


Good morning to the world. I just woke up and my body ache all over, I've been stressing too much lately .

I stood up, brushed my teeth and decided to eat something before taking my bathe. I went to the kitchen and oh boy I really need to go food shopping. The perks of being a detective you hardly have time for your self. No flour for pancakes so I'll just eat cornflakes cereal and so that I ate.

I took my bathe and got dressed in a black skinny jeans and big black shirt . Today I'm on all black.

I got in my car and straight to the office.

" hey Nessa !!" MK yelled as he hugged me tightly

" omg I can't breathe " I fake coughed

" I miss you Nessa you forgot all about me as soon as you met Ezekiel that isn't fair you know " MK kept on whining

"Oh poor baby don't worry I'll make it up to you " I said smiling cheekily.

We both walked to my office and MK sat and placed his legs

"Hey young man move it" I said playfully slapping his legs . The nerve of him.

"What was that for" he said whining

"The nerve for you to put your leg on my table"

"Alright I'm sorry" he said

"Yah no worries about that"i replied

" so tell me how far have you gone in your case?"he asked

Shoot I just remembered now I was supposed to go to the police station to get the CCTV footage of the inn.

"You are a life saver I just remembered that I was supposed to go and get a CCTV footage of the inn from the police "I said

"Oh really, alright let's get going "he said as he stood up abruptly

" you wanna go with me?" I asked

" yeah why ?" He asked

"Well considering shawn said Ezekiel was to be my assistant " I said

" come on….I'm going with you as a friend no big deal" he said as he shrugged

" alright let's go we'll be taking my car " I said as I grabbed my gun,ID and phone and with that we went out of the office.

"Hey Van where are you going without me ?" The annoying voice of Zeke came

" Dont worry about it I'll be back soon" I stated as we continued to walk

" so you prefer going with MK " he said

" Nessa ignore lets go" MK said as he dragged me to the car . We that we zoomed off . I wonder what is Zeke's problem.


The D - day is here , the day everyone has been waiting for .

Caroline's wedding ah finally.

I got up and brushed my teeth and I went down the stairs.

" aunty!!" Macy yelled

" hey Big girl Macy how are you doing?" I asked

" I'm good " she said smiling cheerfully.

" so are you excited about the wedding?" I asked her

" yes I am but I'm sad that aunty Caroline will no longer live with us " she said suddenly pouting

" hmm how do you know that?" I asked her

" granny told me that when get gets married she wont live here anymore but she will stay will uncle will" she said and I think uncle Will is Caroline's groom.

"Dont worry you are still gonna see her once in a while " I said consoling her

" ok aunty " she said as she smiled again.

We walked to granny's room

" good morning granny " I said as I smiled at her

" morning dear hope you had a good night rest?" She asked" yeah I did" I replied.

"We'll be going to the church soon so why dont you go get caroline ready" she said

" alright Macy you can stay with granny okayy I'll see you in church " I said as I walked to caroline's room and knocked as she told me to come in.

"Good morning " I said smiling at her

" morning " she said as she was slightly fidgeting.

" caroline are you alright?" I asked her

"I'm kinda nervous " she said truthfully

" aww it's normal to be nervous I mean you are getting married to the love of your life" I said smiling

"Okay" she replied

" now go take your bathe , I'll get things ready here" I told her as she nods and went to the bathroom.

I quickly brought out all the make up tools I need, then I brought out her wedding dress and layed it on the bed .

As I sat and patiently waited for her to finish.

Few minutes later she was out wearing a bathrobe.

I started the make up which took about 30minutes to get everything done.

Then I asked her to put on her dress as I assisted her cause you know it's a wedding dress and it tends to be big. After that she sat as I styled her hair and then placed the veil on it.

" omg I'm looking so pretty " she gushed as she stared at her reflection on the mirror

" yes indeed you are" I said smiling at her.

" thank you so much Karen " she said holding my hands

" no problem caroline " I said as I went outside her room and called her friend who is the maid of honour.

I know this day is going to be really long.

I was about to enter my room when Adrian hugged me from behind

" morning dear " he said burying his face in my hair

" morning " I said smiling.

" I would like to continue this but… We both need to get ready for your sisters wedding" I said

So he bid me bye as I went into my room to take my bathe.

I took my bathe and got dressed in a pink gown with white heels I did my make up styled my hair and took my purse .

I came out and met Adrian already dressed in a black tuxedo and I must say he looks ravishing.

"You look beautiful " he exclaimed

" thanks and you look handsome " I said smiling.

" shall we?" He asked as we both went to his car leaving caroline behind cause she definitely will be the last person to arrive . And of we went on our way to the church .