
The Legend of the Yellow Haired Butcher (Namikaze Minato Self insert)

A Young adult dies and reincarnates as Minato Namikaze. Shenanigans ensue. This is not my fanfiction . All the credits go to Divyansh Kundu

DioBrando666 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Shinobi Council 1-2(Hiruzen 1-1)

[Session 1]

As the session of the Council is coming to an end, I think about the issues discussed today... The Second Kazekage was assassinated by his wife... That is the official news but only Danzo and I know that he must have suicided. There is no other way Shamon would have died so easily. Shamon was not exactly a ... friend but I respected him. He focused all his efforts in making Suna a better military power after Tobirama Sensei flooded Suna. He is the one because of whom Suna is still not under the banner of Konoha but an independent Great Hidden Village. The use of puppets was ingenious. No one else had focused on the use of puppets as a main weapon.

Puppets in that deserted terrain provide one hell of an advantage. The puppets gave Suna an actual edge instead of just Suna's poison mastery. But as much as I respect him, his efforts into controlling the Ichibi have been very detrimental to Konoha. The reason why Tobirama Sensei used the Nanabi Jinchuriki, distasteful as it was, wasn't just to wreck havoc in Kumo. No, the reasons were much more insidious. Konoha's own policy about Sensei's distasteful tales being censored makes us the only village to not fear our own Jinchuriki. Blue B, the Hachibi Jinchuriki's death was necessary... Orochimaru was sent by me to paralyse and unleash the Hachibi... Sensei's gameplan was to either create wariness or distrust against Jinchurikis. While I did not agree with his methods, Sensei's plan was right. The death of Blue B and the subsequent rampage by the Hachibi killed 3 Kumo Jonin and 6 High Chunin. This plan was incredibly risky and I only sent Orochimaru to do it because I know he had the ability to do it.

The incident occurred a year ago but the impact is still there. B, the new Hachibi Jinchuriki will take time getting up to the level of a S class if he even could. Blue B was quite a bit past his prime and this was the perfect opportunity to kill him. A one person mission without any witnesses. Orochimaru has benefited from this as well. He finally got the mythical chakra of a Tailed Beast. He is quite busy researching that. That is why he refused training that young 'Namikaze' kid. I have read the file of that kid. He is quite a bit like Sensei but the difference is that he is actually social and has friends. While that single minded determination of his hauntingly reminds me of Sensei, he will certainly grow up to be a useful Shinobi of Konoha. After all, the whole village is our family and we should be ready to do anything to protect it.

The thing with the Hachibi Jinchuriki helped spread wariness about the Jinchuriki even though it wasn't much due to the new Jinchuriki being the next Raikage candidate A's adopted son. Also why would anyone name their son exactly how they were named? Why is the next Raikage candidate's son's name A? Isn't that confusing? No..no... Hiruzen don't think about stupid things done by Shinobi. It's not good for health.. Where is my smoking pot when I need it?

Suna was the village most terrified by the prospect of a Jinchuriki as their previous one was killed even before the first war and they didn't really get the schematics about Jinchuriki. Most Suna Shinobi thought about the Ichibi as an evil spirit rather than a weapon of mass then Shamon actually started researching about the Ichibi before it formed. The Ichibi will most likely not form for another 20 something years as records from warring states era indicate that a Tailed Beast when killed at the cost of extermination of whole clans reform in 50 or so years. If Shamon had succeeded in his research then the upcoming Suna Jinchuriki would have been a perfect one like ours and that is something we can't allow. Jinchuriki are guaranteed S-rank ninjas. Even if their actual skill remains lower end A rank, they can exert the power of a Standard S rank and that is extremely terrifying to go up against. The last holder of the Hachibi Jinchuriki was the leader of Kinkaku squad. Even though we were escaping the area, the impact of the battle between Sensei and the Hachibi Jinchuriki was terrifying to feel.

Orochimaru would have killed the Hachibi Jinchuriki had I wished so but that would have showed that we had a hand in that matter. I have been trying to prevent another Great Ninja War from happening and it is taking all my effort. Even if we had bereft Kumo of a S rank Shinobi for 50 years, it wouldn't have mattered if we were just plunged into another war. I have seen the horrors of war, most of them shown to me by Sensei but I am grateful to him for that. Because of the horrors seen by me, I know that there would be someday that I would have to be an accomplice in something as tainted as Sensei's experiments if another war happens. If another war happens, I know I would do anything to protect Konoha. Anything! Be that cost be my morals and soul. I haven't authorised anything like that yet but I know...I know deep down inside I am capable of such horror and that is why I seek to prevent wars.

Shamon's death was necessary. We can't let Suna have a perfect Jinchuriki. As long as I am alive, I won't let anything that would be a sure way to start a war continue. Had Shamon's research been fulfilled, Suna would have been confident enough to take us on and I don't want that to happen. Not at all. Therefore we started applying pressure on Suna's trade. Suna wasn't ready for war yet. Shamon panicked and agreed to meet me and Danzo 3 years ago. Of course we didn't try anything as stupid as trying to kill him alone. That would have been a disaster. We instead threatened to go against Suna in a war and blocking all their supplies. A Kage has their ego, no one could reach that position without having extreme pride but the thing I respected about Shamon above everything was his willingness to do anything for Suna's advancement. Shamon begged us to not do anything like that. We only asked Shamon to not continue his research and die when we sent an actual assassin.

Suna was not in a position to demand anything. Most Kages would have said 'Fuck all' and gone on a war path but not Shamon. The puppet use has just started to actually be refined and while Suna have their S classes, they don't have an actual edge. Shamon was at most a higher end S class. And that is after using forbidden techniques. As he was right now, Suna really didn't stand a chance against Konoha if we focused our attack on them so Shanon complied and that resulted in his death. Shanon will be remembered in Suna's history as that progressive Kage that made them powerful but I will forever remember Shanon as that one Kage who sacrificed himself for his Village.

Ah.. the next topic for discussion is starting...

Shikado stands up and starts speaking with somewhat of a excited expression on his face,"The next topic we are discussing is our resident prodigy Namikaze Minato. The kid is making waves. His chakra control exercise regime has stopped just some days ago. He has reached the highest control one can have at his level. While it may be surprising, it isn't a big enough thing for us to discuss.

No the big thing is that his chakra levels are now around an average Chunin's reserves. The reports state that his chakra reserves about a year ago when his chakra was unlocked were around an average academy students' reserves. While I know that this growth rate will not remain exponential as the methods to increase the chakra reserves become tougher and tougher, that the kid was able to accomplish this is very praise worthy. I don't think I have ever seen someone with such an exponential growth.

Also, his personal Taijutsu instructor,"

People suddenly started shouting over each other.

"YES! YES! yes he was given a personal Taijutsu instructor. His request was approved by Jiraiya himself."

Everybody looks at Jiraiya.

"Yes I did so. What's the problem? The kid is going to be my apprentice right.. So I can decide what to do"

Shouting starts again

Sigh* Jiraiya is reckless like always. When will the brat learn? He is in his 20s. He isn't even looking shameful. Instead he is looking like he is barely holding his laughter in. Kami sama give him some wisdom. Shikado looks extremely troubled judging by his facial expressions. He looks like a guy who doesn't how he became involved in this mess. Admittedly, shutting several clan heads up politely is a bit of a difficult task. But no worries, I would help him.

"Ahem! As a high ranked Jonin, Jiraiya has the authority to do this for an identified prodigy. Had this been done for an ordinary child, Jiraiya would have been punished but as far as I know, we discussed that the authority over young Namikaze is given to Jiraiya. Is there any problem?"

I see Kiri(Hyuga) stand up and speak," No Hokage sama.. It's just that we were confused by this illeg... I mean unexpected matter. That's all". He then sits down. That slip was intentional. While the facial expressions of Kiri are hard to read, I can safely say that he was trying to point out my blatant favouritism. Honestly, I don't know how the others haven't gotten the idea that I don't care if they point me out on it. I am the Hokage and I am allowed this little bit of reprieve.

However, the clan heads are getting cheekier. That isn't good but this time it was Jiraiya's mistake so I will let it go..

Shikado's expression finally relaxes and he starts speaking once again," So as I was saying his personal Taijutsu instructor who is also his Academy Instructor as well as a Special Jonin mentioned it that Namikaze's potential was monstrous. The boy started rapidly improving after the first month of Taijutsu instructions. He now fights on par with a mid level genin technique wise. That is incredibly rapid growth. What do you all think?" Shikado spoke this with palpable excitement. Maybe because the boy is friends with Shikado's son what's his name...Shikaku? Yes Shikaku... Hmm... Frendship of a prodigy is a good thing to have..

Hmm... The boy has incredible potential. Even if he reaches Chunin level in Taijutsu which isn't really possible, he will have to adjust himself continuously due to his growing body. But the fact that the boy shows such massive potential is suprising. Last time's report had already proved that given enough resources, young Namikaze would reach S class and this time's report further cements the fact.

I see the Rensuke the current Uchiha clan head frowning. The current Uchiha clan head is one whose life was destroyed by clan politics. While the lad is one of the best Jonin Commanders I have seen he has only thrown himself so deeply into the work to escape from the pain. While this does provide the necessary determination, he will sooner or later burn out. The look on his face indicates that he is going to say something extremely troublesome but will say it regardless of any possible repurcussions. I don't like that look and judging by Shikado's expression, he certainly doesn't.

Young Rensuke then stands up and speaks what's on his mind," Are we sure that the boy is not a plant or a possesion of some sort? Forgive me for being paranoid but Ninjas this talented don't just appear suddenly. There is certainly something fishy going on. I request you all to let some of my Jonin personally investigate this matter .. While I am not saying that it is only thing that could result in some prodigy as we have witnessed many prodigies over the last few decades, I would like to say that it is a possibility as proven by the Second Hokage's ... research."

I grimaced. That was one of the reasons I don't want anything related to Sensei coming up. Sensei was researching Immortality as one of his projects. He didn't want immortality personally but the research done on the topic over the centuries was were many techniques granting pseudo-immortality but all were incomplete. The reason for that is that the alliances between clans during the Warring states era were very fickle. There has been more than one incidences of things going 'coincidentally' wrong whenever a clan was close to researching Immortality. Sensei believed that it was the chaotic nature of the warring states era where various clans were able to disrupt any alliance formed between clans researching immortality. This is the main reason why Uzumaki hadn't ever tried to travel out of their own village. They already had ways to contact 'Shinigami' the Death God. If they would have tried creating any alliances with other clans, there would have been a joint effort to exterminate them.

Sensei researched about immortality quite a bit as the topic fascinated him. The researches were all done on young kids as the most researched and almost successful method of immortality is possesion. While ghosts do exist, they mostly exist due to some kind of connection to any death related god. Therefore they are quite rare. The thing inspiring Sensei to make Edo Tensei was the method of immortality by possesion. While it was only possible to transfer your soul in a young body and that too at the cost of losing your ability to use chakra as the process almost cripples the body's chakra coils.. The shadow clone Jutsu was made for the purpose of making a second body for transferring the soul but it worked in an unexpected way and became a powerful and versatile if a little difficult to use Jutsu. Still while I am not as paranoid as the Uchiha Clan head, it may as well be the case. While the chances of this happening under our very noses are very small, it is still a possibility. We can't be this much paranoid. If I approve using Jonins for this, it could set a precedent to most Jonin always doing things to satisfy their inner paranoia. No that shouldn't happen. Isn't the boy's instructor a Special Jonin? Hmm...Yes that could work.

"Jonin Commander Uchiha, While what you say can possibly be true, we shouldn't Jonins to do this meager task. According to the file I have, the boy's Taijutsu instructor is a Special Jonin who has encountered ghosts and possessed people before and knows them quite thoroughly. We can make him the in charge of the investigation. We can discuss the results in six months. Can we all agree on that?"

""Yes Hokage sama""

The rest of the meeting was passed in debating our next course of action regarding to Suna and some rumours about the Uzumaki from the Land of waves. I have had peace since the start of my reign, let's just hope it lasts

A/n: Finally done! The next chapter will be the last chapter in this Council meeting setting... The thing was fucking exhausting. The next chapter will be from Danzo's POV.

I explained the death of Hachibi Jinchuriki with as much logic as I could. If you have seen war arc Killer Bee's fights then this would be very familiar for you, if not then you can just search about Blue B on Google. Naruto wiki has a short page on him.

I also showed why the fuck did Suna NOT use Ichibi before Gaara. I don't know if I am wrong but the Naruto wiki clearly states that Suna had the Ichibi themselves and instead of asking for another tailed beast, the First Kazekage asked for fucking money. How stupid can one be? What is fucking money in front of a goddamn living NUKE. Bunpuku the first Ichibi Jinchuriki was a priest and the next Jinchuriki of Ichibi is not mentioned as we jump directly to Gaara after that so I introduced my twist to this. We also don't know how or why Shanon the Second Kazekage was assassinated so I added my own take on that situation as well.

As for the explanation for Shadow clone... Yeah that came to me suddenly when I was trying to come up with a way with which the Investigation that took place on Minato makes sense and it suddenly clicked that how much sense this explanation would make.

Also, we see the Ninja interpretation for why no take on 'Immortality' was successful but people who can read between the lines would already guessed what or rather who prevented this. Spoilers: It was black Zetsu. It always bugged me why there were no other takes on Immortality other than the cursed seal one. Anyways, the next chapter will either be posted in 2-3 hours or tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed this one. Don't forget to point out any bullshit plotholes you see. I will try to patch them up.

BTW All of the Story credits belong to divyansh kundu

DioBrando666creators' thoughts