
The Legendary Sorcerers

The legendary sorcerers are 5 young teens that journey into the magical world. They search for their magic so they may have enough power to defeat the dark sorcerers that threaten both the magical and non magical world. The young legendary sorcerers continue their travels saving many in the process.

DaoistQSBLhX · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Tough Guys don't like Blossoms

David, Shadow, Ken, Sara, Ashley, and Foxy were walking in a forest. Sara turned her head down to Foxy who is a magical creature with a brown body, a short furry white head, a fox tail, and rabbit ears standing up. "Hey Foxy, is the castle of darkness in this forest? Will we be able to find our magical animals before we reach it?"

Foxy said, "For the magical animals that are an extension of your magical powers we will be sure to find them on our way to the castle of darkness. The legendary sorcerers planned to pass on their powers to a future generation so they would have planned it all out plus I have a subconscious instinct when it comes to the magic of the legendary sorcerers." As for the castle of darkness we still have a few more regions to cross."

Ken asked, "What kind of regions are you talking about?"

"Here in this world regions are determined by the change of natural geological features. Between the two you can take a couple of steps I find that you have left a forest and are now in a desert."

"Wow" Ken said. "The magical world is very fascinating."

Ashley said, "I tired. I want to rest my feet and have a snack."

Foxy sniffed the air and said, "Their are some magic blossom trees up ahead less then a mile away. They are known for their having the softest and sweetest fruit in the world. You can't sell them at markets because of how easy they bruise. You have to eat them as soon as you pick them out of a tree."

"That sound delicious" Ashley said smiling.

Shadow scoffed and said, "We can eat some meat apples when we find them. Their is no reason to eat such wimpy fruit. It has to much sugar in it."

"Let it go Mr. tough guy" David said. "You might not like anything sweet but the rest of us would like to try a new treat. Besides" David grinned. "Your the kind of guy that could really use some sweets."

"Shut up. Come on."


David and the others were standing underneath a pink blossom tree with strange looking pink fruit. David said, "I'll climb the tree to get some of the blossom fruits."

"Be carful David" Ken said.

"Don't worry I'm a good climber" David said as he wrapped his arms and legs around the base of the tree and pushed himself up. He moved his hands up and then he used his feet to push himself higher. After a few times David grabbed onto a tree branch with one hand then with his other hand and pulled himself up until he was sitting on the tree branch. He took a deep breath.

"Good climb" Sara called out.

David grabbed a pink fruit and said, "Hey Sara! Can you catch?"

"I sure can."

"Here it comes" David said as he tossed the pink fruit to Sara. Sara caught it gently with both hands and handed it over to Ken. "Here you go."

Ken said, "Thanks you guys." He took a bit out of the fruit. The pink fruit watered from Ken's bite. "This blossom fruit is real sweet. It must have as much water as a watermelon but it tastes almost like a peach."

Ashley said, "I want one."

David said, "Heads up Sara." He tossed the next blossom fruit to Sara and she caught it and handed it to Ashley.

Ashley took a bite and said, "Mmmm. This is good."

David tossed another to Sara and she caught it. Sara handed it to Shadow and asked, "Want one?"

"It's too sweet and wimpy" Shadow said. Sara shrugged and took a bite out of her fruit.

David held a blossom fruit with his teeth and climbed down the blossom tree half way and then jumped. He took a big bite out of the pink fruit and started chewing. David's eyes lit up and he loudly said, "This is delicious!"

Their was giggling and a soft high voice said, "Yeah we know." A group of pink magical creatures who were one foot tall with giant open pink blossoms on their heads came walking up to David and the others. The pink magical creatures walked with their green vine arms and legs.

Foxy said, "They are called blossflows. They have cheerful personalities, they help grow magical blossom trees, and they are healers."

Ashley ran up to a blossflow and said, "They are so cute." She picked up one of them and gave it a hug. The blossflow giggled.

Sara asked, "What you little guys doing now?"

The blossflow that Ashley put back down said, "We're going to have some blossom fruit for lunch."

Shadow said, "Come on we got to go. Let these pink things eat their lunch."

One blossflow walked up to Shadow and said, "Would you like to eat some magical blossom fruits? We have plenty to share."

"You guys make me sick to my stomach."

David said, "Quit being jerk Shadow. These guys are really nice."

"Their isn't going to be any nice if Marick takes over the world."

Suddenly their was sudden loud crash in the forest. The blossflows screamed with fright. They shouted in union, "Another attack!"

"What was that" David asked.

One of the blossflows explained, "Their is a bad wizard using dark magic to destroy our magical blossom trees."

"It must be Ratso" Shadow stated. "Let's go. David and others ran to the source of the sound with the blossflows following them.

David, Shadow, Ken, Sara, Ashley, and Foxy with the blossflows following found a cut down magical blossom tree and Ratso who was busy being half way done cutting down another blossom tree.

David shouted, "Hey, what's the big idea knocking down those trees?!"

Ratso turned to face David and the others and scowled and said, "You're interfering! It looks like I have no choice but to deal with all you children."

David, Shadow, Ken, Sara, and Ashley raised up their conjured and exclaimed, "Sorcerer evolution!"

In a flash of multicolor light they were all wearing their sorcerer robes. David's was red with gold designs. Shadow's was half black and half dark green. Ken's was blue, Sara's was white, and Ashley's was pink.

Shadow shouted, "I got him." He stepped forward towards Ratso and exclaimed, "Dark blaster!" A black light burst out of Shadow's wand.

Ratso exclaimed, "Black rat attack!" A black light in the shape of a rat shot out of his wand and collided with Shadow's attack. Both attacks cancelled each other out in a bang.

David raised his wand at Ratso and exclaimed, "Magical flamethrower!" A big stream of fire erupted out of David's wand and rammed right into Ratso before he could gather his magic and threw him against the tree that he was half way finished cutting down. The force of impact knocked down the magical blossom tree from where it was cut. In the center of the tree stump a thick green vine with a pink blossom on its head grew out of the wood and began growing bigger.

Ratso got up off the ground and shout, "There!" He reached to grab the pink blossom.

"No you don't" Shadow shouted as he ran with his hand outreached. Both Shadow and Ratso grabbed ahold of the pink blossom.

Ratso said, "It's mine!"

"I don't think so!"

Ratso said, "Fine." He began to chant

Evil from a wicked heart,

tear the fabric of nature apart.

Let corruption flow through my hand,

instill darkness where it stand.

A dark energy flowed through the hand Ratso was holding the vine of the blossom with. The dark energy removed the pink from the blossom to the air and the blossom turned black. The pink that was hovering in the air went to Shadow and turned his hair pink.

The the vine ripped itself out of the tree trunk and the vine and the black blossom grew. The dark green vine split into eight vines. Six of the vines acted as legs on the bottom and two of the vines acted as arms. The plant grew up to six feet with a huge black blossom on top. The blossom turned itself from facing upward to facing forward and revealed a face with two eyes and a big mouth with no teeth.

Foxy shout, "That is a darkbossom. A bossom that has been corrupted with dark magic."

Shadow back away and said to David and the others without breaking eye contact with the darkbossom, "It looks like we have a problem. I'll take care of it."

Sara said, "Hey Shadow! Something is up with your hair. It turned pink."

Ashley laughed and said, "It's a good look."

"Yeah Shadow I like it" David teased.

"Why did my hair turn pink?"

Foxy explained, "Naturally a bossom is filled with good magic and life but a dark bossom is the opposite and is filled with death. The good magic and life force went into you in order to protect itself. We have to defeat the darkbossom in order to restore the balance.

Shadow said, "Then that is what I'll do."

Shadow stepped forward to the darkbossom and exclaimed, "Dark blaster! The darkbossom opened its mouth blew dark winds that canceled out Shadow's attack. The darkbossom grabbed Shadow by the waist with its two vine arms and began to squeeze him. He moaned, "Big mistake. You forgot my arms." He pointed his wand at the darkbossom's face and exclaimed, "Dark blaster!" His attack shot a hole into the darkbossom's face and the darkbossom growled a deep howling sound. It whipped out its extra vine legs and wrapped Shadow's arms and legs together. "I still got this! This is my fight!" The darkbossom opened it mouth and dark wind came spurting outward. Shadow screamed.

David shouted, " Shadow needs help! How do we save him when he's too close to that killer plant?"

Ken said, "Sara, use your attack to cut the vines. Then David use your fire to finish off the darkbossom." Sara ran to the side to get a good aim between the darkbossom and Shadow.

"No you don't" Ratso shouted. "Black rat attack!"

Ken exclaimed, "Water blaster!"

Ashley exclaimed, "Rose petals!" The blowing rose petals combined with the blast of water and overpowered the black rat of light and knocked down Ratso. Ratso teleported away in a puff of black smoke.

Sara took aim and exclaimed, "White feathers attack!" The sharp glowing white feathers backed by a gust of wind cut the vines that were holding Shadow and he fell to the ground.

David stood by Shadow, pointed his wand at the darkbossom and exclaimed, "Magical flamethrower!" Fire erupted out of David's wand and ignited the darkbossom and it fell down backwards. The pink from Shadow's hair left him went traveled through the air and into the burnt darkbossom. The petals turned from black to pink and the magical plant like creature stood up.

The bossom was healed and with a happy smile said in a motherly voice, "Why thank you brave children. I am feeling like myself again."

Foxy said, "That is a bossom. Bossoms are in charge of blossflows. They only drink water for substance and breath life with their breath to nurture magical fruit trees."

The bossom said, "As a thank you please feel free to take as much blossom fruit as you wish."

"Thank you" David said as he helped Shadow up.

Shadow gave pushed himself away from David's helping arms and said, "I'm fine. I can stand on my own."

Foxy said in a lecturing voice, "Shadow, you shouldn't run into danger alone like that. The legendary sorcerers work together."

David said, "Foxy is right. We're a team here."

Sara smiled and said, "I'm going to miss your pink hair Shadow. It looked good on you."

"Never mention it again" Shadow resorted. David laughed.