
The Legendary yonnin of konoha(Dropped)

This the story of an orphan who at his third birthday misteriously gain knowledge an experience of the ninja life from nowhere ! Chakra control ? perfect . Kekkai genkai ? check . Ninjutsu ? check. This is the story of an orphan named Zao who gets adopted as the brother of tsunade-chan who just lost everything and her family , both having 3 years old get found by a old man in white and red clothes with a red hat ! giving them a house and monthly money to make a living .

Adam_Simard · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Hokage's Sad Surprise

At morning Zao Woke up tsunade so she can go bath and prepare to go with him to the hogake's office ! for explication from the hokage as well as compensation ! When they arrived at the hokage's office , he was like always having difficulty to finish his paperwork.

Hokage- Tsunade , Zao what can i do for both of you ?

Zao- You can give me danzo's head ! he killed tsunade's familly because he wanted her ! she has wood release that is why ! now you get me is head or me and tsunade leave this village! i am sure kumo,suna,iwa or kiri would be happy to get the last mokuton user and a lava user !

The Hokage was thinking " He really did this danzo ... now i have no choice but to compensate or he lose his head since there is no way i will let go of those 2 rare kekkai genkai ! he would not be a old friend i would have handed over his head ! i know he plots against me but well... tsunade has good potential and Zao will be a pillar of konoha with the knowledge and experience he got ! i am even suspescious if the knowledge and experience he got are not from lord second hokage ! alright sorry danzo but it is better for konoha and my ass as well , i will not even hold a grudge against these child since you got so low to get follower ! even as low as plotting against me !"

Hokage- Alright i wil send my best shinobi ! Toad ,Dog,cat,Tiger please pprepare yourselves we will deal with danzo ! Panda since you know where danzo's real body is go ask him to come here ! you both come besides me so he can't harm you !

Then Danzo Came in the ofgice and saw hiruzen smoking while having 2 child beside him. he recognised tsunade but the other child he could not remember!

Danzo- Hiruzen what did you want ? i have a tigjt planning these days !

Hiruzen- Danzo fo you know what you did ? do not even deny it i know it all ! now i have no choice anymore ! You killed all senju left alive and left only mito and tsunae alive ??? do you know what you did ? the senju were one of the strongest clan of konoha ! yes their power had lessened since the first war ! but they still were knoha's citizen ! ANBU comehere we will execute him , a traitor of konoha !

Then Danzo tried to run towardthe kids to hurt them but by reflex Zao made handsign at an impossible sleed and released [Water release: Water pressure needle] a C-rank jutsu . which flew toward danzo and pierced his head and brain killing him ! Hiruzen seeing this instantly knew he did a good decision !

Hiruzen- This is the second hokage's self created Compressed water jutsu Method ! which are set of Water release with more power than normal water jutsu ! now i am sure of it kid ! you got the experience and knowledge of the second hokage when he died ! this is why you does not kow it but release technique by instinct and all ! and you chakra control is always perfect ! from what i see since you are young and does not have enough power it come into your head slowly or when you are in a life and death threat !

Zao- Wow! old man i want to request something ! can you give her the wood release jutsu of her grandfather ? i will train her at my best while training until academy ! in exchange i will give you any Lava release jutsu i create in the future ! making you have lava jutsu as well if in the future there is more of them !

Hiruzen- Sure but you should try to have tsunade srlf create her jutsu as well so she can become stronger ! after all jutsu are stronger if used by the creator ! I will also send you any training materials you will need if you want as long as any self created jutsu are sent to me !

Zao- Deal , i will need Gravity seal , Weigh seal , Chakra affinity paper ! chakra control training manual for tsunade ! a training ground since we can't train in the house !

Hiruzen- Alright it is easy ! ANBU go get everything asked to their house !

Zao- Thank you old man you will see results when we join the academy!

When Zao and tsunade Reached home they had Grativity seal,weight seal, a map to their exclusive training ground, the book on all Chakra control exercise and the chakra affinity paper ! He then asked tsunade to come sit beside him.

Zao- this is a chakra affinity paper ! with this you can know your elemental affinity , since your chakra is awakened like me we will check your affinity right now ! You just neexto poor chakra in the paper , if it burn you have fire affinity , if it cut in half you have wind affinity , if it wrinkle you have lightning affinity , if it become wet you have water affinity and if it disintegrate you have earth affinity !

Then took the paper and began pooring chakra inside ! like predicted by Zao one half became wet and the other half disintegrated , showing tsunade's affinity for water,earth and wood !

Tsunade- Now your turn i want to see !

Zao then did the same ! It seperated in 3 parts and 1 burned, 1 disintegrated and the last one became wet .

Zao- Water,fire and earth affinity ! this explain my lava release at the least !

Tsunade- Now we can begin training ?

Zao- Yes from tomorrow we will begin by training our body strenght so we can have highter Chakra pool but while we train with the gravity seal we will create shadow clone to have you train Chakra control and me master Tree walking , Water walking , Waterfall walking and Water walking while fighting ! you will have other exercis before those for chakra control too.

Zao- now we have to master Shadow Clone jutsu before to sleep !

Zao and tsunade then began practice before to sleep ! they succesfully mastered the technique at least until tsunade can make 3 shadow clones so she can have 2 clone practicing without her lacking chakra ! While Zao could do more but well...