
Chapter 12

Two days had passed since that battle, the events of that day had become like the fire that fell on gasoline, it was named that way because due to the actions of this person called 'Madara'

The fallen angels had been very active looking for him and the exorcists had even come to declare a reward to anyone who gave information about Madara

Although their actions were somewhat exaggerated they had their reasons, on the part of the Exorcists it was because Madara murdered a 'Meister' and above all that he managed to defeat Shura Kirigakure

Instead, the Fallen Angels became very scandalous about Dohnaseek's death, although his leader Azazel tried to restrict them a little he could not have total control over all of them so this situation came to the point where there would often be Fallen Angels patrolling Kuoh surroundings

Even so, there was another force hidden in the shadows the 'Government', these people were trying to find 'Madara' for a different reason ...

It was because Hanzo had found a Kunai at the site of the battle and realized that the person who caused all this turned out to be a Shinobi

As the leader of the 'Shinobi Unit,' he had the responsibility of taking care of this matter, but no matter how much he was looking for he could not find that person, that was the biggest surprise in his life

"It is certainly a mystery ..."

Hanzo told himself while he was sitting on the wooden floor inside his everyone, it was at that moment that a little girl ran out while trying to attack him

Hanzo casually waved his hand sending a flying wooden sandal which hit the little girl's forehead

"Auch! ... Ojii-san that doesn't count!"

Hanzo smiled weakly as he looked at his pretty granddaughter and then a look full of curiosity crossed his eyes

"The information given by Shura Kirigakure says that 'Madara' is about six or seven years old ... Isn't she the same age as my Asuka-chan?"

Faced with this event, Hanzo was even more curious to know who Madara was and of course to know who was his Master (Master) to be able to get a seven-year-old boy to have such power at such a young age.

"I think my title does not belong to me after all ..."


Inside an abandoned Warehouse west of Kuoh City, you could notice the figure of a young seven-year-old boy who was sitting on the floor with his legs crossed along with his eyes closed

Behind the boy was an adult man dressed in an ANBU suit giving him some short sentences that could be taken as teachings

This process was repeated for a few minutes before the seven-year-old boy opened his eyes and stretched because he had been sitting in the same position since this morning.

"You did?"

Tobirama asked calmly as he crossed his arms

Yukio shook his head with a bitter smile "Although you have told me more or less the method, I can not feel it and much less understand it properly ... I think the information is insufficient that is all"

At the words of Yukio, Tobirama nodded

"It's like I told you, my knowledge about the 'Sage Mode' is not my forte, but my brother could call himself an expert on it, even so ... Why don't you invoke him? and you learn from him?"

"Although I would certainly like to invoke it, I do not think it is possible now, and even if I did I doubt it would show me the proper way to do it, your brother is a person who values ​​peace and my ambitions do not go according to his ideas so I don't think it helps me so much "

Tobirama looked at Yukio carefully before nodding "Your ambition or rather your way of doing things will lead to war ... Although I say that it is the crudest way to achieve your goal is also the fastest and most accurate way to achieve it..."

"Oh ... How good it feels to receive the praise of Tobirama Senju ... Doesn't that make me a genius?" Yukio chuckled as he turned around

Tobirama looked at Yukio's back before shaking his head

"It's a sincere compliment ... Although I keep saying that your personality is not very different from that man ..."

Yukio stopped and turned to look at something curious "Who do you mean?"

"Madara ..."

Yukio was silent for a few seconds before nodding and laughing a little "That could be called a second compliment ... After all, he is someone I admire"

When Yukio's words ended soon became smoke disappeared, it was clearly a Clone which had been training this time with Tobirama


"Yukio-senpai? Are you listening to me ?!"

"Uh ... Yes, what did you say?" Yukio suddenly had a small shock before responding naturally to Irina who seemed to be somewhat angry

Irina stared at him before snorting and continuing

"Why is he so distracted? Is there anything more important than us?"

"It's not that, it's just that I was thinking about how to tell them something ... That's it"

"Tell us something?"

Irina and Issei asked at the same time as they looked at Yukio who nodded

Yukio checked his pockets taking out two small envelopes by placing them on the table

"Here ... These are two invitations for a party to be held at my house, would you like to come with me?"

At the words of Yukio, both friends looked at each other with complicated thoughts, because the background of Yukio's family was not very difficult to discover the parents of both Irina and Issei had forbidden them to approach this child called 'Yukio'

But they turned a deaf ear and made a friendship, so how could they go and have the courage to ask their parents for permission to attend the 'Mobsters' party

"Umm ... Yukio-senpai this ..." Irina left her haughty tone as she spoke something uncomfortable

She really didn't want to offend Yukio, it wasn't because of fear but because of friendship but she didn't know how to refuse this invitation tactfully

But Yukio read clearly both of their expressions and could only sigh

"It's no big deal, you know, we should go back to class"

Both friends looked at each other and sighed, Yukio had already risen from the table and they began to follow him with some discomfort


Yukio arrived home and placed his backpack on his bed while he was thinking of going to bed, but just then the door of his room was knocked softly while a voice was present

"Little Yukio? Could you go out for a moment?"

Yukio opened the door of his room looking at his Father who looked at him

"Is something wrong?"

"No, not much is just that ... What do you think about our family?"

It was a very strange question, yet Yukio replied calmly

"Do me think about our family? I don't have much to say other than that I love you both ... Should I think otherwise?"

Upon Yukio's response, Mr. Fujiwara felt like he wanted to laugh, even so, he shook his head as he reached down touching his son's head

"I'm going to tell you something that my father told me at your age ... The family is to be united, no matter how others see you, the important thing is how you feel with the family around you ... There will always be people who they will judge you but there among them you could even find people who will love you as you are for you and not for the actions of another ... And above all, you will find that person who will value you regardless of your past or future actions ... "

While those words were too strange to say to a young seven-year-old boy, but certainly as one grew up and remembered the same words, they would possibly understand the meaning.

Mr. Fujiwara did not expect Yukio to answer and left while he pulled out his phone by dialing a number, Yukio watched his father's withdrawal

He felt that his father might soon reveal things about the Clan, he wondered if these people knew the 'supernatural' if it turns out to be a yes, then he would not hesitate to show some power ... At least enough to win the proud of his father

Yukio returned to his room and closed the door while looking at his inventory before speaking

"Liz and Patty get out ..."

Swoosh! Swoosh!

At the mention of those two names, two beautiful girls appeared while looking at their surroundings with curiosity

"You are? ... Oh, you are Yukio!"

"Yes, yes Lord Yukio!"

Both girls were somewhat confused at first but then the information fluctuated in their minds while a 'memory' reminded them of their master Yukio

Yukio looked at both girls who were smiling very pretty and talked about him regardless of their presence

"What do I do with this? Admire them and form a night-night? They would not even be useful to me"

"Lord Yukio ..."

"Yukio has named us useless, right? ..."

Both girls showed faces full of tears, even so, Yukio ignored them because in reality apart from admiring how beautiful these girls were there was nothing useful about them!

He didn't even know who the hell they were for starters, he just knew their names because the inventory had them registered as 'Liz' and 'Patty'

"Could you tell me that they are useful? ... If they do not turn out to be good at something, I can at least ask them to satisfy men that I may invoke in the future"

The last sentence turned out to be a murmur that made the expression of both girls instantly turn pale and they immediately began to name their usefulness as if someone were trying to buy them.

"I am Elizabeth Thompson, better abbreviated Liz and I am a Demon Weapon besides being the older sister between the two of us, we have the ability to transform ourselves into weapons and others ... Why are you looking at me like that? ... "

She stopped when she realized that Yukio was looking at her strangely


Yukio had never seen Soul Eater, but certainly, if he saw a trailer besides sometimes noticing the characters in his previous life, he had not recognized them for a reason

It is that both were not dressed as they used to do in the series, in both they wore a sports top which showed their pretty belly and shorts showing their thick legs, they were beautiful ... But what the hell with those clothes?

"May I know ... Why are your clothes like that?"

"Uh ... Do you not like it? Our clothes come according to the thoughts of our Meister ... So you prefer us like that, don't you?"

Patty spoke with curiosity and also something childish with a smile

But Liz got a little red while hiding her chest, she was in a bad mood because her suit was inappropriate for her but she couldn't help laughing at seeing Yukio's sour face

"... Tell me that I can make them change clothes ..."

After that, the three were talking in a circle while they talked about their skills and of course clothes that were decent!

In the end, both sisters ended up wearing the same clothes as Rin Tohsaka de Fate in the anime

"Then you tell me that both can become weapons, not common if not with skills ... That's really very interesting"

Yukio asked while holding a silver Beretta M9 in his hand, this was Liz transformed

"Yes! ... We can also have different transformations through the resonance of our souls, in addition ... Our bullets are not normal if they are created by the energy of our Meister ... You mean our current Meister!"

Patty spoke very livelily because the more curiosity she noticed on Yukio's face, the more she felt satisfied

"This could certainly be called fate eh ..." Previously Yukio when he received the suit of 'Kagetane Hiruko' had decided to 'act', that is to say, Madara would be known as the 'Evil'

While his new identity would be affiliated with the Demons, he planned to get this world back to normal ... That is, he would expel those who did not belong here.

How? ... It was to take the inhabitants of this world to an advancing level, that would mean that those who are not from this world would be eliminated from here ... Possibly expelled to another environment

Yukio didn't care what happened to those people after all his goal was only to fulfill the part of his deal

"Lord Yukio?" Patty noticed that Yukio seemed very spaced and she gently touched her shoulder to see him react

"It's nothing, for now ... I think you should both go now and hide ... I'll send a Clone to inform Tobirama to come for you"


Liz returned to her normal form before looking towards Yukio with some confusion "Eh ... Why can't we stay with you?"

"It is because I am currently seven years old ... How do you think my parents would react to learn that two girls like you want to stay with me? They could be cataloged as perverted and sadistic possibly,"

Yukio said as he shrugs and smiles.

Liz frowned but Patty blushed strongly even though they both stretched out their hands touching Yukio's chest

Yukio was confused with his actions but then he was surprised before chuckling

Both women had become light and entered his body disappearing immediately

"I think if they had told me that before ... It would have been better, right? Besides looking at it this way ... Are you not a trap itself?"

Yukio did not speak in vain, it was because he could invoke a person through his unique ability but who would know that he now had two people from another world by his side just for the reward of the system ...

At that moment a fleeting idea appeared in Yukio's mind

"If that is the case ... Then the system will also reward me with people from other worlds ?!"

Faced with these thoughts, a curve formed on Yukio's lips

Only this idea caused him emotion ... Only then was it a matter of little time to fulfill his part of the deal and return to his world along with his older sister

"Just wait for me a little more ... Just a little more and I'll be there again ..."

I accept suggestions about what characters I should invoke ... Or what rewards the system should deliver

Dark-hearted characters would be a good option, they should already realize that the MC will certainly be ruthless just to achieve his goal ...

The MC will be involved in the supernatural and also in everyday life ...!

Plot suggestions?

Should I include romance?

Solatecreators' thoughts