
The Legend of the Yellow Haired Butcher (Namikaze Minato Self insert)

A Young adult dies and reincarnates as Minato Namikaze. Shenanigans ensue. This is not my fanfiction . All the credits go to Divyansh Kundu

DioBrando666 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Shinobi Council 1-1

A/n: So some things you should know before continuing with the chapter... First: Shinobi Council convenes 4 times in a year and the academy has a one month holiday after the last class of the session. So the council meeting is taking place about 2 weeks after the Fugaku/Hiashi incident.

Second: This chapter will be introducing 3-4 OC characters who will most likely lose relevance in the future to help with the setup of the chapter. Please don't find it annoying..

Anyways, lets start the chapter...

Shinobi Council meeting: Session 4]

In the Council room of Hokage Tower, there was a meeting going on. The council was there for its usual 3 monthly session. The participants were: The Third Hokage

The students of the Third Hokage(Jiraiya, Orochimaru and Senju Tsunade)

Council Advisors ( consisting of Team Tobirama's former members)

Jonin Commander Uchiha Rensuke as the Uchiha Representative

Commander of Intelligence department Shikado Nara as the Nara representative

Hyuga Clan head Hyuga Kiri as Hyuga representative and the representatives of the other major as well as minor clans...

Currently the topic discussed was a peculiar one..

The discussion:

After the discussion of several topics such as Iwa's 'missing nins' in the Land of Rice, the current Raikage's reign being tumultuous,etc the Intelligence department commander Shikado Nara presented a topic that he wanted to discuss since the start of this meeting.

He coughed a little to distract the present members from the previous topic. As soon as he got the attention of the other members of the council, he said: "So, there has been..an incident at the academy. I don't know if you all know this but a first year academy student defeated the Uchiha heir and Hyuga heir in a Taijustu duel when..as far as I know the Uchiha heir is scheduled to become a genin next year and is reported to possess genin level taijustu skill.."

That got everybody's attention. It wouldn't have been strange that a first year academy student defeated a last year academy but it was definitely strange that the direct heir of a clan lost to a student 3 years his junior.

Uchiha Rensuke frowned a bit though it was hard to distinguish it from his normal expressionless face. Uchiha Rensuke while not having participated in the last Ninja war possessed incredible skills and no one had any objections to him being the Jonin commander. He frowned because it was reported to him that a genin had humiliated his son by his subordinates and while he was angry, he didn't give the matter much importance and told his subordinates to deal with the matter however they wish. He didn't know that it was actually a first year academy student that beat his son otherwise he would have been furious with his son and would have told his subordinates to contact the kid's parents to become the vassal of the Uchiha clan. It was an honor given to very few people and according to him, such talent shouldn't be wasted. He didn't doubt Shikado as while Shikado had a grudge against him for winning the position of Jonin Commander as in his own words 'It's exhausting to be the head of Intelligence department while you get a fucking easy job as no war is going on. Fucking troublesome politics', he wouldn't give or spread false information as opposed to his subordinates in the clan.

Rensuke said after some contemplation," I don't see how that is relevant Intelligence Commander Nara, while you can argue that you are bringing forth the case of a prodigy, the matter's importance is still way below the level we should be conversing in."

Rensuke's frown was now actually visible a little as he saw Shikado's face change from one of a neutral mocking to a look that would be suitable on the face of a cat that got the Canary.

"See the problem with that Jonin Commander Uchiha, is that the Uchiha clan members have been putting pressure on the academy to expel the student because your heir had some broken bones from fighting with a first year academy student. It would be very unfortunate to lose such a prodigy to some petty politics."

Rensuke was the picture of calm on the outside while absolutely livid inside. So his subordinates not only lied to him to save his son from just a small scolding but also tried to expel such a prodigy. While the brat's future accomplishments can't be told from such a low level matter, it was safe to say that the brat would at least reach Special Jonin rank and might even become a Jonin. As the Jonin commander of the village, it was unacceptable. Looks like he had to delve into the shitstorm that was Uchiha clan politics again to get an idea of why his subordinates were being such dumb shits.

"I would like to say that it would have been some independent Uchiha shinobi who tried to flaunt their non existent authority due to being irrationally angry over their heir being defeated in such a way. The clan itself doesn't hold any opinion over the matter. But while they may be independents, they were about to commit a huge mistake. I will personally seek to punish those independents."

Shikado didn't try to counter Rensuke's point as he only held two motives: getting the Uchiha clan to back off and embarrass his friend Rensuke. The guy was just too serious and Shikado was still angry over not getting the easy job. Instead he got to the crux of the matter

"Very well. It has also come to my notice that the boy 'Namikaze Minato' has been noted to perform chakra control exercise 37 and being able to perform the exercises below the above without any of the signs of the conditioning that is frequently seen in such cases."

"If that had been any conditioning done on the brat, I would have personally gone to punch the faces of the brat's parents" Shikado sighed. He was afraid of this. Council meetings normally either devolved into a political shitfest or a complicated mess of topics because someone or the other hand massive trauma related to some topic being discussed.

Almost everybody in the council knew of Tsunade's hatred of child conditioning. Ever since her brother's death 6 years ago, this has been the case.

Senju Nawaki was conditioned by the Senju clan due to several factors. The most important one was the death of Tobirama Senju. Nawaki was the only direct male descendant of Hashirama's line. Tobirama's death was a shock to the whole clan. So their best experts started conditioning Nawaki to dream of being a Hokage for some reason. Their expectations were to give the boy an important goal to strive for so that the boy would become a pillar of the clan like Hashirama and Tobirama in the future. Tsunade at that time had come in the Third's team recently and focused majorly on missions and spending time with her team. By the time she focused back on her home life, the subtle conditioning had already taken hold. While Tsunade was a little disgusted at such a thing done to her brother, she wasn't really angry as the elders hadn't really conditioned Nawaki for anything other than being an extreme hard worker and this dream but that all changed when Nawaki died because he believed in the 'Will of Fire' and giving bandits another chance at life.

Although Nawaki Senju died early, his death made Tsunade one of the only S class fighters of the village detest any kind of conditioning done in children. Considering Tsunade's famous temper, people can already guess what happened. Since then any shinobi parent refrains from doing such shit. It also made Tsunade's ties with the remaining Senju clan extremely weak. While the main reason for Tsunade's relationship with Dan Kato be considered mutual interest in each other, many believe that one of the major reasons the relationship was so successful was because of Dan being a Clan less shinobi. Tsunade's belief in the individual values of the clans is incredibly low and one might even say antagonistic.

Shikado tried to control the situation before it devolved any further. He said," Yes Tsunade-san, we understand what you are trying to say but let's focus on the topic and also, the boy is an orphan. Also the reason the fight even started even when Namikaze tried to initially prevent the situation from devolving was because he was called a disgrace to his parents. At least that is what the reports say... I am not pointing any fingers at the Uchiha or Hyuga heir. It's just what the reports say... Considering that the report of their conversation is from the perspective of children we can't really believe them. Anyways, the boy has shown to be extremely diligent, very focused and incredibly talented as well. What should we do about this matter, Hokage sama?" There wasn't anyone on the council who didn't respect Sarutobi Hiruzen. The man was a legend. The tales of his battles in the First Ninja war are only overshadowed by the tales of Tobirama and his effort in stabilising the village post war have been seen by everyone. The village was truly blessed to have a Hokage like him.

"I say we shouldn't decide anything hastily. He has shown to be a prodigy on the level of Orochimaru. While I don't really want to relay my own vendetta, my student Orochimaru is a S class ninja and was a similar genius in the academy. We should wait and nuture his talent. If the boy shows to be consistent in his effort and his growth, either Orochimaru or Jiraiya will take him as an apprentice. Being a teacher gives a shinobi a very different perspective on life and many other things as well. Being a teacher will do you both good. From what I am seeing, if given proper training, the boy has the capacity to be a S-rank."

The council agreed with that assessment. Although it was incredibly early to say anything about the boy's future, all agreed that the brat had the potential to be a S-class threat.

"Thank you for the praise sensei but I really don't feel like taking any students or such now. While I agree that it may be beneficial to me, I don't think I will be able to bring about the potential in that child. I am quite busy in research these days and probably won't be able to give the boy the attention he deserves." Orochimaru while anti social was a reliable and an excellent Jonin. The man was the most prized student of the Third. While the third tried not to be partial, it was plain to see that Orochimaru was his favourite student. Orochimaru told what he actually thought without any lies mixed in. He actually was very busy. He was researching on ways to gain immortality.

He was in charge of the research division of the Konoha's military. While most Shinobi despised child experimenation, they did not have anything against normal experimenation. Orochimaru was therefore incredibly busy these days. An asset with such a good potential like Namikaze shouldn't be wasted because he couldn't give his best in teaching. Sensei also knew this, he most likely only asked him so that he could give his reasons for the refusal in front of the Council before any speculations get around.

"Alright, Orochimaru... Jiraiya, you are in charge of young Minato. While I won't force you to accept him as your disciple, he does have incredibly potential and I would like you to refine that"

"I am not really sure about this teacher buisness sensei but I would definitely try but firstly I would like to see the kid's growth in the time he is in the academy. It may as very well just be a fluke and his incredible performance may only last this year. While I don't deny that, even then the kid would at least reach the lower end of A-class; I would like to see if the kid actually has the same energy and passion as me.." Jiraiya has seen some Shinobi be incredible for a year or so and then burn out. He didn't want his first student to be such a case. So he will carefully observe the kid for the next 2-3 years. Of course, he will also show the kid the Joy of women and tits when he hits puberty if the kid became his apprentice.

Whack* "Jiraiya..The council meeting is an important event. Don't show your lecherous grin here" Tsunade said. By now the council was used to the antics of the trio.

" Yare yare Jiraiya-kun, have some decency...kukuku" Orochimaru got his comment in the middle as well.

"Well this matter has been resolved for now... Let's then start on the matter of..."

The meeting went on to discuss about various other subjects and was then adjourned.

[3 months after the meeting](Jiraiya)

As I was reporting on my success of the mission, I heard some interesting news. Well not exactly a news so much as a secretary bitching about some Namikaze kid submitting the application for getting a teacher to teach him Taijutsu above academy level. The girl was bitching a lot..a LOT but if I get to tap that bouncy ass and have those big tits(obviously not as big as Tsunade hime.. No one can compare) around my cock,I would listen to her bitch about anything. While I am not over Tsunade hime, I am recovering a bit. Having your teammate and long time crush be in a relationship with someone other than you is painful but I can deal with that.

That is the reason I started writing smut and being such a hedonist. While I know I will not be ready for a relationship for a long time, I can definitely enjoy sex. There has not been a prostitute in Konoha who hasn't had sex with me... Today..Today that ass will do.

I approach the secratary with my charming smile and say," Hey pretty lady, I know this kid, can you just pass the application in my name...

While on the other hand, we can definitely have some fun tonight.. Are you free?"

The secretary's cheeks gain a pink colour for sometime. She runs a hand through her black hair as she replies," Of course... Jiraiya-sama... I am passing the application now... And I am free tonight... Of course I am. So where can we meet tonight?"

Oh she was one of those types who thought that sex had to be romantic. While I won't lie to her about my intentions, this isn't really the place to discuss such things... We should discuss them afterwards..

I smile and say,"We can meet at Yahiniku BBQ for dinner and then continue from there.. What do you say?"

She sputters a bit but says," Of course...of course it would be my honour.."

I then go to my home. This night is going to be wild. Just hope that the kid has some actual mettle in him..

A/n : Yes I know this isn't the full reaction but if I had added more here, it would have been cluttered a bit more than I had like. The next chapter of the meeting will be a 2.5k-3k chapter as well.

The most probable criticism coming to your mind would definitely be the fact that Rensuke didn't know about his actual child's situation. My answer to that would be tell me of one healthy Uchiha relationship from Canon. Hell, fucking redeemed Sasuke neglected Sarada cuz he had to atone and some other bullshit like that...

Itachi despite loving Sasuke tortured him. Madara loved Izuna but descerated his grave for his eyes(Mangekyo). The idea of a good relationship for Uchihas is very different from ours. It's not like they don't feel good emotions. It's that their culture is just like that... Also Rensuke is a Jonin Commander (Canonically the position was held by Shikaku during OG!Naruto's events). He is supposed to busy even if his job is easily than Shikado's job due to peace times. Jiraiya is a pervert. That's well known but my Jiraiya is an open pervert because of Tsunade. He while shown as a pervert amongst his loved ones has never been shown as an open pervert prior to his adulthood so my assumption is heartbreak...

Also to people who think that the council's reactions were too tame, see the reactions during the second year... Also Minato hasn't done something world breaking yet (this meeting took place 2 weeks after the Fugaku incident). That is reserved for the next chapter... I elaborated on the Nawaki case and why Tsunade remained oblivious to her clan being subtly slaughtered.. She doesn't really relate to her clan anymore. Only Hashirama, Tobirama (till his laundry was aired to her) and her close relatives actually held meaning for her and they are gone...

Also you all may be underestimating the weird shit Shinobi go through if you think the reaction to Minato was tame... The Uchiha fuckery will be elaborated in the Fugaku chapters. Don't forget to like and comment if you see any plot holes

BTW All of the story credits belong to Divyansh Kundu

DioBrando666creators' thoughts