
The Living Sacrifice

Amelia is sent as a sacrifice for the gods to bring prosperity to the Empire that seems to be overtaking the world. It’s not so surprising to the people to watch a simple slave girl die in order for their lives to prosper. But when the sacrifice is stopped and the pretty blonde is spared, everyone is surprised to see the man who seems overly protective of the slave. The Feared Son of Emperor usually kills off his concubines because of boredom or anger. Yet… sweet Amelia is still living.

Madsry · Fantasy
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43 Chs


"Why, that little suahl!" Lucy screeched throwing her bracelets on the floor in the chamber the Prince assigned her. She was literally in the servants corridors causing her to throw a tantrum up throwing all her belongings across the room.

She did not care for the mess since she knew the servants would clean it up in the morning. She was used to living the high life not worried over giving the maids something to do to keep their jobs.

How could she be treated so disrespectfully? Even though Titus was always cold to her, he still respected her as a noblewoman in the public eye, however it seemed he now didn't care for his reputation! Nor hers! The little whore was changing his behavior to the worst.

"I will be writing my father about this too!" She declared!

Lucy went over to a small desk and sat in a chair picking up a pen drafting a letter she planned to send right away to her father.

Her penmanship looked terrible as she hurried writing her complaints about the miserable trip she embarked on. She was still in love with the prince, but there must be something they could do to fix how Titus was changing.

But it seemed an utter waste since she would be leaving tomorrow anyway. And it somewhat made her realize Titus was correct assuming she was spoiled. Lucy usually went to her father to fix her problems, but she planned on doing that herself this time around.

Letting out a long sigh, Lucy lifted up the paper and crumbled it throwing it in the trash. There was no point to cause any drama with Titus since she was trying to gain his favor.

She had one day to spend at the residence and she knew very well she couldn't make him fall in love with her so quickly, so she began to come up with a new plan to remove the concubine.

Lucy smiled as she came up with different sceneries in her head concerning the blonde. She had to plan the attack in a thoughtful manner in order to appear in the right to the emperor and prince.

A quick knock broke Lucy out of her thoughts as she looked toward the door.

"Who is it?" She asked annoyed.

"I'm here with your tea you requested milady." Came Nica's reply.


Nica opened the bed chamber door holding a tray of milk and tea for the noblewoman who requested some before bed.

Nica was assigned to assist the Noble for the night making her resentful since she didn't enjoy the entitled behavior.

This was the third time she brought back tea since Lucy insisted she brought the wrong kind before.

The tray was placed on the table where the noble was still sitting in a graceful way. Reaching at her hand, Lucy began to pour some milk in with her tea mixing it slowly. Nica took this as a positive signal and stepped back giving the noble more room.

A small smile formed on Nica's face, but it quickly disappeared. The fact that the prince sent Lucy to a servants corridor brought the maid a small amount of joy.

"Is this all I can do for you Lady Lucy?" Nica asked in a monotone voice hoping she would leave quickly the next day.

Tapping her spoon against the cup, Lucy took a moment to ponder. Planning an attack to rid the concubine would take more man power.

"You are in love with him."

Nica looked at Lucy with no emotions but she flinched at the remark. Lucy had stated a fact concerning Nica's feelings toward the prince which surprised the maid since she kept to herself.

"Do not fret!" Lucy laughed waving at the girl who had a masked expression trying to hide embarrassment. "I do not worry over your small infatuation toward the man. He is quite a catch!"

Lucy picked up her cup taking a quick sip of the drink that always calmed her nerves before bed.

Nica frowned over how the woman described her feelings, but she knew better than to argue.

"Is there something you want?" Nica asked not giving the Lady the same respect as earlier. At this point, she was ready to leave the bed chamber.

Smirking, Lucy placed the tea back on the tray facing the maid with a big smile. "We both have a common enemy my dear. I'm thinking perhaps we should discuss some options for the man we both believe deserves better."

Nica glanced to the side of the chamber knowing that the noblewoman was smarter than she appeared when it came to sabotaging.

"You're speaking of Lady Amelia?" Nica asked even though she already knew the answer.

"Don't give her such respect! She is no more a Lady than you. In fact, she's even less! A slave!" Lucy spat.

"Concubines don't last long in this household. I don't believe we need to worry." Nica said looking back at the noble.

"You aren't a stupid woman. You know this one is different."

Nica sighed closing her eyes knowing full well how true that statement was.

"I'm listening." Came the maids response.

Around the same time in the manor, on the other side of the palace, Amelia sat on her chair thinking about her behavior with the prince.

She looked like a painting with her hair parted to the side of her neck and her chin resting upon her cheek.

She did not have feelings toward the man, but he had not treated her disrespectfully since she became his. He had not harmed her and had given his word that she would be safe in his care.

Deep inside her, she heard her conscience whisper that she was in the wrong with how she spoke to the man.

Although she didn't want an intimate relationship with the prince, she was able to live with more resources. There was a time when she was starving, and here she was with a full belly.

Unable to take anymore guilt for her emotional behavior, Amelia decided she needed to speak to him immediately.

Standing up from her seat, she put a robe over her white nightdress saying a prayer to the gods that Titus would not misinterpret her midnight visit.

This would only be to clear her conscience, nothing more!

Grabbing a lantern, Amelia slowly opened her chamber looking from her left to right. She did not want gossip to spread in the manor even though she was already labeled 'concubine'.

She slowly walked on the cold flooring with her bare feet. Her robe was designed for a woman taller than Amelia, so it trailed behind her in a glamorous way. Her hair was down but wildly arranged since she undid the beautiful hairdo Isabella made that morning.

In the darkness, one could see a woman in white walking with a light almost looking like a beacon. It was as though an angel was walking in the depths of hell trying to find safe passageway back to heaven.

No one was in the hallway to see the display which gave the girl a sense of relief, but she hoped her impression wouldn't displease the prince.

Actually, she hoped it wouldn't please him!