
the lion blood princess, the crown of blood trilogy

K_L_L_Mullens · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The long night part 2

"Dane? what's going to happen if we can't find a new road?" I asked slipping on my leather boots.

"we wonder around the fae forest for the rest of our natural lives my dear" I could tell he was using sarcasm and it irritated me.

everyone around me was preparing to venture out to see if we could find a safe passible way through the forest, I wanted to help Im tired of being treated like a child.

I was taught by world renowned swords men I could protect myself I thought while I pulled on the remaining pieces of my silver armour.

"oh no no no you are staying put! you are not to step a toe out of this camp!" exclaimed Dane as he watched me pull on my chest plate.

"no I'm helping, I'm the reason we are even out here so I'm helping" I all but screamed at him.

"you're not going anywhere" his tone was serious this time, I gave him a look that clearly said "get real."

he sighed and rubbed his forehead "alright fine but keep an eye on the perimeter".

"I will" I snapped back.


I hated when he yelled but he needed to understand I'm not some damsel in distress.

now we were ready to leave I thought to myself as hooked my new blade to my belt.

We exited the tent and I noticed that some guards had already saddled their horses.

i approached Lord baron who was giving orders to everyone else,

"I'm coming along too" my voice held firmness.

He gave me a questioning look then turned to Dane ,

"fine but you follow his orders" he said in a tone not be argued with.

the sun had still yet to rise it was quite unsettling to me, "uh lord Dane why would the sun still be set if it is supposed to be the day?" I needed to know, I felt a slight tingle inside my gut telling me to go north, north direction.

"oh yeah... uh we'll discuss it later maybe once we reach the border of the fae lands" the lie seemed obvious on his face he knew something i didn't and I hated being lied to but I decided it wasn't worth arguing so i simply nod and continued to follow him thru the dence brush.

I noticed as we walked a small trail leading through the forest we began to see trees that were different from all other trees I had seen before, they were bigger, they appeared like treehouses the branches were all twisted.

It was strange because these trees were not native to the land they should not be able to grow in this hard soil.

as we walked on a sudden feeling of dread swept through me, the feeling was very familiar it was fear.

The hairs on my arms began to stand up my eyes darting all around me I could hear someone calling my name I froze in place turning around and facing the direction where the call came from, it's mother she was calling out to me I needed to to get to her, I felt the need to run to her then Dane grasped my upper arm pulling me back to him.

"no don't listen it's a trick I told you these woods are dangerous they will eat you alive"

"but but mother I could hear her she was calling to me" I tried to tug my arm away from his grip he only tightened his grip harder.

I began hearing faint voices, one being female and another male, they weren't human they were high pitched and whispering, I looked up and spotted a grouping of eyes in the trees.

"what are those things?" I gulped trying to get rid of the ball forming in my throat.

"glass pixies they use a type of mirror magick to lure you in"he explained.

"are we in danger now" I was worried.

"yes" Dane replied flatly "ready your blade and stand with your back against mine" he ordered.

lord Barons men started to do the same I could hear the voices getting closer.

They seemed to surround us, I could feel the magic in the air, it was so thick I could almost taste it, I could almost hear the whispers coming from each of the pixie eyes.

"dearie doe do come back home it won't do any good if you keep running away like always" they were taunting us, I watched as a few men dropped their swords and started to walk away in a trance like state. making the nasty creatures cackle.

"no!" I screamed. something came over me and I started to go after the bewitched soldiers.

"ELLIE I SWEAR TO GOD OF YOU TAKE ANOTHER STEP I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF!!!!"Uncle baron screamed at me making me freeze, the soldiers continued to Walk away, "cover your ears" Dane whispered to me, but it was too late the men started shrieking and screaming you could hear the wet sound of the monsters eating them alive.

when the sounds stopped I noticed the eyes getting closer and closer. " come and play... play with us deary doe"

the sounds of there voices make me want to puke.

like nails on glass.

"here they come don't underestimate them keep your eyes on them" that's the last thing Dane said when the pixies launched themselves from the bushes straight at me, I quickly took them down one by one blood coating my new blade, I didn't dare look away it felt like the attack was endless they came one after another.

feeling Danes back against mine was my only comfort.

a few of the monsters caught me in the legs their little claws were as sharp as glass the pain was almost intolerable, suddenly I began to feel sick and my vision was starting to double.

"Dane I don't feel very well"

"your gonna be okay Ellie it's a mild toxin just keep standing" He replied looking over at me with concern.

Suddenly the smell of burning flesh filled my nostrils as uncle baron set the bodies of the dead on fire with his torch, my eyes widened seeing how close I am to dying out here they were strong for such small things.

"you need to focus Ellie we've got to get the hell outta here".

Suddenly one creature was in front of me its razor sharp teeth snapping towards my face.

that's when uncle barons sword flies past my face missing my nose by merely inches pinning it's dark purple body to a near by tree.

"focus woman!"

my head was spinning I had trouble keeping my vision straight. My hands were shaking as I fought to hold my blade steady.

"Dane do it NOW!" baron called out

it was like my body moved on autopilot without my permission.

swinging my blade over and over.

then a light pink mist fell over us all I could faintly make out the sound of Dane speaking in elvish,

he must be casting some spell.

my body started to go limp, the monsters slowly crept its way towards Dane then they melted at his feet, I was in awe of the sheer power he had displayed, he managed to kill the remaining beasts within seconds.

I couldn't take my eyes off of him he looked so handsome.

A loud clap sounded and suddenly everything went it up with sunshine.