
The Legend of the Kyubi

This is a direct translation of my original story [La Leyenda del Kyubi] uploaded on this page. Translated with [MT] and slightly edited with Grammarly ************************************* An unknown past, with only fragments of his old life, a young soul is reborn in the world that I so much desire with the aim of fulfilling his dream but an accident will change everything. What changes will his presence in this world bring? How many destinies will change because of him? That's for you to find out... ************************************* Disclaimer: I don't own the original work "Naruto", or any of its characters. ************************************* If you liked the story, you can support me through pa treon with the following link. https://www.pa treon.com/GenoXX

GenoXX · Anime & Comics
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839 Chs

Inverted Scale

The next morning, the two redheads were awake after a passionate night.

"Kushi-chan..." - said Kurama as he shook the woman slightly because he knew she was not a morning person.

"Five more minutes..." - muttered Kushina as she snuggled up to the boy.

"Come on, Kushina... we have to get up" - sighed the young redheaded as he looked at her lovingly.

"Ok..." - sighed Kushina as she stretched slightly and in the process, bounced her large breasts. Kurama had to admit that he was not bored to see every inch of his beloved red-haired lover's body

"If you keep looking at me like that, I don't think you can get out of bed" - the beautiful Uzumaki purred.

"If you keep looking at me like that, I don't think you can get out of bed" - purred the beautiful Uzumaki.

"As tempted as I am to make that decision, I can't do it" - Kurama sighed regretfully - "I have to meet with Team 8 to continue training"

"Too bad..." denied Kushina as she began to dress - "Good luck next time"

When she was ready, she left the room but not before giving a good image of her moving her hips sensually.

"Okay... Now I regret being a shinobi..." - murmured Kurama while shaking his head - "Anyway, I better get dressed so I can do a little warm-up"

Kurama got dressed quickly and prepared to leave but before he could take a step outside the room, Kushina's shout reached his ear - "Kuro-chan~! Do you want something specific for breakfast?!"

"I leave it up to you!" - replied the young redhead as he went down to the first floor - "I'll be back in a moment!"

"Good luck!" - shouted the beautiful woman again as Kurama went out to train.

* * * * *

After an hour, Kurama came home to take a shower and as usual, Kushina had everything ready - "I swear she's perfect..."

"Did you say something, Kuro-chan?" - asked Kushina as she left the kitchen.

"That you are too perfect," smiled the reddish-orange-haired young man. Kushina only responded with a happy smile as she walked beside him and gave him a little kiss - "Go take a bath so you can eat breakfast"

"Okay, I'll be right back." Kurama nodded and quickly went upstairs to the bathroom. After 20 minutes, he has dressed again and was heading to the dining room to have breakfast with his beloved crimson-haired beauty.

"Are you planning to do something today?" - asked Kushina as she looked at her lover.

"Nothing at the moment" - replied the young Uzumaki - "Why? Do you have something in mind?"

"It's nothing important... it's just that I wanted you to come with me so that we could buy some more... intimate clothes..." - said Kushina while giving him a seductive smile - "I heard there's a new store that has some merchandise that could help us..."

"As much as I'd like to tell you that I accept, I can't assure you that nothing will happen today..." - sighed the young redheaded.

"Don't worry" - denied Kushina - "The shop opens at night"

"Then it is a promise" - Kurama nodded.

* * * * * *

After 20 minutes, Kurama was leaving his house to go to training camp 8. It didn't take him more than 10 minutes to arrive but he was surprised to see that he wasn't the first even though he had arrived more than an hour early - "Kurenai sensei?

"?" - Kurenai noticed that someone had arrived so she looked up - "Hello, Kurama-kun..."

"What's up, Kurenai sensei?" - asked the redheaded man when he saw that the woman was even more thoughtful than yesterday.

". . ." - Kurenai was silent as he debated whether to tell him or not but after some thought, she concluded that it would be better not to - "It's nothing. . ."

Kurama didn't say anything else, he just jumped on a tree branch and lay down while closing his eyes.

Kurenai stared at him for a few seconds but quickly looked away, though her gaze occasionally returned to the young man.

And so, the minutes went by and half an hour had already passed. Both Kurama and Kurenai remained in somewhat uncomfortable silence.

"You know, Kurenai Sensei? If you need to say something, do so" - the redheaded man muttered when he could not stand it any longer. He had been feeling the woman's gaze all this time.

"Kya!" - Kurenai was surprised to hear Kurama's words - "Etto... I wanted to apologize for the trouble my ex-boyfriend caused you..."

"Ex?" - Kurama was surprised although suddenly the guilt appeared in his heart. He didn't want to break up his sensei's relationship, he just wanted that idiot to control himself a little.

"Relax, it's not your fault" - Kurenai denied understanding what the boy was thinking - "Our relationship had been toxic since it started..."

"That's a bit of a relief" - sighed the young Uzumaki - "But I'm still sorry..."

"As I said, it's not your fault" - smiled Kurenai - "I had only started a relationship with Asuma because he had asked me if I could be his girlfriend for the last 10 years"

"That doesn't sound like love..." - mumbled the redhead but Kurenai managed to hear him - "I think that's an obsession..."

"And that's exactly what it is..." - Kurenai sighed with regret - "The same day we broke up, he threatened me not to go near anyone because I was his property..."

Kurama frowned when he heard this because he honestly did not expect something like that. While Asuma was a narrow-minded fool, it did not mean that he was a complete bastard but now that he listened to his sensei, he understood the true essence of the man named Asuma Sarutobi.

"I met him again yesterday" - sighed Kurenai as tears began to run from her eyes - "He was with the civilian woman who had been responsible for spreading those rumors that I was sleeping with multiple men..."

Kurama only snorted in annoyance - "I guess birds of a feather do fly together"

If Asuma had started a relationship with the same woman who had destroyed his previous relationship then it meant that he was an asshole. He was a Jonin so checking out the rumors would be easy for him, and knowing who had been responsible for spreading them would be much easier.

Kurama could only watch how her Jonin sensei was crying. She had finally exploded, everything she had held deep in her heart was being released.

"What can I do?" - Kurenai asked as the tears continued to flow.

Kurama only shook his head as he realized how this woman he barely knew was earning a place in his loved ones, not because he liked or wanted her as a partner, but because she had slowly been entering his life.

"You have two choices..." - sighed the redhead - "First, go and live with a friend or someone you know so you don't give him a chance to find you alone... and second..."

"Yes?" - asked Kurenai curiously as he stopped in mid-sentence.

"The second thing would be... to kill him..." - muttered the red-haired young man.

"Kill him?!" - exclaimed Kurenai in a panic - "Impossible!"

"If Kaasan were in a similar situation, I would kill the bastard responsible without a second thought" - answered Kurama coldly - "It is better to cut the problems at the root"

"How can you think of something like that as a first choice?!" - the red-eyed kunoichi exclaimed.

"Because I won't let anyone hurt my loved ones," said Kurama coldly. "And if I have to get my hands dirty for that, then I'll gladly do it..."

". . ." - Kurenai was silent as she gave the young man a troubled look. She had to admit that she was jealous of Kushina. Kurama would do anything to keep her safe, including breaking off relations with Konoha for her sake. Killing Asuma would cause Hiruzen's wrath, after all, he was the only living son he had left.

"As expected from the Kyubi no Yoko..." - a voice was heard from the trees - "So bloodthirsty..."

"You finally came out of your hiding place" - said Kurama without a glance. He had felt his presence since he arrived at the training camp - "And I thought you would run with your tail between your legs"

"Asuma..." - the red-eyed kunoichi muttered as she saw her ex-boyfriend appear at the scene.

"Kurenai... I told you we'd meet soon..." - Asuma smiled as he gave the woman a cold look - "Though seeing the way you looked at the Kyubi... I feel the rumors were truer than I thought..."

"It's not like that!" - Kurenai exclaimed with a mixture of anger and shame. Asuma had seen her give the boy the occasional glance.

"And how does it feel to have a 12-year-old boy better please your ex-girlfriend?" - asked the boy in the tree - "I think it must be a big blow to your pride as small as your penis"

"And how does it feel... that a 12-year-old boy pleases your ex-girlfriend better than you?" - asked the boy who was in the tree - "I think it must be a big blow to your pride that it's as small as your penis"

"Kurama-kun?!" - Kurenai exclaimed, her face red with embarrassment.

"What did you say, abomination?!" - shouted Asuma in fury. His expressionless face was now filled with murderous fury.

"You can't take a joke, Stalker-chan" - replied Kurama with a carefree attitude.

Veins began to appear on Asuma's forehead as his anger grew with every second.

"What happened? Did I hit a nerve?" - Kurama asked mockingly.

Asuma was about to attack but calmed down when he realized that the redhead was insulting him on purpose so that he could act in "self-defense".

"Your plan won't work..." - murmured Asuma as he looked at the red-haired young in anger.

"And I thought your brain was as small as what you have between your legs" - continued the Uzumaki.

"BASTARD!" - roared Asuma as he resisted the urge to jump on the red-haired man and beat him to death.

"What's going on, Asuma-chan?" - asked Kurama as he jumped off his branch - "Is the evil Kyubi picking on you and you want to go to your daddy for revenge?

The smoking Jonin was barely resisting the urge to attack the red-headed man.

Kurenai was watching everything in silence and had to admit that seeing Asuma like that made all the anger inside her disappear little by little. She found the situation especially amusing as the redhead was making fun of the Jonin's masculinity.

"You better go" - Kurama said seriously as he disappeared and reappeared at Kurenai's side, only to take her from her tiny waist. She blushed when she felt the redhead's arms because it was the first time she had experienced something like this.

"Sorry about this" - Kurama said quietly so that only Kurenai could hear.

Kurenai nodded.

"As I said, you'd better go, Asuma" - said Kurama seriously - "Don't you see that we want to move our relationship forward?"

"Get away from her!" - roared the male Jonin as he glared at the redhaired young - "She belongs to me!"

"Tsk Tsk Tsk!" - Kurama only clicked his tongue in disapproval.

"Are you going to do it or am I going to have to tear you up by force?!" - exclaimed Asuma.

Kurama only gave him a joking smile while Kurenai gave him a neutral look.

"I can't take it anymore!" - Asuma shouted as he drew his favorite weapon, two chakra blades in the shape of knuckles.

Kurama only smiled when he saw that his plan had worked, now he only had to wait for his enemy to attack before he could defend himself.

"When I am done with you, I am going to continue with that redheaded bitch" - Asuma said coolly but froze when he felt the surroundings change slightly. Now the place was completely silent, the only thing he could hear was the wind.

Kurama slowly let go of Kurenai while she realized that Kurama was furious.

"There are many things I can accept" - Kurama said as he began to slowly release his dark chakra. His face was darkened by his hair as he had looked down - "You can call me a monster, you can insult me, denigrate me, even attack me... but..."

"I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO INSULT MY LOVED ONES! LESS KAASAN!" - roared the redhead as he released all his power in one fell swoop.

Kurenai could barely keep up as the surrounding trees fell one after another.

"I just wanted to teach you a lesson but now I've changed my mind..." - said Kurama in a cold and unemotional voice - "I will enjoy destroying your psyche while listening to your cries for mercy"

Kurenai was shaking as he watched the situation. She could only recall a saying her father had told her while he was still alive, "Never touch the Inverted Scales of a dragon because they will go to great lengths to devour the one responsibly". According to the legends, the Inverted Scales were the sensitive or weak point of a dragon and anyone who dared touch them would receive the fury of the beast, and to Asuma's disgrace... he had touched the Inverted Scale of Kurama when he insulted Kushina.

"I will enjoy breaking every one of your bones while you beg for mercy..." - smiled Kurama as he looked at his prey - "Now the question is... how much will you endure before you ask me to kill you?"

* * * * * * * * * *

I'm using a new page to translate, I hope it will have better results


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pa treon.com/GenoXX

And if you understand Spanish, you can read my second story or the original version of this

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