
Chapter 11

It took several baths to get the stink of the sewer off of Aurelia. Zinjo waited patiently in the next room for her to finish. Despite being immersed in the putrid liquid the lion man didn't smell at all. Her lady in waiting, Madeen scrubbed her hair, "How are things with the beast?"

Aurelia took offense to the term, "Zinjo is a man, a good man, his kind are nothing like werewolves at all. Not to mention he is our only link to the Hyenas. He thinks that Mshindi is not alone. I'm inclined to agree."

"You intend to get involved in the affair?" Maddens hands were like magic to the scalp and Aurelia felt the tension in her body release.

"Yes. It's about time I stopped moping around and did something of substance for my people," Aurelia stood and let Madeen wrap her in a towel. "Zinjo is concerned about the Hyenas."

"Are you concerned?" Madeen showed her two outfits one was a little more traditional and covered her whole body. The other exposed her cleavage, and her slender shoulders. She never wore it because she never had a reason to. "I'll take the one on the left."

"You're not seriously trying to impress that creature are you?" Madeen shook her head.

Aurelia gave Madeen a disarming smile and then shifted to righteous anger, "Might I remind you the goddess of love chose him for me. I wasn't sure what I thought of him when we first met, but time has endeared him to me, like no other. Unless you think the goddess made a mistake?"

"Well, I mean..."

"By admitting the goddess of love is fallible, you accuse all other gods of the same thing. Is this how you want them to view you?" Aurelia hid her surprise at her own words. Before she used to accept any insults that came to her without question.

"After the werewolves..."

"Do not confuse Zinjo with those lowly creatures...get out. You are a bigot, and I will not tolerate such insults directed at my future husband. He is a better man than all the princes I have met. Has better manners than any lord, and is more skilled than most knights. He will make a fine co-ruler."

Madeen glared at Zinjo on the way out and he growled and stomped his foot. The handmaiden squeaked and hurried out of the small apartment.

Soft knocks came from the bathroom's closed door, "Is everything okay dark princess?" Zinjo's voice sounded curious.

"You heard everything, no doubt." Aurelia accused

"Unfortunately, yes."

"Was I too harsh?"

"No, you asked her to respect your future mate, she refused, you took action. I felt proud to be in your company."

A deep red color spread over Aurelia's face, "Thank you," a question surfed across her brainwaves, "Zinjo, how do Lion relationships work?"

"Get dressed first and we will discuss it over lunch, sound fair?"

"You have a deal."


At lunch, Sophie watched the young couple with pain in her eyes, "Your father never allowed me to come on his adventures. There is a rightness about you two I can't put my finger on." Her voice sounded far away.

"Is everything okay, Pride Mother?" Zinjo asked.

"Yes, just remembering better days. Seeing you and Aurelia together makes me happy and a little sad." Sophie seemed pleased by the werelions concern for her.

"We have some information about the Hyena men," Aurelia declared.

"Already?" Sophie smiled incredulously, "I was expecting results in days."

"It could've turned out that way, but Zinjo's superior senses guided us to the right people."

Sophie put her fork down and clasped her hands in front of her, "And where did you find these right people?"

"In the sewers with the rest of the rats," Zinjo's tone was blunt and even a little playful.

The queen spewed her wine halfway across the table and she sputtered, "The sewers are no place for a lady. What were you thinking, Zinjo?"

"I thought the hyenas are stronger, faster, and cunning hunters. We cannot let the grass grow beneath our feet when it comes to them." He held Aurelia's hand, "The dark princess handled herself like a true lioness. In my mind, she is already a superior leader to you," His tone remained steady.

Sophie trembled with anger and went to speak several times and failed. Her face slowly filled with a wonderful shade of purple she reserved for guards and servants who failed to perform their duties. "Don't be ridiculous, Aurelia has lots of potential..."

"You expected me to fail, Didn't you?" Aurelia wiped her mouth and stormed towards the door.

"Stop," Sophie commanded. Aurelia turned and faced the woman who brought her into the world. "I didn't expect you to find anything. Assassins enter the palace all the time, we never find them after they have attacked."

"You insult us both with your petty actions." Zinjo rose to his full height, "You speak pretty words, but that is all they are, pretty words," He strode up to Aurelia, "Your daughter's words may be a bit clumsy at times, but her heart and actions represent her people. Perhaps you have forgotten what it means to rule with dignity."

"Guards make them stay," the queen commanded the pikemen near the door.

Their chain mail rattled against their shaking bodies as Zinjo, "Ask yourself, do I need a powerful enemy orally?"

The pikemen leaned their weapons against the wall and held the doors open for the pair as they entered the cold and stony hall. "We'll have to make things right with her at some point," Aurelia pointed out.

"The old can get trapped in the past at times. It is not wrong, but a leader must look at the past and future with a discerning eye to make effective decisions. The pride mother has lost her objectivity."

Aurelia sat on a bench, "She didn't expect me to stick with you. She thought it was a silly little girl's game. I am no longer a little girl. I am in love with a wonderful man, and I have a chance to show my people I am not a joke, what else could I want."

"Hmmm," Zinjo grunted, "You speak well, dark princess."

"Thank you," She took a moment to kiss him softly, "Let's see what else we can find out the hyena."

"Would you like to hear the tale of Mshindi as we walk?"

Aurelia smiled as she took Zinjo by his massive hand, "Please do."