
The Legendary yonnin of konoha(Dropped)

This the story of an orphan who at his third birthday misteriously gain knowledge an experience of the ninja life from nowhere ! Chakra control ? perfect . Kekkai genkai ? check . Ninjutsu ? check. This is the story of an orphan named Zao who gets adopted as the brother of tsunade-chan who just lost everything and her family , both having 3 years old get found by a old man in white and red clothes with a red hat ! giving them a house and monthly money to make a living .

Adam_Simard · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Training !

At morning Zao took tsunade to their training ground who unnexpectedly was the senju's it was really spacious and even had a lake and a waterfall , making it the best place for them to train ! . An Old woman saw him begin training with tsunade and was curious about what they would do !

Zao- Tsunade make 2 clones and have one stick leaf all over its body with chakra while running ! the other one has to Practice Tree walking until lunch time ! while i will with my perfect control master tree walking,water walking and fighting , waterfall climbing and Chakra Strenghtening which something i found out about ! is when your chakra control is high, if you put all your chakra in your fist to hit , then it will create terrifying power ! I will have Clone practice Body flicker, henge no jutsu and body replacement jutsu !

Zao- as soon as your first clone is able to run freely with leaf all over its body then disperce it and make another one that will practice watet walking ! until you successfully master every step i will master ! once it is done i will let you learn your grandpa jutsu's since Old Hiruzen gave them to me ! Me i have a jutsu idea that will surely be fun to make , what happen if i Fuse Rotation and power together in the form of i sphere of chakra ? well anyway let's begin to train ! by the time we must go to academy , we will be the strongest student for sure . now shadow clones then active the weigh seal to 25 kg for now and we will upgrade it until we reach the max of the seal 100 kg . Then when we do we will use the gravity seal and begin to adapt while putting weigh as well ! making us have really strong body who will not give up in speed fight !

Zao then, made 5 shadow clone to go train everything . this is how he discovered that is chakra pool greatly expanded . It expanded to mid-genin . The old woman while looking at this was shocked by this child method of training ! but what shocked her is when he said that if tsunade finished everything he would give her the first scrool of Hashirama's collection ! She began thinking " This boy must have had something on hiruzen which made this monkey have to let it go hehehehe" . This woman was Mito the first hokage's wife . This made her think that his method of training were too similar to little tobirama ! She had to ask ...

Mito- boy ? what relation do you have with tobirama ? i look at you and your way to move , to train and everything look like him ! only your look does not fit or i would jave thoughyou were an hidden son of his hehehe !

Zao and tsunade jumped from fright when they heard someone speaking ! They looked and saw a red heared old woman , but Zao immediately sensed the power coming from her ! She was incridibly dangerous ! So he began telling the truth it was impossible to lie to her if , since he did not know what she wanted !

Zao- Well from old hiruzen guess , tobirama-sama Experience and knowledge since to have merged with me when he died! Grandpa hokage tought so because when i went to ask for danzo's head from the old man with tsunade , i treatened the monkey that if he did not give me his head i would leave knoha with tsunade ! the monkey not wanting to lose konoha's last senju with mokuton as well as a lava user decided to give the old traitor head to me ! then when cornered danzo tried to kill me but my hand moved by instinct and performed one of lord second compressed water jutsu , C rank water pressure needle ! The other guess the old man had is my perfect chakra control !

Miao- interesting ! you dared treaten the hokage at 3 years old ! now i will have more way to tease the old monkey hehehe ! Well from what i hear it is most likely that you got Tobirama's knowledge,experience and water affinity while Tsunade got Hashirama's Mokuton and talent ! Well i will leave my grand-daugther in your hand but don't you dare make her hurt or have pain ! Goobjob getting sunju's revenge as well ! i like you kid you would have had looked like tobi-kun and i would have thought you were his son ! now i will let you go back to my tsutsu or she will get worried !

Zao then continued to train his body with tsunade while shadow clones were practicing Tree walking, water walking and fighting , waterfall climbing , chakra strenghtening , the three academy jutsu as well as body flicker ! he even made clones practice Kunai and shiruken Accuracy as well ! Lunch break then came and both dispelled their clone and left to go eat at the ramen shop that was opening today ! Ichiraku Ramen ! Training was fruitful tsunade already was at the water fighting exercise and her body could already tolerate 50 kg of weigh ! Himself was almost finished with 50kg and was leaving clones to practice Chakra strenghtening who was left .

Teuchi- Welcome What can i serve you both ?

Zao- a pork miso ramen each please !

Teuchi- That will be 200 ryo.

Zao- Here take it !

Zao and tsunade then began eating a surprisingly good ramen ! it made them full of energy again and could feel their body getting stronger ! What was to know is they were eating like nothing happened while having 50kg of weigh on their body ! They had already body comparable to some of the worst low chunin !

Zao and tsunade got back to train after upgrading the weght to 75 kg of him and tsunade ! then both made other clones ! tsunade was on the water walking and fighting exercise while him was sending 2 clones to practice on chakra strenghtening.

Finally the day end , tsunade was finished with waterfall climbing and was practicing Chakra Strenghtening with a clone and using 2 other clones to practice Body flicker,henge and body replacement . Both had finished adapting their body to 100 kg . Zao himself was left with only the Chakra Strenghtening to master until he begin jutsu ! but he decided to wait tsunade for that .

After the third days tsunade was at the same point as Zao, but had got High genin chakra pool while he had only mid genin . Tsunade unsurprisingly liked fist fight a lot but still will want to learn long range jutsu so she can do both !

The time to learn and create jutsu had come ! On tje next episode of One pi....* cough* Fourth sannin !