
The Lightning Demon..

Juda Aburriah is a typical magician in training, or at least thats what he wants to be anyways. Born at the bottom of the barrel in the world of Esteten, Juda is looked down upon everywhere he goes. Living in the slums, poor clothes, no money, everyone seems to have something to say about him. However one day, Judas family happens to run into a bit of money, enough to live the rest of their lives without worrying or suffering. However, instead of keeping it, Judas parents instead paid for him to go to the prestigious Mastik Academy, the place where only the rich kids go to study and learn how to become proper magicians Now, with only the clothes on his back and a dirt poor reputation, Juda will have to make his way up from the bottom. His parents had given him this chance and he wasn't going to waste it.

Recsaiyans123 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The Condescension

"So, thats how its done," Jugo said as he watched Juda walk back towards him. "Just remember though that with your current strength, you can only pull off that move once. After that one time your body will most likely stop moving altogether. You only got a limited amount of time during use so make sure it counts."

Juda smiled as he clapped Jugo on the shoulder. "Thanks man, I appreciate you helping with training. Now I just gotta make sure I can do it in an actual fight."

Jugo smiled a little as he gave a thumbs up. "I got complete confidence in you. Also, its almost time for you to wake up bro, so its time we part ways for now. Next time you sleep, we'll go over the same spell with the same drills. Got it??"

Juda nodded. "It isn't a problem. Next time though, I want a sparing session with you. Nothing too serious as we both know you could crush me with your pinky but just enough so its a challenge for me."

With those words Juda closed his eyes and willed himself awake. He always woke up at around 5 because thats when he would stop training with Jugo inside his own head while his body rested. Anything he could do in the dreamscape with Jugo, he was definitely able to do in reality without exception. The dreamscape didn't require him to have to use any magic so he could literally repeat a move over and over again until he achieved the results he wanted. Due to this form of training, Jugo would always be the one to calculate what Juda could and couldn't do while also setting limits to to not overdo things as well as training regimes that could make Juda even stronger. It had always been this way for as long as Juda could remember.

Juda pushed himself up into a sitting position on the king sized bed and looked around. He had fallen asleep pretty early so he was beyond refreshed as he took a quick look around the room. The girls had left one of the lights on before falling asleep which made it easier to see where everything was. The two females were knocked out on the other king sized, Suna was even snoring a little which made Juda laugh silently.

Pushing himself off the bed, Juda headed over to his bag, pulled out clothes and swiftly changed into a new set of clothes. The clothes were the same as the last set except that the collar and the outline was grey instead of black with the word "Tiger" running across the the arms. He really liked this type of outfit quite a bit and wished that his other one hadn't gotten so torn up. He felt a tinge of regret as he reached into his backpack and pulled out his trusty coin Raijin which he thrust into his pocket almost immediately. He didn't know what today would hold so he wanted to be on the safe side this time.

Juda was about to set out of the room when his stomach gave him the biggest attitude in quite a while, rumbling in complaint about being empty. Of course in the end Juda merely grabbed some food from the kitchen where a large fridge he had only read about was located. He ate quickly, merely putting some packaged ham and cheese together with some bread he found in the cupboard but it took him around thirty minute to finish it. He rarely had such great foods before today and spent a little over 10 minutes merely putting the ham and cheese into a sandwich and then another ten just admiring it and enjoying the delicious smell. By the time he finally finished the sandwich, around half an hour had passed which made Juda feel stupid as he realized he had wasted so much time over a sandwhich. Nevertheless he still enjoyed every bite as he quickly made a second one before putting the ingredients back.

Chewing away on his second sandwhich, Juda silently made his way to the door, his bare feet (he hated wearing shoes so he always chose not to) barely making a sound on the carpet as he slowly opened the door. Normally he'd feel bad about just straight up ditching them, but he wanted to enjoy himself this morning and walk around the Academy for a bit. As a new student it wouldn't be a problem if he did and even if it was then Juda highly doubted anyone would he awake at this time except for possibly teachers or overzealous students.

"Sorry guys, I'll make it up to you sometime," Juda whispered to himself as he slid out of the room. "If I knew you guys for more then a day I probably wouldn't have even dreamed of doing this. However, you're both strangers in the end and for me to think otherwise is foolish. I'll see you girls later."

Juda took another bite of his sandwich as he looked at the hall both to the left and right of him as well as the front of him. After seeing no one, Juda headed over for the staircase near the end of the hall and began making his way down to the first floor. The room that Juda had been sleeping in had been on the third floor of a huge building that housed a total of six floors in total.

Juda reached the bottom floor and walked through the first floor hallway as he chewed the last bit of his sandwhich. There were a few girls in the halls as he walked but he mainly ignored them, even when one of them tried to call out to him. He didn't want to be bothered by anyone or cause any trouble so he figured he'd keep walking forwards even if he felt bad about ignoring the female calling to him. However, he didn't get very far past the females as two of them ran in front of him to block his path, forcing him to stop.

Juda sighed inwardly as, just like yesterday, trouble seemed to find him. He could easily just catch them off guard by breaking into a run but he didn't know how strong they were and was unsure of how far he'd get. In the end, it was better to just talk and get things over with rather then run or become violent.

A hand was place on his shoulder and a soft yet clealry threatening voice rang out in his ear, the stench of condescension and entitlement already reaching Juda's nose. "Where do you think your going slum rat? I heard a rumor pass around and that you were here and waited by the entrance just for you. Think you can just ignore the queen of these dorms? I am a 4th year student, Aria Tolan, and the next head of the Tolan family. Someone like you should fall to their knees before walking by. Do I make myself clear??"

Juda turned his head slightly to look at the girl grabbing his shoulder. He was already acquainted with the Tolan family and he wasn't exactly a fan. In fact, he lost even more respect for the Tolan family because he had now run into not one but TWO nobles who were enititled teenagers who tried to walk over others.

The girl was shorter then him, about 160cm, with long blonde hair that reached the small of her back, light turquoise eyes, and a rather pretty face that was made ugly by the completely prideful and condescending look she was giving. She wore a formfitting sweater that showed off her rather large chest and black yoga pants that made it look like she was off to a photo shoot rather then having just recently woken up. If Juda had to rate how beautiful she was, she would have definitely been up there with Haruna but fell short of actually being an equal to her. Of course she would easily have tied Haruna if not for the stench of arrogance that he could feel to his very core to the point of making him nauseous. He had never felt this feeling from anyone here before which told him something about this girls character already.

"What do you want," Juda asked simply as he looked at Aria with a blank look, no longer in the mood to smile. "I have somewhere to be. Fourth year or not, head of some family or not, you're no different from any other human being you ditz. Why would I bow myself down to a mere noble when I don't even bow down to young royals? Your nothing special."

Almost as soon as Juda had finished talking, he was smacked in the face from the front, one of the two girls having run up to hit him, a girl with glasses and two pigtails and sporting an unmodified school uniform. The slap didnt hurt much but it did sting a little as Juda reached up and rubbed the spot the hand had made contact.

"How dare you speak that way to Miss Aria?" The pigtailed girl said. "You who can't even afford to buy shoes shouldn't even speak let alone breathe without her permission. You keep your mouth shut you filthy slum rat!!"

Juda tilted his head curiously. "Did I take it too far? I'm sorry if I upset you when I spoke but the way Miss Delusions over here was talking made me feel like she needed a lesson. I'm only trying to help in the long run. If she keeps this act she has up, when she meets someone powerful in the future, they'll beat her ass without hesitation."

"Its okay Fana, filthy trash like this simply needs to be taught a lesson, nothing more," Aria said as she walked towards her two subordinates, taking her hand off Juda's shoulder. "Tell me slum dweller, what do you know of Duel Pacts? I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming your idiotic brain has already wrapped itself around the concept of crests. Do you know what a duel is?"

"Not really," Juda said as he shoved his hands into his pockets as he ignored her insults. "I know the standard definition of a duel but I feel like thats different from the one your talking about."

"Indeed, a duel is a fight between two or more opposing sides," Aria said, speaking as if she were talking to a four year old. "A duel pact is similar except this time you bet something that is agreed upon to be of equal value and then you fight. The loser of the duel has to pay up one way or the other which is where the crest comes in. It forces you to pay up by emitting a feeling so painful that its practically impossible to move. There's also a rule that states if you lose your crest then you'll lose your right to stay at Mastik Academy."

Juda blinked before his eyes widened. "So then that means...Oh I see how it is."

"I guess your not as much of an idiot as I thought you were," Aria said with a small giggle that made Juda's stomach churn in disgust. "Filthy piece of trash, I challenge you to a fight where we both put out crests on the line.