
Is there really nothing I can do?

Chapter 325: Is there really nothing I can do?

Inside each of the tanks of water, there was a person. Ranging from young child to old woman. It seemed like they didn't discriminate against who they were running tests on, but as Haru looked at the people a little closer, he began to notice some irregularities with a few of their features. 

'That boy's arm is completely black with golden runes on it. What are they trying to achieve by putting a formation on a human body?' Haru thought as he looked at a boy that was no older than twelve with a pained expression on his face.

His sight then switched to a woman who looked to be in her early twenties with what looked to be a tree branch in place of one of her arms. At first glance, Haru could tell that it wasn't any regular branch by the fact that it contained more Qi than some of the cultivators he had met.