
The Librarian of the End

Nightmares are an intriguing experience. Many can feel so real you’d swear they weren’t fiction. Every monster, every horror and every fear you’ve ever had can come to life. Many wake up in a cold sweat, convinced that the experience was real. They are then soothed by reality, promised that it was only a dream, a mirage. A fiction. That means they failed. Those who succeed are rewarded with their memory. And so much more. When Jacob manages to survive a particularly realistic nightmare, he ends up being thrust into a world of magic and mayhem. This is the story of how his life transformed from normal into the definition of abnormal.

Gentleman_Chicken · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
65 Chs

Combat System

[Shin Jin: 14%. Victoria: 6%]

A few seconds passed as Jacob stood there, fascinated.

Not only because he could potentially unlock something called a combat system, which sounded awesome enough in itself. But because of the implications of such a thing.

The fact that there was a pre-packaged function to his ability that could be utilised gave him a very exciting piece of information, there may be more hidden aspects to his ability.

All he had to do was unlock them.

Of course, he doubted they'd be easy to find. The combat system seemed fairly obvious and its unlock condition was simple but the others could well be much more difficult.

But that wasn't the point.

The point was that if he could find and unlock all the facets of his ability, he may very well be able to increase his overall combat strength several times over.

Unfortunately, his hopes were instantly dashed as another girl came out getting directly in the middle of the two hot-headed Jin clan fighters.

"ALLLLLLL RIGHT!" She shouted in an islander accent, drawing the words out for the utmost effect and volume.

The new girl was huge, not in the sense that she was fat but that she was taller than Jacob and was bundled up in coats and scarves she didn't need. Despite that her muscular body was evident in her figure, and in the way that she managed to easily stop both of the current fighters with one hand each.

"Alright kiddos, if someone's starting a fight then I'm taking a slice, understand!" The wild woman shouted, giving Jacob enough time to get a proper look at her face.

She was a good-looking woman, beautiful even by pretty much any standard. But she possessed two features that would drive most suitors off, the first was the large scar trailing from her cheek to her forehead over her left eye.

The second was the look of utter madness and jubilance on her face as she tried to pick a fight.

A quick prompt to Analysis reminded him that she was from the Azan clan and was also the only woman in the Azan clan's three-person group.

But before she could act on her provocative words, she, along with the other two causing a commotion, started floating amid a faintly glowing blue light.

 "That's enough Ressana, you too Shin and Victoria" calmly interjected Professor Howinster.

"While I commend your attitude of wanting to try out your abilities with such vigour the purpose of this class was familiarisation, not asserting dominance through violence" He continued.

"To that end, I believe all of you have had enough excitement for one day. For those of you who are interested, you may choose a combat-related class for your elective."

"Speaking of which we will be ending class early today so that you may all attend the orientations for the various elective classes so that you may choose one to your liking. I'll see you all tomorrow with your elective choices." The professor concluded.

A few glares were shot between Shin and Victoria and a look of annoyance flashed across the wild woman's face, Ressana as he now knew her to be called.

All three of them were lowered to the ground where they regained their footing.

Jacob quickly ran over to Shin, helping him as he limped slightly. It was clear that he was worse off than Victoria after their fight.

"You alright Shin?" He asked out of courtesy, knowing the type of answer he'd get in response.

"…Fine" The small but determined boy replied, shrugging off his help and limping out of the area alone.

"Wonder what caused all that…" Mused Erwin as he made his way over to Jacob.

"Who knows, Shins got a short temper, and that Victoria girl doesn't exactly look docile either" Jacob replied.

"Regardless we have more important things to consider, our elective." Erwin said, changing the topic.

"Ahhhh, crap your right. Any idea what you're gonna do? I literally only became a dreamer a few days ago so I haven't even thought about it." He asked.

"I'm glad you asked, I have taken the liberty of studying the various electives with the hopes of choosing the most appropriate option, all that's left is to check out the final candidates in person." Came his answer.

"Any chance you could tell me what made it past your oh-so-selective screening process, oh wise one? Jacob exaggerated.

"But of course, my good man" Erwin replied, going along with Jacob's silliness.

"You see I narrowed down the electives that I think would be best suited for me to three options. Since you haven't had time to do any research yourself, and you mentioned we may share a mana affinity you may as well start your search with my choices"

"A good a plan as any" Jacob relented.

Soon enough they were standing in the centre courtyard.

Within the courtyard dozens of tents had mysteriously appeared, occupied by young men and women who had had managed to almost completely fill every free space in the yard. Each person wanted a piece of the action and all of them were trying to shout over each other.

It created a cacophony of noise that should have been deafening and yet Jaocb could still make out what some were saying.

Some tents advertised electives about magical research, others about spiritual awakening. Some mentioned the deeper theories of necromancy and there were even ones that showcased the creation of magical technology.

There were of course more normal electives held such as special logistic studies and the environmental effects of Vass clan magic but those tended to have far fewer people than the ones with more fantastical focuses.

Amid all the hustle and bustle of the new year rush stood Jacob. 

Erwin was by his side preparing to decide what he would be doing for the next 6 months.

It was time to pick his elective.