
The future prospects

I left the library. The sky was already dark, the moon was barely lighting up the city. I cast a light spell, it is a bit more draining without a physical circle, but it is manageable.

I hurried home. My mom was waiting at the door. Her face was relieved when she saw me. After I came into the house she gave me a stern talking to. She also took that opportunity to tell me that she had decided to enroll me in Brimstone highschool.

To me this was sudden. I had many questions.

How did she get the money? How am I supposed to pass the entrance exam? Why all of a sudden is she telling me this?

Before I could ask her she told me:

"You should know that this is something your father wanted for you."

"...It wasn't long after you had been born that he expressed his wish for you to attend where he attended."

"...I had saved enough money for your education there and I know you might not want to, but this could be a new beginning, Leo."

My mother had a determined face. I knew my fate was sealed at that point but I asked anyway.

"Do you really think I can pass the entrance exam?"

"But of course, I believe in you, Leo."

"You should prepare, it will start in a month."

At that point an awkward silence arouses. None spoke. That night I went straight to bed after dinner.

In the morning, I got up late. I ate a light breakfast and went to the library. As soon as I walked in I got distracted by last night's conversation. The librarian saw it immediately. He knew me well so he questioned me teasingly.

"What's up, is a girl on your mind? You know I can always help you with that."

He was a little annoying so I yabed back at him.

"It is not that. What would you even know about it, you have been single for as long as i know you."

"That hurts. But if it isn't, what could it be?"

"I am going to be taking the entrance exam for the Brimstone highschool."



"Have you thought about which class you want to take there?"

"No, don't even know where to begin"

"Well. you should think about it, but your biggest concern should still be the entrance exam. They do the exam for all the classes together and only the top students get accepted."

"Furthermore, it will be especially tough for you because one third of the exam is practical."

"One third will be a written test, which will pose no problem for you. And the last part is a test to determine your magical ability where the speed, accuracy and firepower of your spells will be judged."

"You are right about the written test. Though my magic is lacking, I might barely manage a passing mark."

"I heard that the last part of the exam takes place on the surface and that it is different every year."

"Last year they had the participants race through the mana storms. All those who failed to avoid it were given failing marks."

"That sounds rough."

After that I couldn't focus and went back home. I know I have only a month to prepare. I should see how useful mana efficient circles are.

At home I began drawing the circles following what I remembered from the book. It was easy once you did it a couple of times. And the mana draw was very small. It must have been at least ten times smaller. It was amazing how efficient they were.

I started making many circles. All that I knew. After that I began attempting to stack two circles. I attempted and attempted but nothing worked. No matter what, I couldn't accomplish anything.

When I got frustrated I got something to eat. After that I left a note on the fridge that I ate and that I am in my room.

The rest of the day was a failure.