started laughing)...

{F. L. E. T. H}



(Door dings... Elevator opened)...

DUNCAN:(Feeling dizzy)Whoops! That ride was crazy.

ELENA:(Walks towards him)Looks like you're getting used to it(smiling).

DUNCAN:(Smiling)Did you sleep well?

ELENA:(Smiling at him)Yeah. I had a nice night... and a nice day. Thanks to you.

DUNCAN:(Smiling) Yeah, no worries.

ELENA:(Smiling)It must be so hard coming down here, isn't it?

DUNCAN:(Pointing at the elevator with an annoyed expression)We really need to work on that. It's a killing machine for crying out loud!(Frustrated).

(Elena moved closer to him and looked straight into his eyes)...

ELENA:(Smiled)It's... It's gonna be okay.

(Duncan's heart begins to beat slowly)...

DUNCAN:(Holds his chest)I gotta go.

(He rushed to the elevator)...

ELENA:(Worried)Is everything alright? Duncan, let's talk about this!




(Walking across the bridge)...

DUNCAN:(Walking fast)I should probably back out. This shouldn't be happening.

(Trying to control his emotions)...

(Elena caught up to him and blocked his path)...

ELENA:(Curious)What's going on? Is there something you're not telling me?

DUNCAN:(Leaves her presence)I'm sorry. I can't do this.

(She stood still for a moment and finally... )

ELENA:(Grabbed his arm)Why does it sound like you're trying to push me aside(worried)?

DUNCAN:(Faced her direction)'Cause i am!(Sad)I can't continue to stay friends with you.(Heaved a heavy sigh)I want more than that. I just can't do it any longer. I can't control the way i feel when I'm around you. I'm just... fucked up.

ELENA:(Confused)What are you saying. I don't quite get it.

DUNCAN:(Moved closer to her and held both of her hands)Hey, I'm in love with you(looking straight into her eyes). I can't control my feelings, okay? Anytime I see you, It's so hard for me to stop myself from feeling this "special thing" for you. It has never happened like this before. It's hurting so much that I can't come closer to you than i am right now. It's just... this is not easy for me(confessed his feelings).

ELENA:(Silent for a moment)Can I take you somewhere?(Holding hands with him).

DUNCAN:(Sigh)Go somewhere? What do you mean? I'm going through...

ELENA:(Placed her hands on his face)I know what you're going through and that's why I need you to trust me on this. Come with me. I wanna take you somewhere(looking straight into his eyes).

DUNCAN:(Heaved a heavy sigh)Okay, I'll go with you.


(She held his hand and took him away)



(Elena and Duncan got down from the car)...

DUNCAN:(Looking at the garden's gate)What is this place?(Curious).

ELENA:(Moved closer to him and held his hand)You'll see.

(They both walked through the gate into the garden)... (They walked until they got to a certain part of the garden).

DUNCAN:(Curious)Where are we?

ELENA:(Looking at the view)This is where i come whenever i have something to deal with. I have friends here. They're like family.

(Elena was talking about the creatures)

DUNCAN:(Curious)What about your parents? What happened to them?(Apologizing)I'm sorry if I'm tresspassing but it's just I haven't.. You know, met them yet.

ELENA:(Fake smile)It's okay. I lost Dad when i was five and Mom... She was afraid to raise a daughter who is inhuman. She knew about my powers and got scared of what i was. My own mother was afraid of who i really am and so... She left me.

DUNCAN:(Sympathizing)I'm really sorry to hear that.

ELENA:(Fake smile)Well, that's my story. What's yours?

(They sat on the grass)...

DUNCAN:My parents were slaughtered by some people along with the rest of my family. They battled with Demons and Devils... even gods I heard.(Faced her) I'm the last survivor and I'm afraid they might also come for me. I don't ever want to lose anyone again. I can't take it if I have to stay away from you(tears dropping).

ELENA:(Wiping his tears)That's not gonna happen.(Embraced him) I'm not going anywhere.

DUNCAN:(Tears dropping)Thanks Elena. I wouldn't know what to do if you were gone.

ELENA:(Placed her hands on his face and starts to wipe his tears)I won't leave, okay? I won't because I...

DUNCAN:(Looking straight into her eyes)..

(They were both silent for a moment)...

ELENA:(Kissed him)I love you.

DUNCAN:(Not sure of what he heard)Did you just say...

ELENA:(Placed her head on his shoulder)Yes Duncan. Yes, I love you(smiling).

DUNCAN:(Kissed her forehead)Thanks for feeling the same way.



(Duncan and Elena arrived at the school twenty eight minutes before the (Calculus session)...

(Beck Wayne{Calculus teacher}came in)

HORDOR(Captain):All stand!

(They all stood up)...


(They greeted Beck)...

BECK:(Writing topic on board)Sit down young pioneers.

(They all sat down)...

Open your textbooks to page 675 of Universal Calculus Mastering Textbook for young Calculus(stood before them).

JASON:(Whispering)What the... Can he please get straight to the point?(Frustrated).

BECK:(Caught him whispering) Mr Rowen! On your feet!

JASON:(Silently)Oh no...

(He stood up)...

BECK:(Folding his hands)What can you tell me about Longitude and Latitude?

JASON:(Blank expression)Uhm... It's more like...

BECK:(Staring at him)More like what? Your mom's cookie?

(They all laugh at him)..

Shut up y'all!

(Everywhere became silent)...

JASON:(Lowered his head)No sir. I... I have no idea(feeling down).

BECK:(Discouraging him)If you can't answer a single question, I wouldn't recommend you for Calculus.

(Tyler stood up in a burst of anger)...

TYLER:(In a serious tone)Is that really a nice thing to say to a student?

KYLE:(Whispering)What the hell is he doing?

BECK:(Clapping)Well well, if it isn't Mr Dickson.(Smiling) The smartest kid in school.(Walked towards him)Care to answer my question instead?

TYLER:(Walked forward to the board)The Earth is a globe. The system of latitude and longitude is our own system for identifying a location anywhere on the surface. Latitude takes the Equator as a line of zero. If you cut the world in half at that point, you would have a horizontal plate. The centre point of that plate is at ninety degrees to the poles above and below it. Latitude is not measured in miles but in degrees between ninety and zero in both hemisphere. London for example is at 51° latitude north. The curve representing the ninety degree change is split into imaginary lines called "parallels" because they are all parallel to each other and the equator. With something as large as the Earth, even a single degree can be unwieldy. For both longitude and latitude, each degree is split into sixty "minutes of arc". Each minute of arc is split into a further sixty " seconds of arc". The symbols for these are degrees, minutes, seconds. With something as large as a city, the numbers... the first two would suffice. London would be 51°32'N, for example.

The..(Continues to explain on the board with diagrams).

ELENA:(Opened her eyes widely)Didn't know we had a bookworm(surprised).

ROBERT:(Smiling)Just what you'd expect from Tyler.

DUNCAN:(Smiling)Is this really what they mean by being the smartest in school?He's really good.

JACK:(Looking at him)Poor Jason.

JASON:(Whispering)Hey! I know that too, okay? Just didn't wanna say it(pretending to know).

KYLE:(Writing down his explanations)Looks like we've got ourselves a teacher today.

TYLER: ... Which brings us neatly to Longitude.

(An hour later)... (Bell rings, Class over)

BECK:(Smiling)I think we've all learnt a lot today. Let's all have a nice day.

(He left the classroom)...

JASON:(Inhaling and Exhaling)Who in this God damn world brings a psychopath in as a teacher?(Furious).

(They all laugh at him)...


{MARCH 18TH, 1985}


(F. L. E. T. H has a mission to save a crashed bank van from falling off the cliff)...

(Bikes stopped, Van about to fall off)...

DRIVER:(Stuck in his seat)Help! Someone help me!(In pain).

DUNCAN:(Rushed to the scene and grabbed the van from behind when it was about to fall off)Guys! I can't hold it much longer. Need a hand here for crying out loud!

ROBERT:(Ran over to help him)I got it D! Now.. pull!

(As they were about to pull the van up, their hands slipped and the van fell into the Ocean)...

DRIVER:(Drowning)Some... one!!!

(Reaching his hands out for help)...

ROBERT:(Worried)He... he's drowning!

(Not knowing what to do)...

DUNCAN:(Silent for a moment)I'll be right back.

(He jumped into the Ocean)..


ELENA:(Removed her helmet)No!(Tears dropping).

(She tried to jump after him but Robert held her back)...(Ocean waves crashing)...


JASON:(Brought the satellite marker closer)Guys, I can't get his frequency. I've got no signal on him. I think.. I think he's gone(sad).

ELENA:(Tears dropping)That's not possible. He can't die! He can't leave!

ROBERT:(Placed his hand on her shoulder)But...

(She stood up and collected the marker from Jason)... (She walked down the bridge to the shore)...



(Duncan came out of the Ocean with) (the driver. His clothes had already) (been torn and he had transformed) (into a Beast)...

DUNCAN:(Eyes glow red)What kind of Ocean boils like a Volcano(in a monstrous tone)?

(He walked to the shore(steam coming off his body) and dropped the driver on the ground surface)...

(Breathing heavily)You'll live.

(In a monstrous tone)...

(After a moment, he felt Elena's presence and transformed back into human).


ELENA:(Tears dropping)Duncan! Dun...

(Calling out his name but finally saw him).

DUNCAN:(Smiling)Hey.(Noticed her facial expression)Were you crying?

ELENA:(Walked to him and started hitting his chest)You stupid heart breaking fool!(Tears dropping)Were you planning on leaving me behind? I thought...

DUNCAN:(Embraced her)I'm sorry. It's okay. I'm here now(smiled).

ELENA:(Noticed )You're such a mess(smiling). You need to shower.

(Both laughing).. (The rest of the team arrived)...

ROBERT:(Smiling)Duncan Percival survived a boiling Ocean.

KYLE:(Bump fists him)Medic's on the way.

TYLER:Good call.

JACK:(Walked towards them after making a call)We should probably get back to school. Thwart's looking all over for us.

JASON:(Wore his helmet)Well, I'm sick of this shit.

ALL:I agree!

(They walked to their bikes)...

ROBERT:(Wore his helmet)What happens next?

DUNCAN:(Started his engine)I don't know but for now, let's go back to our sanctuary(smiling).

(NOTE:Duncan referred to Verility as their sanctuary).

(They all moved towards Verility)...

JASON:There is no way I'm doing crap like this again!

(They all laugh at him)...