
The Leviathan Tristin

When Tristin was struggling to find a way to avenge his parents' deaths, he unexpectedly received a powerful gift from a leviathan. Caught between being a teenager in a new town and seeking answers for his parents' bizarre deaths, Tristin had to build his strength while navigating high school life. The organization responsible for his parents' deaths began to target him and his father's business, leaving him with few people he could trust. Just as his options seemed to dwindle, Tristin encountered a homeless old man who turned out to be a leviathan in disguise. The leviathan bestowed upon him incredible powers. Feeling that this newfound strength could help him exact his revenge, Tristin started to establish himself in the new city, creating allies and friends to aid him. However, he soon discovered that great power comes with great risk.

Chreecy_Kayra · Fantasy
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27 Chs

chapter 18 - argus web

As Zinhle led the way, Tristin's thoughts raced. The next person he needed to see was the homeless old man near the supermarket. After everything Zinhle's grandma had said, he was sure the old man held the answers he needed.


"Tristin, it's late. I'll drive you home. Your house is on the other side of the city, and it's a two-hour drive. A taxi or bus will take even longer," Zinhle interrupted, pulling Tristin from his thoughts.


Tristin considered it. "Zinhle's right, but having her drive might be riskier and take longer than a taxi."


"Thanks, Zinhle. I think I'll take a taxi," he declined politely.


"Take my car then. You can bring it back tomorrow at school," Zinhle insisted, sensing his hesitation.


"Okay, thanks. That's a good idea," Tristin agreed. He realized taking her car would save time, allowing him to catch the old man. He took the keys and bid Zinhle goodbye.


Arriving near the supermarket, Tristin didn't see the old man. He parked and went inside. As he was about to buy a takeaway, a young lady who often helped him approached.


"Sir, that old guy isn't here today," she said.


"Where is he?" Tristin asked, puzzled.


"We don't know. No one's seen him since last night when he walked you home. He was gone this morning," she replied, equally confused.


Tristin pondered. "Give me the usual takeaway. I'll leave it for him if he returns."


The cashier complied, handing over the food without further questions. Tristin went to the old man's usual spot, but the place was clean, devoid of the boxes and blanket. He left the takeaway and departed.


As he drove home, he thought, If the old man is the leviathan, he might have left with the storm, returning to the sea.


Upon arriving home, Tristin noticed his grandmother hadn't returned. He tried calling her but got no answer. Concerned, he decided to call the hospital.


"Bongsburg Hospital, how may I help you?" the receptionist answered.


"Hello, I've been trying to reach Nurse Johannah Mahlangu. Is she still on duty?" Tristin asked.


"Yes, she is. May I ask who's calling?"


"Please tell her that her only grandson was checking on her," Tristin said before hanging up.


He changed out of his school uniform, feeling its weight lift. Deciding against junk food, he opted to visit a restaurant for a proper meal.


At the restaurant, he approached the entrance, but the bouncer stopped him. "Sorry, kid. No entry without a reservation. Do you have one?"


Tristin, dressed casually in a black V-neck t-shirt and skinny jeans, pulled out his Diamond VIP card given by Ella. The bouncer scanned it, confirming his details and face.


"Sorry, sir. Please go in," the bouncer said, gesturing him inside.


All eyes turned to Tristin as he entered, curious about the casually dressed young man in such a high-end place.


"Tristin, what are you doing here?" a familiar voice called.


He turned to see Miss Megan, now in a stunning blue dress that accentuated her curves and flowed down her back. She looked radiant.


"Miss Megan, you look beautiful. I didn't expect to see you twice in one day; it's a treat," Tristin complimented.


Miss Megan blushed. "Thanks. Are you here on a date?"


"Oh no, just here to taste the food," Tristin replied, shaking his head.


Miss Megan chuckled. "Why don't you join me? I'm waiting for a friend. Meals are better when shared."


Tristin hesitated. "I don't want to impose."


"You won't be. I insist," Miss Megan said, but she was interrupted by a voice calling her name.


"Megan, I'm here!" A girl around 19, in a short silver dress and matching heels, approached. She was stunning, drawing all eyes.


"Hey, Buhle! How have you been?" Miss Megan asked excitedly.


"I've been great, Megan. How about you?" Buhle replied.


"Good, good. Buhle, this is Tristin, a new transfer student at St. Ntuli High. Tristin, this is Buhle, daughter of the president of the Ntuli Group."


Buhle was momentarily shocked upon seeing Tristin but quickly regained her composure. "Pleasure to meet you, Tristin," she said, shaking his hand.


"Likewise, Buhle," Tristin responded, noticing her brief reaction.


I didn't expect to see him so soon after arriving in Bongsburg, Buhle thought. Meeting Tristin de'Kayra here might be an opportunity, but if not handled well, I could fail my mission from the Argus Web. She shook Tristin's hand, masking her inner turmoil.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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