
The Legends of A Kingsman and A Witch

He was looking for love while she.. she was looking for power.

Thecrown_Princess · Fantasy
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132 Chs

They were forced for this


King Thomas and his ministry were still busy dealing with the mess Ermaan had created for them. As now Quetha has no ruler left to rule. Its people are now completely on their own, which is a huge issue.

Not to mention they still owe people of Quetha and explanation and apology for their Kingsman's deeds. As for the person who created the whole mess, a punk named Ermaan, he has long gone on his weekly visit to the kingdom.

Well, he knows that the council and his King would be busy and his superior isn't talking with him either, which gives him zero reason to stay in The Royal Palace or The Army Tent. Thus, with Ethros [ Ermaan's horse] and his convoy, Alpha Team disguised as simple nobles, he was on his way to the town to find some fresh air and beauty.

Ah! When was the last time when he got to witness the beauties of this kingdom. If the time when he is dressed as a soldier or a Kingsman won't count, that is to say. Answer would be a decade ago, before he joined the military to give his all to his kingdom and his people.


Ermaan reached the nearby town and started roaming around till he made his way towards the local market. The condition wasn't good. The condition of Ersia wasn't good. The cases of people affected from the drought were increasing rapidly.

As the sun set ten new families leave their houses and come to the town in search of food, to fill the bellies of their starving families. Because of which the streets were getting filled with enormous amounts of beggars begging for alms for themselves and their families.

If this continues, then the famine is just a step away from The Ersia Kingdom and its people. This won't be good. The scarcity of food and resources could be counted as one of the leading factors for the collapsing of the kingdom indeed.

But not with him around. Not till he is alive. His people won't suffer, till he is alive.

"Hurry damsels! You are even slower than the newborn baby. Pick the spot and begin." Ermaan said to his people, making everyone stop what they were doing and stare at Ermaan with squinted eyes.

His convoy stared at everyone then at Ermaan and then sighed deeply. This man, he surely will be their end one day. Can't he just change his way of speaking? They are men not damsels! Not to mention they are trying their best to walk next to this overly excited punk. So, it's a bit hard to catch up to him.

"Man. Can't you just speak courteously and not shout. You see, people here are famous for beating superintendent Rakha. If they got a wrong idea we will be in for a good beating. I beg you." Arnav, one of Alpha Team, spoke in Ermaan's ear.

Well, he didn't whisper, not because he didn't want to, but because Ermaan, the man notorious for giving tough times to everyone, didn't let him.

" Courteously! Let's see. So my dear useless comrades, bring your sorry asses here. You are even slower than the snails, bringing shame to the household of the snails. Think about it, if you hadn't been granted the horses you would have never been able to get out of the Royal Palace at such a disgustingly slow pace of yours.

You sacks of rice, here the people are suffering from the consequences of drought. They hardly have a meal to fill their small bellies and here you guys are eating like there's no tomorrow, but for what purpose, when you can't even match my steps.

Did you really think we came here to pick a bride for you, that you are acting all shy and flustered like a beautiful girl? I came here to help and brought you all here because I needed a men labour. Now, shut your sorry faces down and use your hands to distribute the ration.

Only if you can work as much as you spout nonsense then things might have been different in Ersia. So, don't spoil my good mood and arrange the camps. Initiate the process of distribution of ration under the name of The King, the one and only." Ermaan said and the entire market was staring at him speechlessly.

While Alpha Team were staring at Arnav as if they wanted to skin him alive. Let the people misunderstand them for all they care. People's beating would be thousand times better than this humble fellow's polite talk. As it might make them want to jump directly on the well to end their useless lives.

"You are right, Man. Let's not tarry around. Let's do some real work." Ethan said , earning a nod from Ermaan and then without wasting a word or glance, The Alpha began the charity work under the name of The Great King of Ersia, even when the ration belonged to the army and was brought by Kingsman without the acknowledgement of The Supreme Commander or the almighty King.

As for the people there, it was like they had witnessed God. Long Live The King. Hail to The King. Thus the crowd started cheering in excitement.


It's been night time, the sun had long set and Alpha Team were still busy with their work. They were busy as the queue in front of them was like never ending. Letting the soldiers know the severe consequences the drought brought to their wonderful, peaceful kingdom.

Ermaan, Ethan and Sebastian were busy helping the people, carrying the sacks of grain back to their homes or as far as the old people wanted them to. Arnav, Harry and Conan were busy distributing the ration to the people coming on the counter.

Sam, Emanuel and Alex were busy arranging the sacks on the counter. Atlas, Quasim and Rev were busy filling the grains in the sack. While Aedion, Dylan and Dorian were busy transporting the heavy sacks of grain from their black spot to the camp.


It was beyond the middle of night as the moon was now heading towards the west to maybe set soon and let the new morning come in the Kingdom of Ersia.

Finally, Alpha Team were done with their task. The first thing that they did after finishing their task is to look towards their own tummies. They were hungry. They looked here and there and sighed, of course, why would any shop be open at this time. Not to mention, the food shops don't have food to offer these days, anyways.

Ermaan stare at his convoy and took a deep breath. Well they did a great job. Not even a single one of them complained or slack off. The ration distribution happens hassle free and in a well-arranged manner. As if this wasn't the first time they were doing it. As if Ermaan hadn't brought them here without even giving them any heads-up about this task.

As if these naive soldiers weren't out of barracks to admire the beauty of Ersia. As if they hadn't returned from the gruesome mission of trespassing in Quetha and its royal palace without alerting an eye. As if it wasn't their rest period supposedly. As if they weren't promised a delicious meal, beautiful ladies and lot's of fun by their leader Ermaan. As if they weren't imprisoned in the Military Barracks for the last two years in the name of training.

But all's well that ends well. But now what, none of them had eaten anything as Ermaan promised them a delicious meal. Making them wonder just why on the Earth they even believed this punk.

However it was for a great cause. The smiles on the faces of people, the blessings that the people gave to them and their King, they were worth it. The price was worth the struggle. Besides, they can go to sleep without feeding their bellies, it's not even a big deal.

At least they earned some Punya Karma { Good Deed }. That's enough.


Ermaan saw his team and sighed, it's time to go back to the barracks and deal with the little mess he had created by stealing the ration of the military without the orders or even knowledge of his superior.

Not that anyone would do backbiting on him in front of Derek. But that fella is too good for his own bad. It's like he won't even realise if his head isn't attached to his neck anymore. Making him wonder under what excellent qualifications Derek became The Supreme Commander and how had he even secured that position for the past two decades. After all, it's the position of The Supreme Commander, The General of The Army of The Ersian Kingdom.

They started their walk back to the royal palace, while they were holding the reins of their horses. Well, it was Ermaan's suggestion to walk all the way back to the barracks. As he said they might find something on their way to hunt and eat, bringing hope in Alpha Team.

"Oh son, is that you, wait!" They heard an old feminine voice, making them stop and turn around.