
The Limitless System

Faced with inevitable annihilation, Humanity was forced to evolve and awaken unique abilities.With many loss on both sides a peace treaty was handed in placed serving as a crossroad of peace for both parties. The world powerhouses having had enough of earth being looked down upon by other beings swore to protect earth and it's inhabitants.This fuel of determination eventually turned them into training up awakened. once an awakened is born,their life is plunged into a world of pain and hardwork.Lacking both talent and hardwork as an awakened labels you as a trash. In Present time,Arthur,a teen who's ability has been dubbed as the world's trashiest, one's which purpose makes him dry up blood.A pathetic ability wouldn't you say so right?. His life however takss a drastic turn when he's discovered by a system bound to be limitless,destined to wield great rule and become the saviour and ruler of the universe. °°°° "What's that strange light heading here" Before he could even move a muscle a white ball of light pierced through his body. [Does host wish to awaken the limitless system]

Realitymanga · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Beast Core's Usefulness

"What...happened to me?"

Arthur immediately shot up after waking up.When he slightly raised his hand he could see it had been bandaged ablong with parts of his body.

"I'm surprised your body does not heal on itself"

Sitting beside him was Miss Jade who was holding onto a mug of tea.She took a sip and looked at Arthur.Half of his face down towards his lower abdomen had all been bandaged up so one couldn't really tell if it was him.

Not that they would even notice.Arthur's appearance had really improved.His physique had grown from a frail body to that of a lean muscular one.His face had become more refined revealing how handsome he had transformed to.

Even his black messy hair was now growing bit by bit and he felt reluctant to shave it.To say Arthur wasn't good looking would be an understatement.Even Miss Jade had to acknowledge his looks.

Not everyone had a perfect body like the one Arthur had.It seemed as if he had been blessed by the gods with that physique of his."As a true awakened your body has the ability to heal itself from injuries,although it takes time but I'm surprised you cant do that considering your physique and all".

"Don't worry though I've healed your body".

Arthur smiled at Miss Jade and tried to stand up but to his disappointment his legs gave in and he fell straight back onto his bed.

"Your battle with the rank 1 bear really did a number on you so take your time and rest up... but you're gonna pay for destroying my dagger"

Miss Jade's gentle sweet voice from before changed into a serious one.Arthur gulped and knew he was dead.Miss Jade would use this as an excuse to always beat him up just like the boob incident.

"Alright...now that you're ok I'm going to the academy it's been 5 days already and I haven't reported in"Miss Jade quickly stood up upon saying this.

"5 days!!"

Just what was his body going through for him to have been passed out for 5 days."Oh almost forgot,here".A red coloured crystal ball appeared in her hand and was thrown at Arthur.

Arthur caught hold of it and began inspecting it.This was the rank 1 beast core he had gotten from his fight with the black bear"Are you sure Miss Jade?".

"Of course,you've earned this fair and square".Honestly speaking this was a rank 1 beast core meaning it was pretty much useless to her who was a nascent ranked awakened.She couldn't care less what Arthur decided to do with the beast core.

"You'll be able to move some few hours so when you do I want you to go to the market square to get some items..I'm going to teach you how to really cook like a master"

Miss Jade gave him a wink and smiled.Arthur couldn't stop himself from smiling after seeing Miss Jade act this way.This was the first time she had acted so casual with him and he honestly liked it.

He had never had a mother son relationship before and this was one of the time he longed for one.Miss Jade slightly waved at him and vanished from the room leaving no trace behind.

Getting the perfect time alone he decided to check his rewards and later deal with the beast core issue.

[Quest completed]



«Level up + 3

«15 attribute points

«New skill unlocked

[Host has leveled up]

[+1 to all stats]

[Host has leveled up]

[+1 to stats]

[Host has leveled up ]

[+ One to all stats]

"a new skill huh".Arthur was very thrilled at this.


[Passive Skills]


-Allows host to heal his body's injuries and restores his health

[Active Skills]

«Flash Step


Now he decided to move onto the next which one which was his attributes.


«Name:Arthur Xane












«Mental Fortitude:30


[Attribute Points:30]

"Now that I'm at the 2nd stage my stats has increased along with the 3 points my level up give me"He inwardly said staring at the screen.Whiles Arthur was contemplating on what to do with the beast core he felt his energy going back to normal and his injuries being healed.

"Rejuvenation is such a nice skill to have".With this he removed the bandage around his face and body and only left the ones covering his forearms and his fist.He got out of bed and began jumping back.

"My body feels amazing,I'm so light weighted"He voiced out after warming up his body."Now the matter at hand...let's see what will really happen once I absorb this"He said it internally.

[Does host wish to absorb the rank 1 beast core]

[Yes /No]

"Yes".As soon as he selected yes the red crystal ball began breaking into small particles of red light as they shot towards Arthur's body who stood silently waiting for the system to react.

[Rank 1 beast core has been used to accelerate your breakthrough]

Arthur was taken aback by this.At first he thought it was something which would involve getting his stats up but it turned out to rather accelerate his breakthrough to the next stage.

And right now Arthur could feel the changes inside him.He was now at the peak of the 2nd stage and with just a day of channelng his ability he would be able to break through to the 3rd stage.

"This truly changes everything,I can improve a lot quicker and get stronger although I shouldn't rely much of them".

Now that everything was settled,he dressed up and decided to leave for the market square errand he was taksed to.He wore a short sleeved black hoodie with a black shorts.He picked up the list Miss Jade left for him and left the dojo.

As Arthur walked elegantly beside the road he could sense many glares on him but this time it felt different.Normally these would have been glares of hate but this time around it seemed to be fillid with curiosity and admiration.

"Out of my way kid".

Arthur could see a huge arm heading for his face.He raised his arm to block and was sent flying crushing into one of the stalls.

Those present at the market square gasped at what just happened."Someone,please catch that man".A soft feminine voice sounded from behind.

"Nothing personal kid".With that the man leaped forward running away from the girl chasing him.The girl who had yelled for the man to get caught stood there contemplating on whether to go after the man or help the individual he had hit.

She approached Arthur and stretched her hand out.Arthur opened his eyes and ignored the outstretched hand.He didn't even bother to look at her as he stood up only getting a glimpse of her hair colour which was surprising the same as Miss Jade's own.

"I don't care about why he's running away and I'm not helping anyone but he will pay for hitting me".

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