
The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods

Ko-fi.com/mltnovelupdate Three years after graduation, Chu Mo, who could barely maintain his most basic life, opened the Shenhao system, and an unlimited and safe bank card appeared in front of him. start a company? to invest? buy stocks? These in unlimited banks…

Mltnovel_update · Urban
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89 Chs

Chapter 43: newborn

Chapter 43: newborn

In front of the Bafang International Hotel, a brand-new Rolls-Royce Phantom parked quietly at the door. The woman wearing a cheongsam was in her early twenties, and her steps on stiletto sandals were a little hurried.

It's already 9:43, seventeen minutes before the school closes.

A tall bodyguard in a light blue suit opened the car door first, but the woman in cheongsam was about to sit in the back row, but a crisp voice suddenly came from behind!

"Miss Wu, can you leave me your contact information? I will ask the hotel to apply for a platinum card and send it to you tomorrow. Can you see it?"

When Zhan Bingxue, who was wearing short stockings and a tight-fitting shirt, opened her mouth with a smile, several men nearby who were also preparing to leave involuntarily stopped their steps. Even though they were used to seeing beautiful women, they still looked at Zhan Bingxue. Stunning.

Wu Xinran, who was wearing a purple cheongsam, paused slightly, her slender jade-like hands were gently stirred together, and her bright cheeks flashed a touch of entanglement. At the same time, the girl said weakly:

"Although I know that a hotel experience card is really nothing to Mr. Chu, but I didn't help Mr. Chu at all just now, I would be ashamed if I accepted it shamelessly!

So... please help me tell Mr. Chu: I understand his heart!"

Zhan Bingxue, with long wine red hair, accompanied by a gust of night wind gently fluttering, the smile in his eyes did not change, but his voice became a little softer!

"Miss Wu has been thinking too much. The reason why Mr. Chu gave you this card is just because it wasted your time, so I apologize a little.

If there is anything else, after all, this is something that Mr. Chu personally explained to me, if Miss Wu insists on not accepting it, it will be difficult for me to do it, time is running out, and Miss Wu should not worry about it!"

In the girl's hesitation, she got the other party's number, then watched the Rolls-Royce go away, touched the agate worth tens of millions in her hand, and Zhan Bingxue, whose smile gradually disappeared, turned around and went back!

The two rows of welcome ladies in cheongsams gave a crisp welcome again, and the sharp-eyed Zhan Bingxue glanced at the splendid hall at will...

If Mr. Chu really takes down this hotel with a market value of 8.5 billion, will he have a broader development?

When I got on the elevator and I was alone in the small space, Zhan Bingxue, who had been standing upright, was a little relieved.

Put the agate and jade that have been in your hand in front of you, if you read it correctly, the value of the two small things is afraid to reach 20 million!

When will I have the chance to bring them?

After a while, the elevator doorbell rang, adjusted his mentality, and the moment he stepped out of the elevator, the whole person returned to the calm and capable state of Zhan Bingxue and strode forward.

Gently pushing open the half-covered door of the presidential suite, in front of the huge French window in the living room, a tall figure with a red wine glass in his hand was standing quietly.

Outside the window is a bright and prosperous city, standing here overlooking the night view, there will be a feeling of stepping on the whole city under your feet!

Without disturbing the elegance of the youth, Zhan Bingxue, who was stepping on high heels, lightened his pace, and when he walked forward, there was a faint feeling of faster heartbeat in his heart.

Suddenly, I remembered the chat with my best friend. I once told my best friend Yang Xuan that I must take this top rich and handsome...

But now, as he learns more about the youth, Zhan Bingxue's confidence becomes less and less. He breaks the expectations in his heart again and again, and stands in front of him with a tall, even looking up attitude!

Gently coming behind the other party, just as he was about to speak, a man's calm and solemn voice suddenly came from his ear!

"Exhibition manager, if there are two choices in front of you, love or career, which one would you choose?"

The faint words fell, and he was suddenly shocked. Looking at the resolute profile of the young man in front of him, just when Zhan Bingxue wanted to blurt out, the man suddenly said:

"Don't rush to answer, think carefully, think clearly, and then tell me the answer!"

The beautiful cheeks suddenly became extremely solemn. At this moment, Zhan Bingxue's heart was beating like a drum. Because of the tension, his body even trembled slightly!

He quickly recalled what he had done recently, and when he was sure that he had not done anything out of the ordinary, his eyes swept over the profile of the man in front of him.

Through the golden glasses on the bridge of his nose, what Zhan Bingxue saw was that the man in front of him was staring at the beautiful scenery in front of him indifferently, and following his gaze, the presidential guest room on the fifty-eighth floor could give him a wide field of vision... …

The stars are shining overhead, and the beautiful Bund scenery can be seen at the end of the eyes.

So, this is another decision about your future destiny, isn't it!

Love or career!

pick one of two


Closing his eyes gently, his trembling body gradually returned to calm, but what Zhan Bingxue recalled in his mind at this moment was his entire first half of his life.

There is a hunch in my heart that if I choose love, then I will pass by with my current life.

In the future, I will return to the original real estate in the world, be the regional manager who is less than and more than the next, and then find a man who can be honest and simple to spend his life, or unwilling to be calm and climb on the bed of the potbellied boss...

When choosing a career, he will follow in the footsteps of the youth in front of him, he will take himself to a higher peak, appreciate the beauty that only a few people can appreciate, and step on the whole world step by step!

So, it's a tough but easy choice at the same time!

Love is equal to life as plain as water.

Career equals magnificent life!

There really is no such thing as the best of both worlds in this world!

When he gently opened his eyes, the whole person calmed down unexpectedly, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Zhan Bingxue knew that he already had the answer in his heart. The reason why he wasted time thinking was to give himself a remorse. opportunity, but now, the answer has been imprinted in my heart!

Just like the answer he wanted to blurt out just now, Zhan Bingxue, who looked more respectful, said softly:

"I choose career!"

As if he had expected it, the man in front of him turned and walked to the sofa, took something on the coffee table in his hand, and then gently threw it towards him.

When Zhan Bingxue took it subconsciously, he spread out his hands, only to find that it was the Aston horse's car key that fell in his hand!

"This car will belong to you in the future. Find Lin Hongqiang tomorrow and sign the villa on Luyin Avenue. You will live there for the time being. In addition, it is up to you to talk to those old foxes about the stake in the hotel. It costs 2.5 billion. , 30 percent of the shares, this is my bottom line.

As for Lin Hongqiang who got the money and wants more shares, let the four of them discuss it.

Remember, the four of them are old foxes, but they are definitely not monolithic. With 30% of the shares, we can definitely become the largest shareholder, uniting vertically and horizontally, and disintegrating... I don't ask the means, in short, we have to take Take control of this hotel...!"

Young people with handsome faces are talking about each other, but at this time, Zhan Bingxue has a feeling of stepping on top of a fairyland!

47 million cars, 700 million mansions, 8.5 billion five-star hotels, are these the rewards for choosing a career?

"Xiaoxue, I have given you the opportunity, don't let me down, and I hope you will always remember my words, I hate two things in my life, one is betrayal, the other is betrayal, I can Give you everything you want, and in the same way, I can send you to **** in a single thought!"

The man's light words were firmly imprinted in his mind. At this moment, Zhan Bingxue gently lowered his head, and the deep love in his eyes was deeply hidden!


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