
The Legend on how you Disappear

Jairo_Smith · Realistic
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Chapter 3: William and James 2.0

Chapter 3: William and James 2.0

Jak was sitting on the second to the last row on the left part of the classroom, Jak was busy listening to the lesson of his current professor and when he accidentally laid his eyes on the person on the ilse chair at the first row on the right side of the room and it was William, he caught William looking at him and when their eyes met William cut the stare and Jak focused on the lesson and since the Professor Usually stays in front he caught William staring at him several times and Jak find it weird.

The class finally ended and it is the last subject of the day and Jak, Ross and Ann are the only people inside the classroom.

"Jak, Ross and I will gotta go we will return some books on the Library are you coming with us?"

"No, I will go home right away because I have a lot of letters to finish for the organization,"

"Alright we will keep going then"

"Bye Jak!"

Jak fix his stuff and move out of the classroom when he went out a tall guy was standing infront of the classroom door seems like waiting for someone inside the room to go out, Jak noticed that it is William and currently looking at him. As soon as Jak noticed William, William walks towards Jak.

"Hi Jak! Are you going home already?"

"Uhm.. Yes why is there anything that I can help?"

"Hmm… Can I take you home then?"

*****Alarm Clock Rings!!


"Wait! What was that? A dream! Oh gosh It is a Dream! Why am I dreaming about weird things lately! oh Its 5AM!"

Jak was spacing out for a couple of minutes and thinking about the dream that he had…

"Argh!!! Stop I need to prepare I will be late!"


Jak was walking outside the University and thinking if he forgot to do some homeworks when someone's arms went on his shoulder...

"Good Morning Jak!"

"Oh! James Good Morning"

"Congratulations I see the results of the Election and you have the Highest Votes! As expected to Our Univiersity's Pride!"

"Ow Ahahaha Thank You so much"

"Are you going up right away or are you going to the faculty office?"

"No I will go up Directly"

"Alright! Let's Go!"

That day Started with a lot of people congratulate Jak for Winning as the Faculty's Vice President Internal, Jak was so Happy That Day that everyone is happy about his win and looking forward to what he can offer.

The Day went smoothly until Anatomy Subject Came under Dr. Sanchez. .


Everyone was schocked and surprised for the unexpected Quiz.


Everyone feels a bit fine because it is just 10 Items test and even they have a low score in this one what 10 items affect to their grades right? At this moment Jak was nervous because he didn't read anything for the subject for the past few days because he was busy on the campaign,


*Everyone in the room was surprised*

"Seriously! 100 points for just 10 items and a surprise Test! This is unbelieveable!"

A girl comment on the chair at Jak's Back, Jak turn around and Agreed,

Everyone in the room seems so tensed prepairing their papers for the Test, Dr. Sachez will Dictate the question and they will need to Identify and write down the answer on the Paper.

After a while the Test is done and the papers was also checked and this time the scores are going to be mentioned so that the Dr. Sanchez can record it.

Jak was a bit tensed and pressured because he didn't know what was the test about and don't have enough answers on all the Questions, Dr. Sanchez was calling the names of each students and give the paper back to them and mentioning the scores.

"DIAZ (20)"


The scores are starting to be known by the whole class and even Ross and Ann only got 30 Points out of a 100,


"Look Jak even Mika Santiago the Girl at yiur back only got 3 correct answers and she was an honor student right?"

"Yes I know that Ann, I am very nervous of my score!"

Jak and his classmates on the back are talking about the scores on the Exam and how unacceptable it is almost 60% of the class got Zero and so far Mika was the highest, and Jak's last name was called..


Everyone in the classroom was shocked on Jak's score and more shocked on Dr. Sanchez stament.

"Yes Dr. I am sorry I will do my best next time!"

Dr. Sanchez Just finished all the scores and Move out of the Classroom the girls at the back namely Mika, Jane, Pia and Mau are talking to Jak together with Ross and Ann.

"It is alright Jak it is just the First test!"

"Yup! You can do better and I got Zero Hahahah at least you have a score Hahahha" Pia said..

"Yas Jak, Pia was right maybe you are just busy enough on the campaign and everyone Got Low Score!"

"Yes Haha no worries I am alright thank you Guys"

"Maybe Dr. Sanchez was an Old Maiden that is why she is acting like that!"

The people of the back burst into laughter because of Pia's Joke, Jak excused himself from the group who are preparing their materials for the next class,

Jak Locked himself to one of the Cubicles on the bathroom and cried.. It was the first time that Jak has been called out because of a low score in his whole life, he usually gets commendilation for good performances. Jak burst into tears…

"Damn! I shoul have read before I sleep last night! I need to do my best next time and prove her wrong! I will show Dr. Sanchez that I am not just fooling around"

The thought of the looks on his classmates eyes when his score was mentioned cause another pain on his chest, they look excited to hear Jak's score expecting it to get a high one and the sudden change of excitement to disappointment on his classmates faces was haunting Jak at the moment. Jak really needs more time to make himself better and not look like he cried but it is almost time and he can't afford to have a low test score and be late at the same day, he dried his tears right away and open the cubicle door to look on the Mirror if his eyes looks swollen. When he opened the door he was schocked to see that William was there fixing his hair and their eyes met and Jak automatically look down because there are still traces that he just finished crying. Jak look up to William again and smile right away to conceal the sadness and his frustrations, William also smiled at him and while Jak is washing his hands, William Hand over a handkerchief to Jak.

"Here, you can wash your face and use this to dry up your face it might help for you not to look like you finished crying"

After that Statement Jak accept the handkerchief, William smiled and move out right away and Jak just shouted his thanks.


Jak was surprised for the act of kindness that William showed him and he wash his face and go back to his room rushing.

The Day Ended right away and Jak was about to go home.

"Jak! Jak!"

"Oh James Hi!"

"Are you going home? Let's go home together I am on the same way as you do"

"Oh sure, how did you know that we have the same way?"

"There are several times that we rode the same bus and I think you did not notice me"

"Oh I see! Let's go!"

The two rode the bus together and talking about their Score on the surprise test that they have on Dr. Sanchez and when both of them seems tired of talking and out of topic both of them are spacing out, Jak is still curious on what James and William relationship to eachother so that he asked him.

"Uhm.. James if you don't mind, how are you and William"

James facial expression suddenly changed and he smiled.

"I don't know what happened, the last thing that I know we are fine, last summer camp we become so close we are so close that most of our batch mates on the club thought that we are dating…"

"Even me I thought you too are dating, I always see your stories and post together with your matching red shirts and you look so cute together."

"Hmm.. We did not date because William seems like hes not ready Yet, I asked him about it because I knew to myself that I like him and I want to date him but he said he's not yet ready and I accept it so I decided to wait, We both agreed in that and everyone in the club knows that there is something between us until one day I really thought we are fine but he just not attended our Meeting on the club and everyone is looking for him and asking me where he is but I don't even know where he is, he didn't contact me for a week and he even abandoned several works in our club and after a week I decided to stop contacting him and focus on the club and he attend our meeting the next week after, there are several works that are assigned together and we need to finish that…"

"hmmm.. So how did the works finished"

"I was so angry at that time but I really need to do my Job and so is he so even it is awkward we still work together and then he started to act weird, he is becomes even colder and act like he did everything, there are several works that we had finished together that he insist that he finished it all by himself and he even do some decisions that even our president didn't know. Because of that everyone is annoyed to him and even me was annoyed so I tried talking to him but when I did he just said 'First I don't need your opinion and I don't need you so please get out of my way and get out of my life' after that we didn't talk to each other and he finished his works and didn't contact anyone on the club. I heard he is still have his Duty on the days that most of us are not there."

"So how are now James?"

"I am much better now it was like almost 3 months since that thing happened and I think I am fine, I am just sad that I loose him, he was like my best friend we are so close and it just hurts thinking that he will leave me behind all of a sudden at least I know as early as now that he is not good for me!"

"You are corect James! You don't deserve him and he did not deserve you! I really thought that he was kind and innocent man but hearing the story ot makes me hate him!"

Because of the serious conversation Jak and James had they did not notice that James already reached his Bus stop and move out of the Bus right away after giving his good bye to Jak.

After hearing the story Jak was a bit of annoyed to William hearing what he did to James, Jak think that James is a really sweet and bubbly person and don't deserve to be treated like that.

He suddenly remembered that he receives a message from William Last night congratulating him and realized that he just replied "Thanks" to that message.

As soon as Jak reached his home he change his clothes and prepare his books to read incase tomorrow Dr. Sanchez will have surprise test again. In the middle of writting a notification pop up to his social medi account.

*William Domingo Accepted your Friend Request*