
The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods

Ko-fi.com/mltnovelupdate Three years after graduation, Chu Mo, who could barely maintain his most basic life, opened the Shenhao system, and an unlimited and safe bank card appeared in front of him. start a company? to invest? buy stocks? These in unlimited banks…

Mltnovel_update · Urban
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89 Chs

Chapter 33: Thirteen million agate

Chapter 33: Thirteen million agate

It's eleven o'clock in the morning!

A coffee shop near the Sunshine Community of Modu. Because of the weekend, there are more customers in the coffee shop than usual.

However, in this cafe, which is dominated by quiet and elegant melody, everyone seems to be soft-spoken.

In the corner of the cafe, near the window, a fair-faced woman in a colorful skirt with sloppy shoulders was staring at the man in front of her.

The atmosphere between the two was not so wonderful.

Faint willow eyebrows, a woman with small red lips and a pretty nose bridge are extremely iconic, and the hair draped over her shoulders adds a bit of beauty.

Exquisite appearance, elegant posture, stubborn and slightly shy conversation, people can not help but give birth to a bit of pity.

What a girl cares most about is her long eyelashes, a pair of bright red phoenix eyes like the scorching sun, and the tail of her eyes is pointed and warped, so it seems that she is looking at the world from the corner of her eye, even despising everything. Proud feeling.

However, if you look closely, you will find the panic and regret in her eyes!

This is clearly a seductive flower that is strong on the outside, strong on the outside and dry on the inside. It is white and flawless, fresh and elegant, and fragrant.

Chu Mo, who was sitting quietly across from him, didn't make any gaffes because of the opponent's provocative and bold words, except for raising his eyebrows slightly.

"Hello? Do you dare? I don't care about a girl, what are you afraid of as a boy?"

Chu Mo's indifferent demeanor made the girl with Danfengyan eyes even more annoyed, and the panic in her eyes was gradually replaced by a touch of anger, Shen Yaoyao said deliberately:

"Are you really a man?"

Sure enough, it's a child's trick of pretending to be home.

He picked up the coffee in front of him and sipped it lightly. Even the previous playfulness disappeared from his handsome cheeks. At this moment, Chu Mo, who refocused on the notebook in front of him, said casually:

"I'll make a date later, if there's nothing else, you can leave!"

The faint words fell, ignoring the cold-faced **** the opposite side, Chu Mo found that his mentality changed quickly, it seems that after having lunch with Chu Xiner Tao Yun and several girls yesterday, he gradually felt a sense of belonging to the luxury villa. , and also completely accepted who he is now.

A few days ago, Chu Mo's heart swelled because he had just obtained an unlimited bank card, and he was almost at a height of incomprehension. At that time, if he faced the girl with Danfengyan eyes in front of him, Chu Mo might agree to the girl's proposal without even thinking about it!

For Chu Mo, who has an unlimited quota, a sports car of 30 million is like a toy car of 300 yuan, but it is just a week's pocket money. With a week's pocket money as a bet, if you lose, you can eat instant noodles for a week. If you win, take the beauty home directly. I believe that no normal man will refuse such a gamble!

However, after the change in mentality in the past few days, Chu Mo's vision and pattern of looking at the problem began to change.

In the past, he looked at the problem from a narrow and fearless perspective, but now, Chu Mo, who has endless money, will look at the problem from a broader perspective because of his different identities and layouts.

Like this gamble in front of you!

If it was Chu Mo a few days ago, what he might have seen was a sports car in front of him, and the girl with Danfengyan eyes in front of him!

But now, what Chu Mo sees is the complicated network behind the girl in front of him!

The girl in front of her is called Shen Yaoyao, she has a father who is worth billions, and her father's company happens to have a problem again!

In Chu Mo's eyes, the girl in front of her was no longer a simple and lovely girl, but a troublesome person with complicated relationships.

Naturally, the gambling game in front of you is not limited to just a car and a girl!

For Chu Mo, who has unlimited money and just wants to live leisurely, any trouble involved is a waste of his life.

Therefore, at this moment, Chu Mo's mentality is peaceful and quiet, and he will not make any waves because of the girl in front of him.

However, in Shen Yaoyao's view, this indifference is nothing but blatant contempt and disdain!

The original regret and panic in her eyes were gradually replaced by anger. At this moment, the girl with a pair of charming Danfeng eyes said coldly:

"What do you mean, I, Shen Yaoyao, live alone, not as good as a broken car?"

Because of her anger, the girl in front of her felt slightly ups and downs, and the pair of long and narrow Danfeng eyes narrowed slightly, and the bright light in her eyes turned into a dangerous signal!

Therefore, it is completely mindless to do these things, and it is the most difficult to deal with a furious child with a warm blood!

Chu Mo regretted why he pressed the Aston horse's car key just now and let her leave quietly, and now he has saved so much trouble!

Sure enough, although the mentality has changed and the situation has become larger, the means of handling things are still not round enough.

It is almost predictable that if it is not handled well now, there will be endless trouble later!

After taking a deep breath and adjusting his sitting position, Chu Mo calmly looked at the girl in front of him. As his brain started to run fast, he casually said:

"I don't mean to belittle you. You know that I am not short of money, so naturally I will not be short of girls. I am not interested in women. On the contrary, I am very interested in money. In short, I want to let me participate in gambling. About, you must come up with equivalent chips, the actual value of which is greater than or equal to 30 million in cash or items, you know what I mean?"

In order to make the girl in front of him give up, Chu Mo panicked!

The real situation should be that the current Chu Mo is not interested in money at all. Tens of millions, billions, even one billion, ten billions, in Chu Mo's eyes, is nothing more than a string of meaningless numbers. withdraw any money you want.

When the words fell, she originally thought that the other party would give up. After all, Chu Mo knew that with her current situation, it was impossible to take out so much cash.

It's just that the accident happened again. From childhood to adulthood, she has always been a girl who has been held in the palm of her hand, and no one has ever violated her will. At this moment, her eyes are full of stubbornness!

"Okay, don't you want items of equal value as chips? Wait!"

The words fell, and the girl tore off the pendant around her neck, and said with a cold expression:

"This is the southern red agate that my dad gave me on my eighteenth birthday. It costs 13 million. If you don't believe me, you can find someone to do the appraisal now!"

"It's still 17 million!"


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