
The life of the Forgotten Hero

crazy_bullet · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Part1 (The beginning of the end)

In a far away land named Philtania there is a war that that almost put human to extinction. Demons and monsters conspired to eradicate the humans so they can rule the entire land.

Humans are great in numbers but only few humans are blessed with powers that called Divine Talents. The Divine talents have different manifestations some divine talent gives a human magic ability to cast magic spells, some gain physical strength and some have great agility boost. Because of the Divine Talent Humans stand equal against Demons and monsters.

Monsters have their own unique abilities like sharp fangs, hard skin, brut strength, and some spit poison and acid. The ability of a monsters are determined through their spiciest. All monsters are carnivore's and their favorite food is humans. Even though monsters have overwhelming strength they lack in knowledge that's why they cant over power human warriors in battle.

Demons have two transformations the first is a human like form but unlike humans demons human like form have pointed ears, black horns, and tails. The face and body of the human like transformation of a demon is so perfect and beautiful that attracts their prey. The second form of demon is their original form. Their original form is based on how powerful they are. Bigger original forms are considered weak demon and the demons that have original form close to their human form is a powerful demon. Demon have magic abilities and great strength this is the reason no human can stand against a demon in a one on one fight. But unfortunately demon lacks in numbers because demons reproduction capability and birth rate is very low.

This is the balance that maintained the land for many centuries but suddenly a very powerful demon named Xadres lead the demons to eradicate the humans and rule the whole land but in order for them to achieve their goal they have to convince the monsters to allied with them. The demon promise the monsters that they will give them all the human captives after the war because they know how much the monsters love human flesh. Because of the alliance of demons and monsters the balance has been destroyed and the war began. For the demons and monsters the war is for them to rule the land but for the human its for survival. During the war many humans, monsters and demons had been killed but as the time past by the human forces decreased because of the imbalance of power and some of the high ranking officials are secretly helping the demons to ensure their survival and positions after the war.

After ten years of battle human forces deflated and all their hope suddenly disappear. In human camp a warrior named Andrey prayed to his god, "oh dear god why is this happening to us? Why have you forgotten us? Have we offended you for you to let the demons and monsters destroy us? I seek for you your blessing to restore the balance of this dying Lang and prevent the eradication of our kind". After his prayer a voice called him "Andrey, Andrey" as he heard the voice he startled and look around and shout " whose there? Where are you?" as Andrey continue wondering his eyes to determine the source of the voice but he see no one. After a few seconds Andrey blink and as he open his eyes a person appeared. Andrey is startled and take his sword and ask the unknown warrior in front of him "who are you? Are you the one who's calling my name?" the unknown person smile and said "put down your sword my child for I don't mean you any harm". Andrey lower his sword but he didn't let it go because he didn't know the warrior in front of him. As Andrey recovered from shock he started to analyze the warrior. The unknown warrior have a golden armor and a shinning gold shield but what really amazed him is the sword of the unknown warrior it's a katana that rarely used by warriors. The unknown warrior ask Andrey "are you interested in my sword?" and smile. Andrey is shocked and embarrassed because the warrior noticed him starring at his katana but he replied "yes, for I've never seen a warrior using that king of sword before" then the unknown warrior stated to laugh and said "is that so?" Andrey start to be annoyed by the laugh of the unknown warrior then he shouted "stop laughing at me does my ignorance amused you that much? Who are you and what do you want from me? " the unknown warrior apologized and said "I'm very sorry for my shameful behavior Destro and I hear you praying" Andrey angrily said to Destro " how dare you, didn't you know ears dropping is a shameful act" then suddenly his face turn red because of anger. Then Destro smile and said to Andrey "would you consider ears dropping if you are the one the he seek for an answer?" Andrey became confused of Destro's answer and smirked "who do you think you are? A god, yes your armor and shield might be stunning but your not a god! Your just a wealthy warrior don't make me laugh cause your not funny!" Destro look at Andrey with a smile then suddenly Destro glows from head to toe leaving Andrey speechless and both his eyes and mouth are wide open because of the shock. The Destro ask Andrey "you have prayed earnestly to me my child, you have ask me with so many questions in your prayer and accused me with being unfair to your kind do you really think I am an unjust god?" Andrey can't answer because he is still in shock he never imagine a god will answer his prayer more over appeared before his very eyes. It took a few more seconds before Andrey regained his composure and kneel down to the ground he said "my god my people are dying, many of our kind are being slaughtered by the demons and monsters! Tomorrows battle will decide if our kind will continue to exist or be extinct." Destro quietly listened to Andrey as he continued in desperate tone "have we offended you? Did we do something wrong for you to let us suffer like this? We lost our home and some of us lost our love ones and we are facing extinction like a rabbit hunted by a pack of wolves, there is no more hope left for us" after he answer Andrey look down the ground and start crying then Destro patted Andrey shoulder and said "my child I have never forsaken your kind nor letting humans be eradicate in this land. I am just waiting for the right person to bring the balance back to this land" Andrey raised his head wipe his tears and ask "dear god have you found him yet? The hero that will prevent our extinction!" Destro casually laugh and said " yes I have found him but the question is he willing to give up everything to help his fellow humans?" Andrey started to be confused by god Destro's answer so he ask "dear god who is he? Maybe I can convince him no human could turn there back on your offer in our situation " Destro smiled and look at Andrey then said "it's you Andrey, no human remember to call me even in their deaths nor plea to seek my protection for their families sake. But you prayed earnestly not only for your self but for the whole humanities sake" when Andrey hear Destro's answer he stood up and step back and said "dear god Destro what are you saying? I am not worthy to be a hero, I couldn't even save my family when the monsters devour them in front of me. I am a normal warrior who doesn't posses any Divine Talent! What can I do to stop human extinction?" Destro began to laugh hard as he hear Andrey's honest response then he walk close to him and grab both of his shoulders and said to him "do not be worry my child for I am a god I will grant you powers that surpasses everyone in this world except me of course, but there is a catch " Destro smiled at Andrey as he wonder what will the young warrior will response to him, would he say yes without asking the consequence or would he turn down the offer because he feels his not worthy to be a hero. Andrey take a deep breath and talk to himself "a power second to god, surely I can save humanity with that power and also I can conquer the whole world and make humanity top of the food chain" as Andrey thoughts circulating in his head he couldn't hide his terrifying excitement he never imagined that god Destro hears every word in his mind. Destro patted Andrey shoulder to stop his day dreaming and said " don't you want to know what is the catch in the power that I will give you?" Andrey forgot that part because of his excitement and said "yes please tell me what will be the consequence if I accept the power". Destro smiled as he explained the power he will give and the consequences of accepting it "first of all this power will give you the access to all Divine Talent, in short you can use all kind of Divine Talent, second is your body regeneration will be boost in the level that no one can kill you even you are shredded into pieces your body will still regenerate to its original form, third your strength will be boost and you will be physically stronger than any demons or monsters" Andrey excitement boost as he hear what he could gain if he accept god Destro's offer then Destro continued his explanation with a wide smile "now you know what can you gain, now lets talk about the consequences for this power. First you will not age, if we added the regeneration you will be immortal living for eternity. Second you could never be a father but you can love anyone you like but I don't think it will be good for you. And the third part is the most important, for every quest or mission you complete you only have 24 hours and every thing about you will disappear ". Andrey was shock of the last consequence and ask "what do you mean everything about me will disappear?" Destro answer him in a serious face and said "what I said is what will happen after you completed any mission all of the person who knows you, who see you, admired you even if you gain a lover in the middle of your mission after you complete it after 24 hours their memories of you will be erase and not only in their memories but also in pictures and even in writings. No one will remember you and no one would know about your heroic deeds you will only exist as a normal stranger to everyone. " Andrey falls down to his knees as he hear god Destro's explanations he feels indecisive because of the consequence that he will face if he accept the god Destro's offer.