
Chapter 38: Entering the Fire Chamber Prison

Now all eyes were fixated on the Wei Di. The Young Master Lu guards got a grasp of what was happening and took out their swords. The two of them charged towards Wei Di and wave the sword in both the left and right direction embedded with all their spiritual energy,

Wei Di raised up his both hands and merely used two fingers on each hand to stop the halt of the sword's movement. Now both swords were pinched with his fingers, he twists his fingers and effortlessly snaps the swords. "Ding Ding ling.." the snapped part of the sword dropped to the ground as everyone gaped opened their mouth.

The two guards instantly looked at each other knowing that they stood no chance against Wei Di. So, they both quickly rush towards their young master and help him up. They quickly exited the restaurant and shouted at Wei Di "Watch your back, you are not getting out of this!".

Wei Di yawned and slowly strolled back to his table. As everyone was looking at him, he just continued to gobble down the food and drank his liquor. After 10 mins later a stampede of footsteps could be heard. At least 20 people arrived at the entrance of the restaurant and rushed in upon looking at Wei Di still eating in the restaurant.

Reinforcement had come.

All 20 of the guards nervously surround Wei Di with their swords pointing at him. The head guard mustered his courage and respectfully said "you have committed a crime, please follow us back to the jail". Wei Di wiped his mouth and slammed the table as he stood up. All the guards all took a step back and gripped on their swords even harder than before. "Restaurant Owner! I left 150 spiritual gold coins for the food and damage!" Wei Di shouted. It was an amount that far exceeded the damages

He then looked at the guard "Your courage is commendable, show me the way". In normal circumstances, Wei Di would definitely have fought his way out. However, it was a perfect opportunity for him to "slip" into jail to seek out his person he was looking for.

The restaurant owner and his daughter Hui Yi looked Wei DI with extreme concern as Wei Di followed the guards to the jail.

"Hurry! Move-in!" Wei Di arrived at the jail with a batch of inmates at the jail gate. .Unsurprisingly, it was relatively hot and humid. He looked at his surroundings, it was a valley route surrounded by numerous black coal mountains. Inmates were doused in sweat as they mine for firestone in the mountains. The Prison guards could be seen patrolling with a brown whip embedded with firestone at the handle. They would whip the inmates if they were found slacking and stealing the firestone. Many of the inmates fear the brown whip for one reason. The reason is that whip possesses a frightening amount of firepower that will cause the inmates to scream.

Soon, all the inmates were brought to a huge assembly ground. There was a mini stage and a huge towering figure walked towards the center of it. It was the prison warden - Gai Wu.

"Inmates! You have arrived at the fire chamber! Adhere to the rules here or the wrath of me! Now I shall tell the rules and behaviors I expect here..."

Gai Wu (prison warden ) was reciting all the different rules of the prison. Wei Di couldn't contain his boredom and let out "Yawn!". That yawn caught the attention of the Gai Wu. He immediately zoomed into Wei Di and shouted "I recognize you! You are the one who dared hurt our young master lu."

The angered Gai Wu continued "Guards! Whip him!" With that command, a guard went forward and retracted his arm with the whip on his hand. All the nearby inmates disrupted and the whip struck hard on Wei Di's back. The sound was resounding and a hiss could be heard.