
Chapter 10

Down in the sewers, Aurelia and Zinjo stalked their prey. Well, Zinjo stalked, Aurelia clung to his back like a tree trunk as he waded through the murky smelly water. Despite the low light, Zinjo negotiated the stone maze with ease. He stops and sniff the air and would adjust his course according to what his nose told me.

Aurelia couldn't help but question how he could smell anything over the stench of human feces and excrement, "How do you know which way he went?"

Zinjo gave a throaty chuckled, "The thief does not smell as bad as this tunnel," He turned down a much larger tunnel and growled, "There are many bad men down here, I can smell them. Do you know how to fight?"

"No, I was raised in statecraft."

"Foolishness, every leader should know how to protect themselves. Guards can be bought, best friends can become enemies in the blink of an eye, enemies can become friends. I will teach you."

"I am not built for combat."

"So you wouldn't like to learn?"

Would it be so bad to know self-defense? The question played with Aurelia's mind. She imagined standing back to back with Zinjo, the both of them against the world. "I would be honored to fight alongside you once I've learned how."

Zinjo stopped and took her in his arms, "You surprised me, dark princess," he stroked her hair and smiled down at her.

Heaven, his arms felt like heaven, his gaze like the benevolence of the Divine beings who watched the earthly games from their lofty clouds. She caressed the handsome face, and Zinjo purred in content. "I want to be a good ruler worthy of my subjects' respect. Mother says, ``they should respect the title."

Aurelia moved to Zinjo's back, and he carried on his way, "Lions must prove their worth to lead, I hope my brother succeeded, or else my people will be in much trouble."

"What makes you say that?"

"Not all lions respect the land. Some see the outside world and seek to make our people in its image. This is not a good thing. Lions must be lions," Zinjo said. He pointed to a door covering another tunnel. "The scent ends there."

Aurelia had seen the door type before it revolved with a simple push. "I think this is where the thieves guild meets. The city watch searched everywhere down here, and they came up empty, and now we found it on the first try?"

"I have superior senses, your guards probably did the best within the confines of their limited abilities." Zinjo's armor expanded and grew with his body and the handsome man, was replaced with the majestic lion. He crouched low and wiggled his butt like a common house cat held in thrall by a string.

A sharp growl and the claws scratched across the stone. Zinjo crashed through the rotted wood like it was paper. A roar shattered the ears of the startled men just beyond the entrance. Aurelia heard coins rattle across the ground and screams of women and panicked cries of men.

Aurelia dared to peek into the chaos that filled the room. The large lion man attacked without mercy, without hesitation. She noted the powerful feline warrior knocked out the men and avoided killing them. She admired his restraint. Anyone else would've encouraged needless death to set an example.

Aurelia walked by the fallen men, one dared to touch the hem of her favorite dress. She pulled her leg back and pushed into the offending party's face with all her might. Something snapped and blood poured from the unwashed miscreant's face.

A massive paw held a man with two black eyes upright in front of Aurelia. "Talk," Zinjo roared next to the terrified thief's ear.

Rows of yellow rotted teeth exposed themselves to the princess, and bloodshot eyes opened wide with fear. "I don't know anything," The thief cried out. He dared to look around the room, "Are they all dead?"

"No, they will sleep for a time," Zinjo growled softly.

A delicate hand slapped the gargoyle visage of the thief, "Name?"

"I don't see how..."

Aurelia cut the thief off and glared at him, "I have important questions and the answers won't mean anything unless I know you are being truthful."

"You'll have the city guards looking for me at the next opportunity, and I'll end up decorating a cell." The thief blubbered.

In an instant, Zinjo threw the man down and unleashed the partisan, "Perhaps a cell is better than a shallow grave?" The expression on the warrior's face left nothing to the imagination.

"Perhaps we can come to an understanding," Aurelia kept her tone conversational and light, "You answer my questions and I let you go, and I keep my mouth shut about who was down here."

The thief nodded, "I am Mashek Littlechild, I used to run the thieves guild. We did alright, we took what was fair and only from the rich, never the common folk. Then Redford Grimm came and assumed control of my ragtag bunch and told me I could stay as long as I remained loyal."

"Interesting, who is Redford Grimm?" Aurelia demanded.

"Redford used to be a bandit. The kind that enjoys raping and pillaging. I don't like killing people. It's hard to steal when all the guards want to see you swing from the gallows."

"Has Redford mentioned Hyena's?"

"I don't know...ouch."

Once more, the soft hand of Aurelia smacked against Mashek's cheek, "Zinjo, I think the man is lying. What should I do about it?"

"Hmmm," Zinjo grunted, "Perhaps I could scratch him with a claw for every untrue statement he makes?" The Leonid face grinned and gave the werelion an utterly sinister look. He held up a sharpened claw. Aurelia felt aroused at the action and swore to do something about it after they concluded their business.

"Whoah," Mashek's hands waved back and forth frantically, let's not get hasty with the torture." His voice shook under the false bravery. "All I know is Redford was in business with a guy named Mshindi. He didn't say much about it, but I know when a fellow thief smells gold, and Redford smelled gold in the situation."

Zinjo remained quiet for a few moments and Aurelia pressed the thief for more answers, "What did Redford say about Mshindi?"

"He said Mshindi came from a faraway land to start over. I got the impression there was more to the story, but Redford refused to tell us anything more."

"Well since you have been such a good stool pigeon, I will let you go, as long as you keep tabs on Redford and send me information on his activities. If you don't, I'll send Zinjo after you, and it will be an unpleasant experience," Aurelia gestured to Zinjo who smiled his terrible smile again.

"If I get caught, I spend no less than two days in the dungeon to keep up appearances. Redford is a suspicious lot." Mashek said.

Zinjo looked at Aurelia and nodded. Aurelia caressed the thief's face, and then slapped it again, "We have a deal thief. If I suspect you're lying to me at any point, your life is forfeit, understood?"

Mashek nodded, "Understood, now please let me go. I have to change my pants." He dropped to the ground in a heap of urine-soaked clothing.

"We must speak to your mother at once," Zinjo picked up Aurelia in his arms and proceeded to leave the open area. Something in his voice told the princess the beast-man was serious.


"Mshindi used to be a war leader for the Hyena's and they never travel alone."