
The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods

Ko-fi.com/mltnovelupdate Three years after graduation, Chu Mo, who could barely maintain his most basic life, opened the Shenhao system, and an unlimited and safe bank card appeared in front of him. start a company? to invest? buy stocks? These in unlimited banks…

Mltnovel_update · Urban
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Chapter 44: The tricks in the circle of friends show off their wealth

Chapter 44: The tricks in the circle of friends show off their wealth

"Mr. Chu, you already have a very good cooking skills. What you lack is nothing more than a deep understanding of ingredients and cooking techniques. Mr. Chu, you should not have learned enough cooking!"

Diwangxuan Villa No. 1, in the kitchen with a full 60 square meters, is a middle-aged chef with a slightly fat body and a slightly restrained look, who is stirring the spareribs in the pot.

On the side, a tall and thin young man with golden glasses on the bridge of his nose is holding a kitchen knife from Germany, and is seriously shredding potatoes.

"Master Li, you are right. I used to just watch videos of other people's cooking on the Internet and **** myself, so the methods are relatively rough, and the meals I make are at most the level of home-cooked dishes, and Master Li, your fine craftsmanship There is absolutely no comparison."

This hand-made kitchen knife inlaid with six diamonds can even cut hair lengthwise, and the price has reached a terrifying 200,000 soft sister coins!

The whole kitchen is full of fantastic technology colors.

Until this time, Chu Mo seemed to understand that the decoration cost of this villa was as high as hundreds of millions.

The cost of just this one kitchen will definitely not be less than three million!

Naturally, spending money must have the advantage of spending money. All kinds of kitchen utensils are available in the kitchen, and the handling of various ingredients has definitely reached a fine level. In addition, the middle-aged fat man next to him definitely has top cooking skills, which makes Chu Mo, who was in charge of chores, benefited a lot.

If nothing else, it's just a simple hot and sour shredded potato, Yi Chumo's craftsmanship can only barely make it into the mouth, but the cooking skills of Master Li next to him can make your mouth water!

The gap between star chefs and ordinary home-cooked dishes is really big!

After being busy for a whole morning, when he came out of the kitchen, he looked at the dozen or so delicious delicacies on the table. Although he was only playing by the side and did not cook himself, Chu Mo was still satisfied. Feel.

After taking a bath in the bathroom, I washed away the smell of oil smoke from my body. When Chu Mo came out, the maid just brought the last sweet and sour fish to the table!

After blow-drying his hair, he came to the restaurant and sat down. Apart from the two maids who were quietly serving, the housekeeper Danny also stood quietly behind him!

Therefore, on the huge dining table in front of him, there were a total of 18 dishes, and only Chu Mo enjoyed it.

Suddenly, there was an uncomfortable feeling in my heart. I always felt that something was missing. Chu Mo, who picked up the chopsticks, casually picked up some shredded potatoes in front of him. He did not rush to enter, but observed carefully.

This dish of shredded potatoes is cut by himself. Even the length and thickness of each shredded potato are almost the same. When cutting the shredded potatoes, Chu Mo is very careful. The appearance of silk is quite good.

For a moment, he gently put it in his mouth and tasted it, and the brilliance in his eyes could not help but light up, Chu Mo suddenly said:

"Danny, let Master Li come over for dinner!"

The words fell, and he stayed behind all the time, the middle-aged butler who was waiting for dispatch at any time naturally nodded in agreement.

That is, in a minute or two, the chef came to the door of the restaurant with a careful chef on his chubby cheeks!

"Mr. Chu, you called me!?"

"Sit down, this meal is the result of the joint efforts of the two of us. Naturally, we should share it together, don't be restrained!"

Li Long at the door of the restaurant hesitated a little, but after a moment, the fat chef who gritted his teeth slightly sat down next to Chu Mo.

"Where is Master Li from?"

While enjoying this delicious food, Chu Mo with a relaxed face chatted casually!

Hearing this, Li Long, who had just picked up the chopsticks, immediately sat up straight and answered carefully:

"Mr. Chu, I'm from Huizhou!"

Chu Mo, who picked up a piece of ribs, nodded slightly, originally wanted to chat casually, but when he saw the thin sweat on the other's forehead and the correct sitting posture, he stopped talking!

Chu Mo ate a meal very casually, but the chef next to him, Li Long, only took two bites of dishes. When he put down the tableware, the other party respectfully left, and Chu Mo, who sighed softly, understood. Why did I feel a sense of emptiness in my heart just now!

It turned out to be because there was no one around to share the food with!

There are eleven servants in the whole villa, except for the owner, including the housekeeper Danny, but there is not one who can make himself say two sincere words!

The plan to improve his cooking skills has been officially implemented. Chu Mo doesn't have many hobbies. Writing an article counts as one, and cooking counts as half!

As for the elegant hobbies of golf, bowling, and horseback riding, there is none.

Chu Mo has a lazy temperament. Instead of wasting time on cultivating high-end hobbies that he is not interested in, it is better to raise the hobbies that he really likes to the full level.

Improving culinary skills was already in the plan, but today is the time to put it into action!

Of course, even if Chu Mo improves his cooking skills to the level of a star chef, it is estimated that there will not be many people in the whole world who can let Chu Mo cook by himself, except for his parents!

There were basically not many dishes on the table, but Chu Mo, who was already 90% full, left the table and took the elevator to the third floor. He was planning to take a nap when the phone in his pocket suddenly rang. .

Glancing at the caller ID, Chu Mo, who looked flat, pressed the answer!

"Mr. Chu, I have already signed the villa on Luyin Avenue, Boss Lin, but the shares of the Bafang International Hotel are somewhat controversial. The four bosses seem to have negotiated it. They will only give us 25% of the shares at most. I will fight for it. It has been a long time, and Li Tianming has talked in private, but they seem to have reached an agreement, and they are completely unwilling to let go, Mr. Chu, look...!"

Zhan Bingxue's voice on the other end of the phone was cautious, and even through the phone, she could feel her unease.

Standing on the balcony on the third floor of Villa No. 1, overlooking the lush garden in front of him, Chu Mo, who frowned slightly, did not answer immediately, but thought about something very seriously.

Zhan Bingxue on the other end of the phone did not urge, nor was he dissatisfied at all, just waited quietly.

A minute later, Chu Mo, who sighed softly, said:

"The 30% stake remains unchanged, and an additional investment of 300 million yuan can be used for the renovation and upgrading of the hotel. Tell them that this is my bottom line. If there is any objection, then nothing will be discussed!"

Hanging up the phone, as if nothing had happened, Chu Mo came back to the bedroom, lying lazily on the comfortable big bed, refreshed the circle of friends at will, but saw a familiar picture!

What appeared in the circle of friends on the mobile phone was a picture of a Miaoman figure stretching her waist, and the background behind the Miaoman figure was the big bed and bedroom under her!

"Wake up, the sun is beautiful, and the day is in a good mood!"

Looking at the text under the picture, Chu Mo suddenly laughed softly!

Naturally, only the naughty girl Tao Yun can post on Moments with her bedroom as the background!

A week ago, Chu Mo invited Chu Xiner and some of her roommates to come to the house. At that time, a girl named Tao Yun took a lot of photos in the villa, even the bedroom. , Before leaving, Chu Mo added the prestige of a few girls!

Chu Mo seldom checked Moments before, so he didn't care, but now he swiped at random, and only then did he realize that the girl named Tao Yun was really interesting. From a week ago, her Moments would send a message every day on The photos taken in the villa, and then accompanied by a seemingly random, but actually intentional text.

Even the luxurious lunch in the restaurant at noon that day, she posted it for three consecutive days!

Chu Mo can even imagine all kinds of envious comments in her circle of friends!

Smiling and shaking his head, Chu Mo, who didn't care, was about to turn off his phone, but a message suddenly appeared in the prestige.

"Brother Chu, are you there?"


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