
Extra 19: Change the World (51)

A day had passed since the conversation between Kurama and Ayame, time in which the Kitsune hadn't heard anything from the wolf girl, at least until now....

"I see you meditated on the situation and came up with an answer" - Kurama said while raising an eyebrow as he watched the girl enter his room.

"Yes, I want you to revive him" - Ayame answered seriously.

Kurama raised an eyebrow before noticing that his words didn't seem to have convinced the girl even a little bit - "Ok, before we start I have two things to tell you, the first one is that this is an equivalent exchange, I'm going to try to revive him and the final result may not be satisfactory."

"What do you mean?" - Ayame asked with a frown.

"Meaning that by using my ability to revive the dead, not only do I need something from the person I wish to revive, but I have to pay a price" - said Kurama while frowning - "As for what the price I have to pay is, it's none of your concern"

"Do you need something from Koga?" - Ayame asked with surprise.

"Yes" - nodded Kurama as he started to think - "Besides that, I need a creature that's alive, a human or Yokai, it doesn't matter."

"I understand, although I'm still a bit curious to know about why you say that the final result can't be satisfactory" - said Ayame seriously - "Do you mean that it's possible that you can't revive him?"

"Oh, no, the percentage is 100%, the problem is that it is possible that Koga is not dead, and the ritual ends up being a waste of time and I end up paying the price for something that should never have happened" - replied Kurama with a frown.

"Koga might still be alive?" - Ayame repeated in surprise as she shook her head - "It doesn't matter, I just want him to be walking in the land of the living."

"I understand what you are trying to say, but I want to warn you that you will have to pay the price no matter what the end result is" - said Kurama seriously.

"Why?"- asked Ayame with a frown.

"Because as I said before, using my technique makes me have to pay a high price even if the result fails" - answered Kurama seriously. He wasn't lying in this, after reviving Kikyo completely, he felt how the will of this dimension were becoming more and more restrictive with the moves he could make to interfere in the plot, in other words, the more "favors" he asked from this world, the lesser his protection as a dimensional traveler.

"I don't understand why I should pay the price for a ritual that doesn't work" - Ayame said as she folded her arms.

"I could tell you the same" - Kurama said with a frown - "I have to risk more than you can imagine, and if I fail, not only will I not get my part of the contract, but I will also have to pay the consequences of my actions, while you go free and without consequences? That's not how contracts work, girl"

Ayame was silent before biting her lip - "I understand, I accept the contract."

Kurama showed no reaction, he just snapped his fingers and made a strange scroll appear.

Ayame quickly took it and started reading it, showing a calm expression when she saw that the content was similar to what they had been discussing - "What do I do with this?"

"Simple, you have to put your imprint with some blood on this place and the contract will come into effect" - Kurama replied as he shrugged - "I, the party A, will perform the ritual to revive the subject named Koga, and you, the party B, will use your existence as collateral, that means that when I finish performing my technique you will become my slave for all eternity."

Ayame bit her lip before nodding.

"I'm going to ask you to think what you are about to do, this is not a game" - Kurama said seriously - "You will be able to continue moving without problem, and it won't modify your personality, but the moment you try to do something that goes against what a slave has to do, you will have to go through an unimaginable suffering"

Ayame didn't hesitate, she bit her lip and put her imprint on the contract, only to notice how Kurama looked at her with regret as he let out a sigh.

"The contract has been signed..." - Kurama muttered before sighing again - "Now there's nothing I can do to break the contract because is directly connected to your whole soul"

"What do you mean?" - Ayame asked with a frown.

"If it were a normal situation, I could tear out that soul fragment and return it to its original form" - replied Kurama while shaking his head - "But this contract is different because it's attached to your whole soul, that means that even if I take out a fragment, when I regenerate your soul, the contract will expand too."

Ayame remained silent because she honestly didn't know what he was talking about.

"You'll understand when it's time" - Kurama said as he shook his head - "Anyway, I think it's time for us to start with the preparations, as I said before, I need an object that belonged to Koga."

"That's a bit difficult because I don't own anything of his, I guess I could go to the caves of his clan, although I wouldn't know what could be some of his belongings" - muttered Ayame with a frown.

"I'm sorry, in this I can't help you" - said Kurama while shaking his head - "Still, this can benefit you, because as long as I don't start with the ritual, the contract won't be completed..."

"I feel that you don't want to revive him, Kurama-san" - said Ayame with a frown.

"Don't get me wrong, whether he is alive or dead, it's not important to me" - Kurama replied while giving her a blank look - "I'm only saying this because I don't like the idea of performing this contract, not when it's obvious that in the future you will regret it."

"I will never will, my love for Koga is much more important than my life" - Ayame replied while giving him a cold stare.

Kurama stared at her for a few seconds before shaking his head. He had said and done more than enough, if this girl wanted to remain this stubborn then what was going to happen was not his problem.

"When you get the item, I'll start on my end of the deal" - Kurama said as he snapped his fingers, and in the process, made the wolf girl disappear.

"Huh?" - Ayame let out a gasp of surprise as he looked perplexed as she stood outside the Kitsune Daiyokai's mansion.

"How did you appear out of nowhere, Ayame-sama?" - A member of the northern wolf clan asked as he saw how the granddaughter of their current leader now stood right in front of him.

"I was talking to Kurama-dono about something important, and suddenly I appeared out here" - Ayame replied with a frown.

"Talking?" - repeated the wolf Yokai while frowning - "That's strange, normally you try to stay as far away from Kurama-sama as possible."

"Since when do you treat him with such respect?" - Ayame asked with a frown.

"He allowed us to live in this place and learn many things about human culture" - replied the young wolf Yokai while tilting his head - "Besides, we have much more prosperous lives now thanks to the new hunting methods and the changes we've had in our diets."

Since the group of wolves had entered the city of Kurama, they had not only been learning to live in a civilized way, but also to eat not only meat, as well as vegetables and fruits, and although this didn't start out the right way, the wolves had to admit that some fruits tasted delicious.

"Oh, that makes sense" - nodded Ayame as she started to think - "And what do you think of Koga?"

"Koga? You mean the leader of the other wolf clan, the one that died?" - The young wolf Yokai asked as he frowned - "Truthfully, I don't know what to think."

"You don't know?" - Ayame repeated while frowning.

"The truth is that I haven't met him, I didn't care to meet him either because he was from another clan" - replied the young wolf Yokai as he shook his head - "Being honest, I don't care in the least because our lives have nothing to do with him."

"But if he married me, he would become your leader" - Ayame said with surprise, only to fall silent when she saw how the young wolf Yokai spat on the ground - "Why did you spit?"

"Because you don't understand us, Ayame-sama" - said the young wolf yokai - "We have been under your family's rule for generations, my parents followed your father, my grandparents followed your grandfather, and it's my turn to follow you, but you are spitting in our faces, saying that we have to follow an unknown guy."


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[The Legend of the Kyubi] Extra 19(66) <--- Available in Pa treon.

Remember that this story is translated with MT and edited with [Gramarly].

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