
Extra 15: Dragon & Dragon Maids (44)

Hades was about to say something else, when he let out a small cry of pain as he went flying through the white-haired man's fist.

"Hades-sama!" - exclaimed the strange goat-man - "You're going to pay for this!"

Cloud gave him a blank stare before giving him a firm punch in the chest, only to have a strange black-haired man ejected from his back after a few seconds.

"Done" - Kurama muttered as he noticed how the goat man looked around in surprise.

"I'm free?" - The goat man asked excitedly, only to disappear, leaving only a golden key behind.

Lucy quickly ran to the key with tears in her eyes because this was one of her mother's keys, but her expression changed when she saw the man who had been ejected from the [Celestial Spirit] because she had also recognized him - "Why?"

Zoldeo let out a groan of pain as he looked with conflicting emotions at Lucy, after all, she was the spitting image of her mother, the woman who had helped him and trusted him for years.

"I think you're letting your emotions sway you, Zoldeo" - Azuma said with a frown.

"No, I've done too many things to feel guilt" - Zoldeo replied while frowning - "I just felt a little nostalgic seeing Layla-sama's appearance on her daughter, but I'm fine now."

"But without Capricorn, you're not so strong anymore" - Zancrow said disdainfully as he grinned wildly.

"My strength will increase if I manage to take possession of that man" - growled Zoldeo coldly.

"You have a point" - nodded Azuma as he waved his hands.

Kurama watched in surprise as the surrounding trees, started to move on their own, trapping him - "Interesting".

" I opine that this is the time for you to do that" - Azuma said firmly as he increased the power of the grip to make sure that his opponent didn't escape.

Zoldeo nodded firmly as he jumped against Kurama and used his [Human Subordination] magic.

A small flash appeared on the spot as everyone watched Kurama stand static, smiling slightly,

"I see everything turned out as you wanted, Zoldeo" - Azuma said as he walked over to the white-haired man, only to let out a shout of surprise as he felt his "partner", grab him by the collar - "Z-Zoldeo?"

"I think you have the wrong person" - Kurama said neutrally as he used a little more strength in his grip - "If you thought that controlling me would be that easy, then I have to admit that they are stupider than I thought"

Azuma tried to say something else, but the words got caught in his throat.

"Let go of that weakling!" - Zancrow exclaimed as his body was surrounded by dark flames.

"It seems like it's the element that affects the mentality" - muttered Kurama as he saw how Zancrow was similar to Natsu in many ways, only with a much worse sense of morality.

"Roar!" - Zancrow let out a mighty roar of fire at Kurama, surrounding his body with the abrasive flames that were supposedly capable of killing gods.

"Hmm, interesting, these flames burn a bit" - Kurama muttered as he watched part of his clothes being consumed by the flames.

"Impossible, my fire should be able to burn anything!" - Zancrow exclaimed in fear because it was the first time his magic was ineffective - "My flames are capable of killing a god!"

"This? Kill a god?" - Kurama asked sarcastically as he let out a laugh - "Boy, you know nothing, this level of power couldn't kill a low-ranked god, let alone the main god of the fire element!"

Kurama cracked his neck as he watched Azuma continue to struggle for breath, completely ignoring the boy in the distance.

"Kurama" - Makarov said with a frown - "Let him go, just knock them out, and then we'll turn them over to the council."

"Do you want to keep your image of a kindly old man?" - Kurama asked sarcastically as he snorted with disdain - "Fine, I'm going to listen to you this time."

Before Makarov could say thank you, the sound of an agonized scream echoed through the place as Zoldeo shot out from Kurama's back.

The poor man didn't even make an attempt to try to cushion the fall, he just wanted to get as far away from the white haired man as possible because he had seen things that terrified him to his core.

Zoldeo could enter the minds of his victims while he was fused to their bodies, so he could learn how to use his new abilities, but what he found inside Kurama was something he never thought to see.

Inside the gloomy white-haired man, there was only a cage surrounded by darkness.

Zoldeo tried to approach that cage, but as he did so, he saw something he could not get out of his mind, a huge ten-tailed fox with eyes as red as blood.

After seeing its eyes, Zoldeo experienced its death so many times that he had lost count, but what made it worse, was that he had not seen the same death, and these were progressively more violent than the previous one.

"Did you like what you saw?" - Kurama asked with a huge toothy grin because he knew what Zoldeo had seen, that was a fragment of the darkness that the original Kurama had accumulated over the years.

No matter how much time passed, or how much he said that he had purified all the hatred of his other self, that was a big lie because all light breeds darkness.

Kurama was aware of this, that's why he hid it deep in his heart, and if he was sincere, this darkness never disappeared because it was a product of the fear of losing the people he loved.

The white-haired Uzumaki knew that in the future, he would end up seeing his loved ones depart one after another, without being able to do anything to stop it because this was something natural.

"Monster" - Zoldeo muttered in fear - "MONSTER! YOU ARE MUCH WORSE THAN ZEREF OR ACNALOGIA!"

"That's not very nice of you, I'm a peaceful person who won't do anything unless you annoy me" - replied Kurama innocently as he walked carefully to Zoldeo, though he stopped halfway when he felt something jumping against him - "Really?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you keep defeating those idiots" - said a stout, tall man with pale white skin. He was wearing revealing clothing that consisted mostly of a yellow cloak, briefs, and finally a few straps around his body.

"Don't try to show that fake courage" - Kurama growled while narrowing his eyes - "I can feel you trembling inside just by approaching me, you're possibly thinking "Why did I do this, why can't I just escape?", and if I'm honest, you should be."

Kain Hikaru was silent as his expression froze for a few seconds, though his expression quickly returned to normal - "Lies! I would never do something like that!"

"Your actions say otherwise" - Kurama replied as he held out his hand, only to watch in surprise as Kain flew backwards in a rather awkward manner - "Interesting."

Kain looked at Kurama with apparent fear in his eyes as he bit his lip because he didn't expect to react so badly from just one move of the white-haired man.

Kurama slowly walked in his direction with his hand outstretched, only for Kain to start floating - "Ok, I understand what's going on, it's your magic that allows you to control your body through that voodoo doll you have in your hands, possibly it also allows you to control the movements of your opponents?"

Kain again froze as he looked at his weapon [Mr. Cursey], the Voodoo doll that served as a medium for his magic - ". . ."

"B-Bastard!" - Zancrow roared as he regained his sanity while concentrating all his flames in his arms - "Die!"

Zancrow quickly launched a powerful double fire attack against the white-haired man, who was glaring at him with disdain.

"If your previous attack did nothing to me, what makes you think this one is going to have a more favorable outcome for you?" - Kurama asked while frowning as he felt the branches of the nearby trees begin to wrap around his body - "Did you wake up?"

Azuma didn't answer, he just activated his most powerful magic, creating countless fruits on the branches covering his opponent's body - "Die!"

Kurama didn't say anything else, he just received the attack while a huge explosion echoed in the place.

"Kurama!" - [Fairy Tail] members exclaimed in terror when they saw that offensive power.

Lucoa frowned when she saw how the offensive power of those mages' techniques, reached the point of being able to mortally wound a lesser god, and even hurt an intermediate god, though at the same time she wasn't worried about her husband's safety, not when he had received much more powerful attacks from them.

"Ok, I admit it, this time it hurt" - muttered Kurama as he made the smoke curtain surrounding his body disappear.

The members of [Grimoire Heart], watched in terror as the few wounds they had inflicted on the white-haired man's body, began to regenerate without much difficulty.


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[The Legend of the Kyubi] Extra 16(2) <--- Available in Pa treon.

Remember that this story is translated with MT and edited with [Gramarly].

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