
Extra 16: Gate (18)

"What do you mean that there are no survivors!" - Molt exclaimed when he heard how the troops that were stationed in [Alnus] had been annihilated by an unknown force.

It had been three hours since the situation in [Alnus] had ended, the emperor was receiving the report from one of the soldiers he had sent as reconnaissance.

"Yes, complete annihilation" - a soldier replied with concern.

Molt was silent before sighing with regret because he knew it was quite possible that he would not see his son again.

He quickly set about thinking of possible culprits, the prime suspect being Kurama, the god of [Samsara].

"What do we do, Molt-sama?" - The soldier asked as he looked at his emperor to receive his instructions.

"What is it that appeared in [Alnus]?" - Molt asked as he calmed down because he knew things were much more complex than he thought.

"Sir, we found a huge gate with a portal inside, possibly Zorzal-sama entered that place" - replied the soldier with a frown.

"That idiot" - muttered Molt as he shook his head, unaware that trouble was about to escalate.

* * * * *

"Is this the place where we'll live until we're rescued?" - A black-haired man asked in surprise because this city was much more beautiful than they thought.

[Samsara] was surrounded by a huge dense forest, which was inhabited by animals and people alike.

"Yes, this is [Samsara], the city of reincarnation because no matter what you've done before, after setting foot in the city, you get a second chance" - Delilah replied calmly as she watched a group appear at the entrance, which made her smile slightly.

"It's good to see you're okay" - Tyuule said as she nodded in the direction of her former royal guard.

"Thank you, Tyuule-dono" - Delilah replied as she saw the handsome white-haired man standing next to her former queen - "It's a pleasure to be in your presence, Kurama-sama."

"You have done a good job, Delilah" - smiled Kurama as he looked carefully at the lady - "Then you can go to my office, so you can get your reward, and this time I won't accept a "no need", remember that your actions should be rewarded, more when you saved so many people."

"Ok, I'm going to accept the reward" - Delilah replied with a small smile - "You should worry less about that kind of thing".

Kurama shook his head before looking at the people inside the bars, only to raise an eyebrow - "They are the people they captured from the other dimension?"

"Yes, every one of them" - Delilah answered firmly.

"Ok" - nodded Kurama as he walked in front of the group - "I'm sorry that your first encounter with our dimension, was so bad, that's why I apologize."

"Kurama-sama, you shouldn't bow your head for other people's mistakes" - said Tyuule with a frown as she looked at Zorzal with hatred, after all, the god of the city, the man she had decided to follow for the rest of her life, was humiliating himself because of this bastard.

The kidnapped Japanese looked at Kurama with surprise because he was handsome, to the point that the women couldn't look away, and the men were shaking their heads.

"Are you the god of this city?" - Asked a woman with red cheeks.

"Yes, my name is Kurama, I am the god of this city, and the god of nature, the elements, righteous judgment and Samsara" - Kurama answered while giving her a small smile - "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Samsara?" - repeated a man with surprise at this term that was familiar to them.

"Yes, the continuous cycle of life, death and reincarnation" - nodded Kurama calmly as he started to think - "Anyway, I welcome you to [Samsara], you can live here as long as you need to until the people of your world come to rescue you"

"How can you be sure they will come to rescue us?" - Asked a man with a frown.

"I'll be honest, if they won't come to rescue you directly, they will come to investigate this unknown place" - Kurama answered honestly.

The hostages looked at each other before sighing because that was something that would happen.

"Although if you like, I can send a squad to stay close when they come to investigate" - said Kurama while tilting his head - "That way at least you can go back home as soon as possible!"

"Thank you, Kurama-sama!" - exclaimed the hostages with tears in their eyes.

"Ok, Delilah, I want you to send a group when you rest for a few days" - said Kurama calmly.

"Why not do it right away?" - Delilah asked curiously.

"Because I don't want them to attack us for being in the wrong place" - answered Kurama calmly.

"Ok" - nodded Delilah as she watched the hostages walk out of their cells and into the city with curious looks on their faces, after all, this was the first real experience they would have in this new world, one that had creatures foreign to them.

* * * * *

A week later, a small outpost had been erected on Mount [Alnus].

The group that Delilah had sent, was quietly observing everything until they decided to approach carefully.

When they were at a safe distance, they saw with surprise how a strange group of humans dressed in green suits and strange weapons, were watching them with a frown.

"Uh, hello, we have come in peace" - said a cat girl as she raised both hands in surrender.

"Cat girl?!" - exclaimed a man in his 30s who was staring in surprise at the girl.

"Uh" - the group of girls looked at each other, confused with this reaction.

"Itami, shut up for a moment, this is serious" - said a middle-aged man with an intimidating attitude, who quickly focused on the group that had appeared out of nowhere - "Who are you, and what are your objectives?"

"Our names are not important, what we can inform you is that we are part of the royal guard of the city of [Samsara]" - answered the cat girl while explaining the situation to this strange military force that had some strange artifacts all over their base - "We have come because we have in our custody a certain group that of your civilians that were captured, they are living in [Samsara]"

The middle-aged man's gaze changed when he heard this, as the soldiers looked at each other excitedly.

"Hazama-san" - said the man called Itami.

"Hmm, your words don't necessarily have to be true" - Hazama said as he looked at the group of women - "It's too much of a coincidence."

The women kept silent as the men in green frowned.

"Sir, I think they are not lying" - said a short woman who ironically had rather large breasts for her anatomy.

Hazama gave the woman a cold glare, but she didn't back down.

"Hmph" - Hazama grunted before looking at the women - "If what they say is true, then I want them brought in, so I can send them back to their homes."

The cat girl pulled out a scroll and began to write something down under the gaze of the group of soldiers.

Hazama watched this silently as he prepared to order his troops to attack when necessary.

The rabbit girl ignored this as she pulled out an orb and used it to make the sheet disappear.

"What did you do?" - Hazama asked in annoyance, only for, after a few seconds, a strange portal to appear behind the girls.

The human soldiers in green, quickly grabbed their weapons and prepared to attack, but their expressions changed when they saw a group of black-haired humans, come out of the strange portal.

"They really came!" - One man exclaimed excitedly.

When that man finished speaking, a group of people with similar features, followed him out of the portal.

"Ugh, I think I'm going to throw up" - muttered a woman as she clutched her stomach - "Traveling through portals is fatal for a pregnant woman."

The soldiers quickly ran to the civilians and helped them walk to safety.

"Well, we don't lie" - said the cat girl disdainfully.

"Yes" - nodded Hazama with a much more relaxed expression - "Sorry for the disrespect, but we are in a hostile territory, with no knowledge of our surroundings, and with an enemy that captured a part of our population."

"No need to make excuses, I completely understand your situation, and we are not upset by your words or actions" - replied a male voice.

"Huh? Kurama-sama?" - said the rescued hostages in surprise because they did not expect him to appear on the scene.

"Kurama-sama?" - the soldiers repeated.

"Be careful what you say in his presence, he is a god, a true god" - said a hostage while looking at the soldiers - "And although he is someone kind and carefree when he talks to others, the people around him are someone you don't want to have as enemies."

The soldiers looked apprehensive when they heard they were talking to a god, what they didn't expect, was that the god was a handsome man in his early 20s with fox-like features.

"A Kitsune?" - Itami muttered in surprise.

Kurama smiled when he heard this.


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[The Legend of the Kyubi] Extra 17(2) <--- Available in Pa treon.

Remember that this story is translated with MT and edited with [Gramarly].

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