
the lion blood princess, the crown of blood trilogy

K_L_L_Mullens · Fantasy
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17 Chs

True feelings

I woke up with a headache; I opened my eyes and squinted trying to adjust them. I saw I was in my tent again.

"Dane! what happened!?" I questioned him.

"you passed out!" He replied shocked, he grabbed me into a tight hug, which surprised me,he felt warm and smelled like burt hair.

"you fought so bravely!"Dane mused

I attempted to sit up, but was quite surprised when I couldn't move my body at all I felt frozen.

"Dane I can't move!" I exclaimed

"yes I know the mild toxin that the glass pixies secrete from their claws causes in most cases paralysis"he explained,

"so am I stuck like this??" I inquired

"for now yes, but it won't be for long just give me a minute"he replied, a couple minutes passed, his fingers began moving across my skin mapping small patterns all over,

"what are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm tracing my magic onto you to heal you" he explained.

"are you sure it will work though..."

"it might not work but I have to try. please try to stay calm." He pleaded.

"I'm sorry I ended up being useless."

"don't be you fought bravely, plus you killed majority of the pixies anyway." Dane smirked at me.


"don't mention it" he grinned.

"you never answered my question, were we safe?"

"we are, now lets try and rest". he suggested.

He laid down next to me, we lay side by side in silence for a while.

Dane cleared his throat, "Ellie?"

"yes?" I replied

turning my face towards him.

"I love you" he blurted out.

"Im not sure if what I feel is for you is love yet," I replied softly.

" though I do know that I don't want to be away from you."

it wasn't a rejection it still left room for hope, I wasn't sure if my heart was ready for love, I wasn't even sure I could return his love. tho for him I would try.

"I will wait for you forever my Queen" he said with an angelic smile on his face.

"you promise?" I laughed

"of course I do, my Queen" he replied kissing me on the forehead "and my heart does not beat for anyone else but you, you alone" he added caressing my cheek.

Dane used his healing magick on me after bit of time had passed and i had regained feeling back in my fingers and toes.

but I noticed as I grew in strength Dane grew weaker,

"Dane I'll be okay don't waste any more of your power" I pleaded using all I had to rest my hand on his.

he looked quite relieved and sat back against the dirt floor of the tent letting out a sigh leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

I could tell he had to be exhausted not only had he fought the monsters those disgusting pixies but he had used what little strength he had left to try and heal me he was still wearing his armor as if he hadn't even had a moment to gather himself he was a good man, a strong man.

we sat in silence for a while as he rested and I regained the strength in my limbs I could hear everyone still hustling and bustling outside the tent getting everything prepared for when we Departed Uncle Barron was was barking out orders to the nights I could hear his voice get closer and closer to the tent as if he was coming towards us.

moments later he came and lifted the flap on the tent door and entered face red and flustered I didn't really like the man but I could tell he had worked very hard to make sure we would make it out of here alive.

"my lady princess we need to get going the longer we sit here the more danger we will be in, there's a small town in this part of the forest about 15 miles we will be welcomed, there will be hot food and shelter , we can rest there for about a day before we get moving again but please for the love of God you need to get up" he scoffed at me then walked over to kick at Danes boot to wake him,

"hey! leave him be!" I cried slowly pulling myself into a sitting position.

"ugh it's fine I'm awake my lady" Dane groaned shakily pulling himself to his feet.

"good man" lord baron praised patting him on the back as he exited the space.

lord Barons back was to me when he spoke

"you will never put yourself in danger again while I'm with you do you understand?"

his sudden change in attitude shocked me,

" what do you mean? it's not like you've ever cared for my well-being before" anger overwhelmed me, how dare he act like that after the way he's treated me all these years.

"ELLIE! please promise me" he turned to face me and to my surprise he was on the verge of tears, now I was very confused.

"I cant lose you too" he whispered getting down on one knee in front of me taking my hands in his,

"I know I don't always show it but I do care for you I care for you deeply you are my way of sunshine in this dark world I know I've been hard on you but it's only because I want to see you succeed I want to see you become your greatest self" confessed lord Baron.

I could tell he was sincere in he words, I always thought he was against me but I guess I was just being spoiled.

"can you stand?"lord Baron asked coming to his feet offering me his hand.

the way through the forest we are on is quite dense but still fairly good and my uncle thinks we can make it to this town long before night fall.

"how are you feeling "Dane whispered his lips practically touching my ear, which made my face heat up but I couldn't ride in that carriage again so I would have to bare it having him pressed so close to me,

"oh um I'm feeling much better now " I managed to say without stumbling over my words.

"I'm glad " he replied I could tell he was smiling just by the tone of his voice.

"oy" shouted uncle baron from behind us causing me to startle "can you please move faster " he asked Dane riding up next to us impatients written all over his face.

"yes lord baron" Dane replied as he pressed his heels into the horse causing her to being a galloping stride, great now I'm gonna be sick.