
The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods

Ko-fi.com/mltnovelupdate Three years after graduation, Chu Mo, who could barely maintain his most basic life, opened the Shenhao system, and an unlimited and safe bank card appeared in front of him. start a company? to invest? buy stocks? These in unlimited banks…

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Chapter 38: Big O's goal

Chapter 38: Big O's goal

Gently drank the coffee in the cup, the bitter taste made Chu Mo's brain in a relatively peaceful state.

Standing quietly beside Chu Mo, Zhan Bingxue, the upper body is a tight T-shirt with a pattern, while tightening the upper body, the lower body skirt tightens the small waist, contrasting with the slender and soft waist, in matching ninety-five The face value of the points, this way of dressing up and walking on the street will definitely have a 100% return rate.

Just here, she can only act as a green leaf.

Before the meeting, the coffee cup in the man's hand was empty, and there was a touch of excited ice and snow in his eyes. He immediately refilled the cup for Chu Mo with a smile on his face, and when the middle-aged men beside him were talking loudly, he bowed his head slightly and turned his **** red. Zhan Bingxue, whose lips were close to the other's ear, said softly:

"Looks like it's about buying a hotel!"

When Zhan Bingxue straightened up again, Chu Mo, whose expression remained still, nodded lightly.

At this time, Lin Hongqiang, who had a pale face and smiled like a Maitreya Buddha, suddenly spoke again:

"Mr. Chu, I'm serious, there are 18 villas in the Green Avenue villa area. Among them, the first-line superstar Lin Wanqiu lives in nine villas, Sun Qingruoxi lives in thirteen villas, and mine is in Sun Qingruo. The twelve buildings next to Xi.

If you are really interested, Mr. Chu, I will sell it to you for 700 million yuan! President Chu, you don't know, last year, Wang Fugui of the Brilliant Restaurant paid 750 million yuan, and I was not willing to sell it. "

This is the second time that the other party has proposed to sell his own villa!

If there is no ulterior motive, it must be a conspiracy.

Chu Mo, who had always had an elegant smile on his face, did not agree or refuse, but just looked at the fair and clean man opposite with a little playfulness.

Looking at Chu Mo's gaze, Lin Hongqiang suddenly smiled and shook his head:

"I don't think we should go around in circles. President Chu is not an outsider. Playing nonsense like this shows that we have no sincerity."

The white man's words fell, and the remaining three looked at each other. Then, Li Tianming, the original owner of Diwangxuan Villa No. 1, took a deep breath:

"Brother Chu, President Lin has no other intentions. I know that his villa is only higher than Diwangxuan in terms of terrain and environment. The reason why President Lin is in a hurry to take action is that he lacks funds. I still want to be friends with brother Chu.

I'll give Brother Chu a low price. With that villa on Luyin Avenue, Brother Chu, if you hold it in your hand, you can definitely make 70 to 80 million yuan in one year. As for why we didn't take over... This is the topic of today. Now, brother Chu, do you know about Bafang International Hotel?"

Sure enough, the business is here!

Although Chu Mo wasn't bad for money, he didn't want to be treated like a fool. He rarely sat up straight. Chu Mo, who was holding the golden glasses on the bridge of his nose, couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.

The last time I invited myself to eat at Bingxue, I went to the Bafang International Hotel. It is a five-star hotel that meets international standards. The environment is very beautiful, and the food is also delicious.

If I remember correctly, the meal cost hundreds of thousands, and it is a top-level hotel in the true sense.

Without answering immediately, after pondering for a while, Chu Mo, who tapped the table in front of him with his fingertips, said casually:

"That five-star hotel on Honghe Road? I've been there a few times, but I haven't stayed overnight. I feel... nothing special!"

Chu Mo's expression was dull, but at this time, Sun Shangwu, who had been taciturn, finally said:

"Since Brother Chu knows, it's easy to handle. Bafang International is an international chain hotel with branches in Europe, America and South Asia. There was something wrong with the hotel management, and there was a high-level corruption incident that caused a lot of uproar some time ago, which had a great impact...

I heard from a few old friends that the headquarters decided to sell the hotel in the Magic Capital for 8.5 billion yuan, and would not accept equity swaps. As long as we had cash, a few of us gathered together, and our family was about to be hollowed out. With 6 billion, there is still a gap of 2.5 billion.

Just now, the reason why Mr. Lin wanted to buy the villa for my brother was to raise more cash and take up a lot of equity. Brother Chu, to be honest, we have worked **** this matter, and now it is time to harvest the fruits. If it wasn't for the fact that you are a cheerful person, Brother Chu, we would not find you!"

When the words of a few middle-aged men fell, they stopped talking.

As Chu Mo fell into thinking, the entire cafe immediately became smelly of falling needles.

A 5 star hotel...!

With a shortfall of 2.5 billion, in terms of total assets, he can get about 30% of the equity, and he should be the largest shareholder. Of course, if the four people on the opposite side join hands, he is afraid that he will still be overridden.

But why do you want the right to speak?

First, he didn't understand the management at all, and he really put the management right into his own hands. Chu Mo guessed that he was also smeared.

Second, if you really participate in management, it will definitely consume a lot of time and energy. For the mere 2.5 billion, wasting your precious time and energy in a hotel is completely stupid to throw watermelons and pick sesame seeds. Behavior.

give up?

He glanced at the three women and one man on the opposite side!

Without a superficial identity, even a few little rich second-generations can jump around in front of him, which is really annoying.

After a moment of pondering, he finally turned his attention to Zhan Bingxue, who was a beautiful woman with ninety-five points of respect and humility.

Chu Mo, whose eyes flashed with brilliance, had already made up his mind.

Time to push her to the foreground.

Taking a deep breath, he raised his wrist and glanced at the time. At 4:05, Chu Mo raised his eyebrows slightly and said:

"Several, how about we dine at this Bafang International Hotel tonight? It is also a great joy in life to experience the top international service with a few bosses! Don't argue with me, tonight's consumption counts on my account!"

When the words fell, Chu Mo got up, and the eyes of the four billion-dollar bosses beside him flashed with brilliance at the same time.

Hearing the huge sum of 2.5 billion, without any fear or retreat, he took the initiative to go to the hotel for inspection. The four middle-aged men who had already regarded Chu Mo highly had no choice but to raise Chu Mo's status again in their hearts. !

This is a real hidden giant!

The four middle-aged men who looked at each other had a flash of joy in their eyes at the same time. Seeing that Chu Mo had left the table, the four stood up at the same time.

At this time, a group of five people were carefully sent off by the cafe owner, and when they were about to walk out of the door, a slightly cautious voice suddenly came from behind!

"That... Mr. Chu, I lost the bet just now. I am willing to accept the bet. These things on the table belong to Mr. Chu."

Chu Mo, who was about to step out of the cafe, stopped slightly and turned to look at the slender girl by the window who was hanging her hands and bowed her head. At this moment, Chu Mo clearly saw a pleading in her eyes!

After this beating, the original white swan finally fell to the ground.

Chu Mo is sure that if he doesn't accept the things on the table, not only her, but even her father Shen Long, will probably lose sleep tonight!

Being targeted by a few super big E with a total worth of more than 100 billion, Shen Long, who is worth more than one billion and is weak, really has no strength to parry.

She nodded slightly at Zhan Bingxue, who was behind her. This beautiful woman with exquisite face and face naturally knew how to deal with it.

When the figures of Chu Mo and several Da E disappeared in the cafe, the sound of high heels hitting the ground sounded.

Zhan Bingxue, who has a face value of 95 points, gently came to the front of several people, passed by with the fearful expressions of the three girls, and first put away the Aston horse's car keys on the dining table.

Pick and choose at will on the dining table, take the agate and a piece of jade in your hand, turn a blind eye to the bank cards, platinum necklaces and a lot of luxury accessories on the dining table, and turn around and leave!

And until this moment, Shen Yaoyao, who had been standing reluctantly, finally collapsed on the seat.

However, neither the two girls beside him nor Sun Ping, whose face was still pale, were the three best friends who were usually the best.


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