


We arrived at the police station.

"Hey MK thanks earlier with Zeke " I said

"Nah no problem I don't just like the aura I get when he is close " he replied.

"Lol he's usually not like this I wonder what's hes problem " I replied

" how can i help you?" A police officer came and said

" oh forgive my manners I'm detective Vanessa " i said showing him my ID

"And I'm also a detective I'm Marvis " MK said showing him his ID.

" oh welcome so what can we do for you " he asked

" well i'm handling the case of the dead person found in the inn and like to see the cctv footage of the inn." I said

" alright come with me " he said

So we walked with him to a room full of computer system and I believe it's ro the cameras around this vicinity.

"The footage of the inn on that very day of the kill" the police officer said to the other person sitting there.

Soon it started showing on the screen and I asked him to zoom cause it's kinda dark considering the kill being done in the night.

Then it showed a man dressed in all black with a hoodie covering his face

" I think that's our killer " I spoke aloud

He walked in then suddenly the lights went off.

"Can you pull the footage of inside the inn ?" I asked

As he searched for it on the computer system

" sorry I think it has been deleted " he said

" deleted how?" I asked

" I don't know but if I get anything I'll let you know" the system guy said

"Alright I'll need this footage you just showed me as I need it in solving the case" i said

"Ok " he said as he attached a hard drive to the system

I and MK walked out of the building and went to the car

" this whole thing is quit tough " MK said

" yeah it's getting tiring I mean who must have deleted it , it's like whoever deleted it doesn't want to bring the killer to book" I said as I sighed.

" yes you have a point" he said

MK decided to drive so we switched sit as I went to the passenger's sit.

We rode to the office.

I entered my office as I bid MK bye as he went to his section .

So I decided to play the video of the CCTV footage again.

I connected the hard drive to my laptop and started playing it. I was so engrossed in it that I didn't even know Zeke had entered my office and was standing beside me.

" so you got a lead and you didn't go with me instead you went with that MK." He said with a kind of emotion I can't even understand

" it doesn't ma……" I was about to say before he interrupted me saying

" what do you mean it doesn't matter, for christ sake Vanessa I was assigned as you assistant " he called my full name he must be really pissed.

" fine I'm sorry okay" I said

" soot your self" he said as he left

What a temper he must have got there.

I just shut my laptop I need to eat something.

So I took my purse and necessities as I went out of my office.

I got to my car and Zeke walked to me

" where are you going " he asked

" I need a break I wanna get something to eat" I said

" alright let's go" he replied

" go where " I asked

" you wanna eat and I too I'm hungry so let's go " he said as he went to the passenger's sit .

One moment he's yelling like a maniac the next moment he wants to eat out with me . Be is really something else.

We got to the restaurant and sat soon a waiter came

"What would you like to order?" He asked

"I'll get a normal burger and cold orange juice " I said

" and you " the waiter asked Zeke

" I'll get a hamburger and a cold mango juice" Zeke said.

" alright I'll be back shortly" he said as he left

" about me yelling earlier…. I'm sorry" he said

" yeah no problem about that I'm sorry also for not Informing you" I replied

" so we are good now?" He asked

" yes we are " I said smiling

The waiter arrived with our orders on a tray.

We started eating and when we were done I was about to bring my money from my purse when Zeke held my hand and dropped some dollar Bill's on the table

" Bill's on me " he said

" but you said so the other day?" I asked

" yes so that makes it two times in waiting " he said smirking.

"Alright let's go back to the office and re watch the video " I suggested

" that's a good idea" he said as we both went outside and Zeke opted to drive us to the office.

We got to the office

"The boss wants to see the both of you" MK said

" Not again…… I just hope another kill has not be carried out" I spoke out loud

"Let's just see how it goes"Zeke said as MK rolled his eyes .

I knocked at Shawn's office and he said a simple come in.

So I and Zeke walked in

" Detective Vanessa, how far have you gone with the case? He asked

"Well we got some lead on what the person or thing possess and also a CCTV footage " I said

" A CCTV footage you say?" Shawn asked as he stared at Zeke who bent his head . I wonder what's up with them.

"Alright you can leave" He said

As I and Zeke went back to my office.

I opened my laptop and played the video again as I brought my jotter out to take down anything o can find.

The only clue I could find was that the person operates in the dark .

We are getting there , one he has claws , two he bites , three he operates alone and in the dark.

I hope we get more clues.