
The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods

Ko-fi.com/mltnovelupdate Three years after graduation, Chu Mo, who could barely maintain his most basic life, opened the Shenhao system, and an unlimited and safe bank card appeared in front of him. start a company? to invest? buy stocks? These in unlimited banks…

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Chapter 37: folded swan

Chapter 37: folded swan

In the Shangdao Cafe near the Sunshine Community, a dozen Yingyingyanyan waiters quietly and curiously served around.

In the past, the hall, which should have been overcrowded at this time, seemed a lot empty. The focus of all the waiters' gazes was that there were only two tables of guests in the corner near the window.

At the entrance of the cafe, four tall bodyguards wearing black suits and sunglasses will persuade all the guests who want to come in.

The middle-aged boss of the coffee shop, who rarely shows up at ordinary times, also carefully served by the side, but even the service of serving tea and pouring water was not his turn.

There are a lot of handsome young people with luxury goods on the dining table in front of him, and he has lost the calmness and calmness of the past.

Although the air-conditioning in the cafe is fully turned on, the handsome young man with 85 points of appearance is sweating profusely!

He picked up the blue mountain coffee in front of him and took a sip. At the same time, Chu Mo, who had a dull expression, glanced at the young man across from him. When he found that the other party was shaking slightly, Chu Mo, who was a little dull, rushed along with him. Sun Shangwu, who was beside him, said:

"It's nothing. By the way, Xiao Sun has a coin in his hand. Let's toss it. Miss Shen and I are playing a game. I like to have a beginning and an end. I have to finish the game anyway."

Chu Mo's words fell, and Sun Shangwu, who was obviously relaxed, said:

"Sun Ping, still don't do as President Chu said?"

Sun Shangwu's voice was full of anger, and at the same time he was decisive in killing.

At the moment when the light words fell, Sun Ping on the opposite side suddenly gave a shudder. At the same time, this handsome young man who was obviously a few years older than Chu Mo nodded repeatedly at Chu Mo:

"Brother Chu, I know what to do!"

Then, amid the complicated hearts of the three girls beside her, she took a deep breath, put the sweaty coin in her palm, and gently tossed it upwards with her fingers...


With a light sound, the coin has quietly landed between Sun Ping's hands!

At this time, the indifferent Chu Mo glanced at the woman with phoenix eyes on the opposite side, and said casually:

"Miss Shen, heads are still words, let's get started!"

A faint voice reverberated in the quiet coffee shop. Except for the sound of several billion-dollar group bosses drinking tea quietly, the inside of the coffee shop became unusually silent.

And when several middle-aged men worth tens of billions of dollars also looked at the people opposite, the two girls who were sisters to Shen Yaoyao moved their positions at the same time, for fear of being caught Implicated in a terrifying situation.

The matter in front of them has surpassed the limits of their second-generation circles. If one is not careful, it may involve the rise and fall of the entire family!

In the face of such a big right and wrong incident, there is no such thing as sisterhood.

They had to be careful.

At this time, in the faint depression of the entire cafe, Shen Yaoyao, who was in the focus of all eyes, suddenly raised her head. Although there was a hint of remorse in those narrow and charming Danfeng eyes, the stubbornness and arrogance in her eyes still remained. did not disappear completely.

When the girl named Shen Yaoyao looked at him without fear, Chu Mo found that she was still like a proud white swan. Although she was about to fall to the bottom of the lake, she still stretched her neck and maintained the share that belonged to her. stubbornness.

The stubbornness of a 20-year-old girl alone.

So, the girl named Shen Yaoyao in front of her still didn't give up, did she?

A flash of disgust suddenly flashed in his heart. For the first time, Chu Mo felt disgusted in his heart for this kind of yellow-haired girl who was ignorant of current affairs and unrepentant!

The girl who has been living in the ivory tower should be beaten by the society!

Taking his eyes away from the stubborn girl, Chu Mo, who seemed to be chatting casually, said lightly:

"Does Mr. Li know about Mr. Shen Long from Villa No. 8?"

Hearing this, Li Tianming, the most handsome among the middle-aged men with sword eyebrows and star eyes, said casually:

"That Shen Long from Haoyue Real Estate? I heard that Haoyue Real Estate is in some trouble, that Shen Long has been busy in the circle recently!

Oh, you said that, I remembered that the No. 8 villa of Diwangxuan was the handwriting of Brother Chu. Your 300 million cash is a timely rain. If there is no accident, Shen Long should be able to survive this disaster!

It's just that the assets may shrink a little after the fact!"

Li Tianming said plainly, but the black-faced Sun Shangwu suddenly raised his eyebrows and said:

"Why, brother Chu is interested in real estate? My R&F industry has some real estate industries. If brother Chu is interested, let's communicate privately!"

Chu Mo didn't have an interface, just shook the coffee cup in his hand lightly, and said with a chuckle:

"I'm not interested in real estate, but I'm only interested in this Haoyue real estate. Isn't that Mr. Shen in some trouble, or let's add fire? Take this Haoyue real estate down?

I pay 500 million, accounting for 30% of the shares, and the remaining four bosses are looking at the score?"

Chu Mo's expression was indifferent, but in his soft words, it involved the retention of hundreds of millions of funds. This confidence and calmness, even the CEOs who are worth tens of billions in front of him, are nothing more than this!

At this time, the corners of his eyes turned between Chu Mo and Shen Yaoyao, who was opposite Danfeng's eyes, and Qiu Guodong, who was already a human being, suddenly laughed happily:

"Hahaha, Brother Chu is really domineering. As usual, if you want to take down this Haoyue property, the price is definitely not small, but this time is the time when it is empty, and you can get the most benefit with the smallest cost. Chu It's always a good vision. In this game, I, Qiu Guodong, followed...

I will take 300 million and take 20% of the shares, this is not too much!"

The remaining bosses raised their glasses at the same time, and while they were talking and laughing, the Haoyue real estate with a market value of 1.5 billion was decided to die!

At this moment, even Shen Yaoyao, who was as stubborn as a white swan, finally lowered her head when faced with the family's future decision.

The arrogance in her eyes that originally overlooked the world was gradually replaced by darkness. At this moment, the young girl who seemed to be shrouded in twilight bowed her head slightly, and said softly at the same time:

"I choose words!"

The voice fell, and without waiting for the handsome young man on the opposite side to open his hands, he grabbed the coin from the other party's hand. Shen Yaoyao, who didn't even look at it, held the coin tightly in his palm, and at the same time bowed his head respectfully to Chu Mo. , said expressionlessly:

"I lost!"

Sure enough, society is a big dye vat, it teaches the ignorant to be wise and the fearless to fear!

The indifferent Chu Mo did not look at the girl with Danfengyan eyes, but smiled and nodded at the middle-aged men in front of him.

it is more than words!


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