
The Leviathan Tristin

When Tristin was struggling to find a way to avenge his parents' deaths, he unexpectedly received a powerful gift from a leviathan. Caught between being a teenager in a new town and seeking answers for his parents' bizarre deaths, Tristin had to build his strength while navigating high school life. The organization responsible for his parents' deaths began to target him and his father's business, leaving him with few people he could trust. Just as his options seemed to dwindle, Tristin encountered a homeless old man who turned out to be a leviathan in disguise. The leviathan bestowed upon him incredible powers. Feeling that this newfound strength could help him exact his revenge, Tristin started to establish himself in the new city, creating allies and friends to aid him. However, he soon discovered that great power comes with great risk.

Chreecy_Kayra · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 19 - too cunning

"Is Tristin going to join us for dinner?" Buhle asked Megan, trying to hide her thoughts from Tristin.

Megan looked at Tristin with pleading eyes. "Will you join us, Tristin?"

"How can I refuse a request from two beautiful women? Yes, I'll join," Tristin said, curious about Buhle's reaction to him.

The three of them sat at the table reserved by Megan. As they ordered their meal, Tristin asked, "Buhle, if I remember correctly, the Ntuli Group's headquarters is in Jozi. What brings you to Bongsburg?"

"I'll be starting at Bongsburg University next semester," Buhle said with a smile.

"Oh, I see. But the next semester starts in six weeks. You sure came early," Tristin commented.

Megan frowned and looked at Buhle. "Didn't you say you were coming to visit me?"

"I wanted to surprise you!" Buhle said with a smile. "Are you surprised?"

"It's a good surprise, indeed," Megan replied, her smile radiating across the table.

Tristin observed the two women and smiled. "You seem close. How do you know each other?"

As they exchanged looks, the food arrived with a bottle of wine. Buhle decided to explain.

"When Megan was studying at the University of Jozi, she tutored high school students. I was one of them," Buhle said.

Tristin chuckled. "The way you looked at each other, I thought it was going to be a big revelation." He then turned to Megan. "So, Miss Megan, you got your teaching degree at the University of Jozi?"

"No, Tristin," Megan said with difficulty, looking down. "I was studying Bioscience and Technology at that time."

Tristin, taken aback, stopped eating and asked, "Miss Megan, your major is impressive. Why do you say it with such difficulty?"

Buhle jumped in. "Megan doesn't have a teaching degree or anything related to teaching," she said confidently.

Tristin was confused. How could St. Ntuli High School hire someone without teaching credentials? Yes, Megan is a great teacher, but...

Seeing his confusion, Buhle continued. "Megan has a talent for teaching. When my grades improved under her tutoring, my father was impressed. When we lost a math teacher, he hired Megan, and students' results soared."

Noticing Buhle's pride, Tristin realized she might reveal more if he kept her talking. He paused from eating, holding his fork with a piece of steak near his chin, and said, "It must have been hard for you, a daughter of the Ntuli Group's president, needing a tutor. That must have been a tough experience."

Megan was stunned. Most people would flatter Buhle after knowing her identity, but Tristin focused on her struggles. Buhle, shocked, stopped eating and looked at Tristin, not knowing how to react. She blurted out, "Well, not everyone was raised by two geniuses."

Tristin put down his fork and knife and stood up. "Ladies, this was fun, but I have to go. Miss Megan, I'll see you tomorrow. Buhle, it was nice meeting you. I'm sure we'll see each other again."

"Leaving so soon? You haven't finished your food. If you're worried about transportation, I can drop you off," Megan said, not wanting Tristin to leave.

Tristin saw no reason to stay. He had already figured out why Buhle reacted to him and was sure she had researched him. He tossed Zinhle's car keys in the air and said to Megan, "I drove here, but thanks. I still have things to do at home. Plus, Buhle came from afar to have dinner with you. I'll let you catch up without interruptions."

"Okay, drive safe, Tristin," Megan said with sadness in her voice.

Seeing her look, Tristin felt guilty. "Miss Megan, if you're free next time, let me know. I'll take you somewhere nice."

He didn't wait for her response, went to the counter, paid for the meals, and ordered a bottle of champagne for Megan and Buhle. 

Buhle sighed, realizing she had messed up. What could have been an easy mission was now difficult; Tristin would be on guard.

Seeing Buhle troubled, Megan thought she was upset by Tristin's remarks. "Don't let it get to you, Buhle. Tristin is smart. That's probably why he said it must have been hard for you."

Yeah, he is smart, Buhle thought. I didn't believe it when I saw his file. The Argus Web's interest in him made sense now. His parents were geniuses, but Tristin might surpass them. His keen observation was impressive, and I didn't notice until it was too late.

As Buhle pondered, a waiter brought the champagne. "We didn't order this," Megan said.

"The gentleman who was dining with you paid for it and your meal," the waiter explained.

Megan was surprised. "Okay, thanks." She decided she would repay Tristin. The bottle alone cost a fortune, not to mention the meal.

Buhle, fuming, thought Tristin was cunning, using her for information and then giving her champagne. She excused herself to the restroom.

"Dad, I might have messed up," Buhle said, talking to her father on the phone.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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