
The Lightning Demon..

Juda Aburriah is a typical magician in training, or at least thats what he wants to be anyways. Born at the bottom of the barrel in the world of Esteten, Juda is looked down upon everywhere he goes. Living in the slums, poor clothes, no money, everyone seems to have something to say about him. However one day, Judas family happens to run into a bit of money, enough to live the rest of their lives without worrying or suffering. However, instead of keeping it, Judas parents instead paid for him to go to the prestigious Mastik Academy, the place where only the rich kids go to study and learn how to become proper magicians Now, with only the clothes on his back and a dirt poor reputation, Juda will have to make his way up from the bottom. His parents had given him this chance and he wasn't going to waste it.

Recsaiyans123 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Girls Dormitory

Juda was feeling a lot better physically after the ceremomy had completed, despite the pain that had been caused, but emotionally he was a wreck. He was confused, happy, curious, annoyed, and irritated all in that order.

Most of the negative feelings were coming from the collective amount of pain he had felt today. On literally the first day, which was probably the longest day of his life, he had been nearly killed after being beaten to death and had a mark burned onto his body by some weird ritual that made him feel like he was being stabbed over and over again. Even with his easygoing personality and general acceptance of most things, it was beginning to piss him off just how weak he was. He wasnt mad at anyone except for himself, becoming complacent because he won a few fights against arguably weaker opponents. Even thinking about it now made him upset.

However, even while he felt this way, he couldn't help but feel happy that he had gotten into such an interesting place. Sure no one wanted him here and called him a slum rat but he didn't particularly mind that as he found the people themselves truly fascinating. When he thought about learning here and training here, he couldn't help but smile and clench his fists in anticipation. It was an amazing opportunity that he wouldnt have gotten if he hadn't met the cloaked man in the woods.

The emotions he had were all wrapped up and tucked away so he didn't show them on the surface, but deep down they were still there waiting to be let loose. He knew the feelings would disappear later as it always did so all he had to do was push them aside and try to focus on the task at hand, which at the moment was walking through the girls dormitory while all the females standing in the halls looked at him and asked why there was a guy wandering around without any pants.

Juda's curiousity was peaked the moment he had set foot in merely the first floor of the girls dorm, a whole building set aside for just girls. There were so many different scents wafting through the building that Juda couldn't help but sniff on occasion which made Suna look back at him and ask if he was okay. He put her at ease with a wave of his hand but couldn't resist the urge to sniff every now and then.

Then there were the girls themselves, and Juda had to admit that even as a guy who ran around the slums and Common Realm, he had never seen so many different kinds of girls. Mature ones, young ones, flat chested ones, busty ones, short ones, tall ones, ones that looked slightly fat, ones that looked like they needed food. There so many assortments of girls with different body frames and different skin tones that it was hard to take it all in. It wasn't that it was his first time seeing a girl though one would think that after seeing the way he was looking. It was just that Juda had never been around this many females at once, especially when the majority were all gorgeous to look at.

Juda was snapped out of his sightseeing when he was tapped lightly on the shoulder. He was surprised for a moment as he turned around to see a girl with short pink hair and black eyes staring at him with an unhappy expression. He was confused but then quickly regained his composure and smiled.

"Yes miss, is there something I can help you with?" Juda asked kindly as he turned around to face her. "If I bothered you by staring, I apologize."

"No its not that...well it is that but thats not important," The girl said with a stern voice, her pitch rising an octave. "What I want to know is why you're walking around in the girls dorm??!! Not only that but you're doing it with no pants you pervert!!"

Juda took a step back as the girl began to get up into his face as she spoke. He could feel dangerous stares in the back of him as well as the building of intense magic coming from the girl in front of him. Danger signals began to go off in his head as he recognized the strength level of this girl actually surpasse Jakeems just from pure magical strength which was still rising drastically. He wasn't the least bit afraid of the girl but that didn't mean he wanted to get into a useless confrontation that could only end badly. Hell he didn't even like violence if it wasn't killing Fantasia or wasn't a good cause or friendly duel.

Raising his hands up, Juda smiled apologetically. "My name is Juda Aburriah and I'm only a first year who just transferred in. I'm sorry if I bothered you but I'm actually with two people." Juda turned and as he expected, the two girls weren't there. "Two girls who aren't here because I stupidly got lost while looking at you girls."

The girls magic power did drop back down but she still looked pretty pissed off. "Theres only one person who transferred in during the middle of the year and thats a slum dweller. Everyone knows that the transfer is a slum rat who wont amount to sh*t. Are you telling me THATS who you are??!!"

Juda felt no anger when being called a slum rat and actually thought it was dumb that one could be called that as a slur. Rats were pretty cool creatures despite their diseases as they were born survivors and natural breeders. If you were taught about animals, even a basic understanding of rats would at least tell you that they were pretty decent creatures. Juda didn't even feel bad when she said that he would amount to nothing as if he had stayed in the slums without meeting strong adversaries, he would've been exactly that. So in the end, what she said was true and theres was no point denying it. A survivor that was weak but wanted to be stronger, that was who Juda now was.

"Yeah," Juda said with a warm smile as he allowed his eyes to glow for a few seconds. "That's exactly what I am."

The girl stared at him for a few minutes before suppressing her magic power. "My name is Kristen Sakura from the Sakura family. I deeply apologize though I do have to ask one thing. I heard that you were beaten down by Jakeem earlier in the day and were on the brink of death. How are already up and walking around? Or was it just some rumor?"

Juda wasn't sure what he was more surprised about, the fact that word had spread so quickly or that Kristen's attitude had disappeared so quickly. Now that she had backed down, Juda decided to just let it go and continue conversating with her now that the glares from behind him were feeling less hostile. However, before he could get a word out, someone grabbed him from the collar of the shirt and began to pull him backwards.

Juda was about to protest until he realized that the one pulling him was Haruna who proceeded to pull him without looking back at him. He eventually stood up and walked on his own after waving goodbye to Kristen who surprisingly waved back. It was probably the first time, not counting Suna, that a noble had been nice to him and he looked forward to meeting her again.

"Next time, please focus your attention on us and don't act like a child as it wastes time if we have to go looking for you." Haruna said as she stopped by a door at the very end of the hall. "If you must look then don't act out of line or do anything to disgrace the school. If you do then you could easily be expelled."

Opening the door with an electronic card she had in her skirt pocket, Haruna walked inside with Juda not too far behind. After closing the door behind himself, Juda took about five steps into the home before slowing to a stop, his feet stopping as he looked at the room that was much bigger then Juda had originally thought. He had figured that there would simply be a regular room with a shower and a large bed or maybe two bed and he would have to sleep on the floor.

Well this room blew his entire guees out the window as he looked out at the massive room before him. In one corner was a small kitchen complete with a counter, drawers and cabinets, a dishwasher and even an oven. Directly opposite that appeared to be a living room with recliners and chairs along with a desk in the center of it all. In another corner were two king sized bed with fluffy blankets that made Juda want to just dive on top of them. Juda was tempted to check the bathroom but he didn't know if he could handle it. However, his curiousity got the better of him and he ended up checking it out in the end.

The bathroom was pretty spacious and made Juda's eyes glow blue as he looked on in wonder. He had never had an actual shower before nor an actual toilet. The bathroom even had a bathtub located in the farthest corner though it looked rather small for two people to fit. The bathroom had a large open shower area with numerous decorations on the tiled walls and even some on the floor which made Juda wanna try it out. However, the only thing he did do was figure out how to work the toilet and finally go to the bathroom. It took him a lot linger to figure out how to work the shower and in the end he basically just decided to take his clothes off and shower right there after having finally figured it out.

"This is awesome," He shouted as he rinsed himself off, preparing to get out. "I cant believe regular people use these every day man!!! This is the best experience ever!!"

The door to the bathroom opened and Haruna stuck her head into it, her emotionless face looking towards Juda who had also turned to face her. "There is no need to shout. Shouting causes disturbances which could lead to someone file a complaint so please try to keep it down."

"Hey Haruna," Juda said as he let water wash over him. "Care to join me? The waters nice and hot."

Haruna shook her head as she pulled back, preparing to close the door. "While that would be an ideal situation to conserve hot water, I must decline as I have an important task to complete." With those words, she shut the door behind her.

Juda shrugged and shut the water off. "What a shame. Would've been interesting to see her without her clothes on. Her clothes reveal her stomach and thighs anyways so it wouldn't be too much different. Oh well, maybe next time."

There was a towel and a robe situated on the hook behind the door which Juda picked up without hesitation. After drying himself off, he put on the robe , picked up his shirt and boxers and walked out of the room.

"Are you wearing my robe?" Haruna said as she walked by wearing nothing but a sports bra and panties. "Its fine to wear it for now as I don't need it. Put it back when your done and next time bring your own clothes into the bathroom. Also, during the past 30 minutes you were in the bathroom, someone brought up your backpack up here."

Haruna pointed over to the floor near the beds where a big backpack sat looking remarkably unharmed. It was unmistakably Juda's as he walked over, opened it up and pulled out a new set of clothes. Suna wasn't in the room as far as he could tell so without even thinking about it, he took off the robe, got dressed and jumped onto one of the King sized beds.

Within seconds of hitting it, Juda was out like a light. He had no idea just how tired he was and fell into dreamland to hang out with Jugo for a few hours.

A girls dorm......if only I could be that lucky

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