
The Legend of Seven Realms

The immortals of gods and Buddhas, demons and monsters, myriad beasts gathered together, righteousness against evil, who is right, who is wrong, who can see through?

linzhang190 · Fantasy
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142 Chs

Chapter 34: Nine Revolutions Endless

By the edge of the Soul Transformation Pool, Jiàn Wú Chén suddenly erupted with a powerful aura, launching a thunderous strike that shattered the sinister soul, leaving only a trace of its spirit to escape. Standing cold and aloof in mid-air, Jiàn Wú Chén's body shimmered with purple light, exuding an imposing aura that dominated the heavens and earth, shaking all the experts present. With a cold smile, Jiàn Wú Chén shot directly towards Liǔ Xīng Hún, the Heavenly Spirit Divine Sword emitting a majestic aura as hundreds of sword qi surrounded the enemy within a colorful sword shadow.

At the same time, with the assistance of Zǐ Yáng Zhenrén, Yún Fēng had already forced his opponent into a desperate situation and was on the verge of victory. With this, the group had secured a stable advantage, entering the final phase of annihilation. Bì Tiān and the other two let out a sigh of relief, shifting their gaze to the most mysterious and miraculous battle between Lù Yún and the Ghost Venerable.

At this moment, Lù Yún's entire body shimmered with green and red light, thick true essence forming layers of dense protection around him. A faint hint of rainbow light flickered in his eyes as he raised the frequency of his psychic waves to a staggering thirty-six thousand times, carefully analyzing the Ghost Venerable's mysterious and unpredictable Nine Revolutions Endless technique and quickly considering how to counter it.

"Seventh Revolution Soul!" With a cold and fierce roar, the Ghost Venerable had already initiated the seventh revolution. The previous six revolutions had already shattered seventeen layers of Lù Yún's protective true qi. Now, with even fiercer power, the accumulated force of the previous six revolutions converged, once again exerting destructive compression and pressure on the trapped Lù Yún, aiming to annihilate him in one fell swoop. The so-called Seventh Revolution Soul referred to the terrifying power in this revolution, which could annihilate a person's soul, leaving them without a doubt of death.

Feeling the pressure reaching its limit, Lù Yún's shock was indescribable. The dominance of the Ghost Venerable was unmatched, the strongest enemy he had encountered since he began his journey. Although its cultivation did not match that of the Ghost Sovereign encountered in the realm of life and death, the destructive power generated by its mysterious and dominant Nine Revolutions Endless was enough to annihilate gods and immortals, unstoppable.

Watching the swirling ghostly figures around him, Lù Yún knew he couldn't afford to delay any longer. If he did, he might not be able to turn the tide in the end. With a thought, he checked the situation of everyone present and felt somewhat relieved to see their glorious achievements. Taking a deep breath, Lù Yún tensed his muscles, accelerated the circulation of his true essence within his body, and began to emit waves of rolling blood energy. The intense fire true essence obtained from the Black Domain Secret Realm erupted tenfold at this moment, forming powerful waves of scorching qi that turned into floating blood lotuses, swirling around Lù Yún's feet. Above his head, the Ru Yi Heart Soul Sword flickered with flames, emitting layers of blazing red light from the sword body, forming a red light shield around Lù Yún, rotating and flowing.

With his true qi released, the scorching qi waves clashed violently with the Ghost Venerable's seventh revolution under Lù Yún's full force. The sinister ghostly aura and the extremely yang fire true essence, two completely different forces, rubbed against each other, erupting with powerful destructive force that shook Lù Yún and the Ghost Venerable's bodies violently. As the red light weakened, Lù Yún's body trembled, his face immediately turning pale. The overwhelmingly powerful fire true essence, under the collision with the Ghost Venerable's seventh revolution, was immediately consumed by more than half.

With a sneer, the Ghost Venerable's voice was sharp, "Now you think of fighting back, but it's too late. Under the ninth revolution, gods and demons perish! Now prepare to bid farewell to the mortal world, Eighth Revolution Deity!" With a black shadow flicker, the Ghost Venerable's body rotated in mid-air in a circular motion, surrounding Lù Yún from all directions. As it flipped and flew, the Ghost Venerable's hands waved along a strange trajectory in mid-air, forming a black octagonal diagram in an instant. As soon as the black octagram appeared, a fierce external force burst out from the center of the octagram. At the same time, an incredibly powerful attraction surrounded the octagram, pulling everything towards it.

Lù Yún's expression changed. At this moment, the strong rotating airflow around him completely immobilized his body. Except for being able to move within a three-foot radius, he couldn't make large evasive movements. Sensing the ominous signs rising in his heart, Lù Yún's mind raced, thinking about how to deal with it. He understood that at this moment, if there were no outsiders present, he could respond in several ways. Unfortunately, in front of everyone, he had to keep certain secrets, or the consequences would be severe.

After a quick consideration, Lù Yún deployed twelve layers of defense shields around him and activated the "Heaven and Earth Unbounded" technique at full power, while also using the "Ten Thousand Returns to One" technique. His entire body became like a vortex, madly devouring everything around him.

The nine rotating black light pillars, carrying the power to destroy everything, intertwined and hovered around Lù Yún, unleashing a storm of destruction. Lù Yún's body was engulfed by the swirling black whirlwind, with no signs visible from the outside. At this moment, the howling winds, chilling to the bone, accompanied by the horrified screams of Yún Fēng and others, filled the air.

Within the whirlwind, Lù Yún felt the approach of death. His eyes suddenly burst into a brilliant light. Cold and sharp, he stared at the rapidly expanding and crazy force approaching him. In the moment of isolation from the outside world, Lù Yún made a very strange decision. Suddenly retracting his powerful protective true qi, Lù Yún's whole body shimmered with colorful light. With the "Heaven and Earth Unbounded" technique operating at full force, he carefully analyzed the most dominant Nine Revolutions Endless, while simultaneously unleashing the sixth move of the "Ten Thousand Returns to One" technique. His entire body became like a vortex, frantically absorbing all the surrounding destruction.

Outside the circle, all the battles came to a halt at this moment, and all eyes of the experts gathered on the battle between Lù Yún and the Ghost Venerable. Watching the towering black light pillar, with a diameter exceeding fifteen feet, everyone was shocked, completely unexpected of the Ghost Venerable's dominance. Worries arose in the hearts of those from Yi Garden and the Phoenix Academy. Unable to see Lù Yún's figure, almost everyone felt a sense of fear, afraid that Lù Yún would not be able to withstand this attack.

A loud roar reverberated, and the airflow seemed to split mountains as it violently surged. The black light pillars transformed from nine into three, then merged into one, gathering into a force capable of annihilating everything, directly shattering Lù Yún's fully activated "Ten Thousand Returns to One". With an overwhelming destructive force, it tore through Lù Yún's body, causing his muscles to tear and his meridians to rupture. In an instant, the powerful force tore through Lù Yún's skin, destroying his entire body. 

With a fierce roar, Lù Yún swiftly dodged in the midst of danger, following a highly peculiar trajectory in mid-air. At this moment, Lù Yún's psychic waves had already analyzed all the information about the Nine Revolutions Endless, but the result was unable to evade, only to fight back desperately. In this moment of life and death, Lù Yún suddenly remembered the three-inch jade wall in his arms, obtained from the sealing king platform between the Yin corpses. It recorded a very mysterious text, including a very strange method that could suppress all the evil qi in the world. It was precisely because of this that when Lù Yún was invaded by the Ghost Sovereign, he was able to recover from the madness.

At this moment, the trajectory that Lù Yún was dodging was the strange cloud diagram on that miraculous jade wall. The things on it were very mysterious, and Lù Yún had been exploring them since he obtained it, until now he suddenly comprehended one of the mysteries within it. Following the strange cloud diagram, Lù Yún was amazed to find that there was a profound secret hidden inside, which could actually resist the powerful destructive force of the Ghost Venerable.

As the Ghost Venerable rapidly darted around, it emitted a triumphant laugh, finally cornering Lù Yún. As long as Lù Yún died, the remaining three divine swords would be insignificant to it. Because at this point, the only one who made it feel a sense of dread was Lù Yún alone. As long as Lù Yún died, no one could stop it. As for Jiàn Wú Chén, although the Ghost Venerable vaguely sensed something strange about him, it paid no attention to it.

Watching the black light pillar with concern, Ao Xue and Cang Yue tightly gripped their divine swords, their eyes carrying a hint of blessing. Although they were worried about Lù Yún, they also understood the mystery of Lù Yún's unpredictable nature. Even in dangerous places like the Soul Locking Well, he could emerge unscathed, so they believed he would be fine this time as well. On the other hand, Zǐ Yáng Zhenrén and the others were filled with worry, as they could clearly feel that if this powerful force were to be directed at them, they would be absolutely unable to withstand it.

Standing in the distance, Jiàn Wú Chén and Liǔ Xīng Hún exchanged a glance, their eyes flashing with a complex expression. At this moment, their thoughts were contradictory. They both hoped that Lù Yún would die in this battle, yet they understood that the current situation was precarious. If Lù Yún died, their own actions would become even more difficult. So, they also didn't want him to die. Around them, the Ghost Leopard Venerable and other experts from the Ghost Domain naturally hoped for the victory of the Ghost Venerable, so that they could turn the tables.

Within the black light pillar, Lù Yún's eyes gradually revealed a dazzling light, and his entire body's momentum gradually rose, a powerful aura breaking through all obstacles, permeating the entire Soul Transformation Pool. Watching the black light pillar around him, Lù Yún waved his hands left and right, two strong forces formed a rotating pattern, driving Lù Yún's body to spin rapidly.

Raising both hands, a tornado, like an angry dragon, soared into the sky. This tornado, carrying a powerful driving force, rolled up the black aura that had been attacking Lù Yún, lifting it off the ground and soaring into the sky in an instant. Watching the Ghost Venerable with its bulging eyes, Lù Yún suddenly smiled strangely, shouting, "Turn around!" As the words were spoken, his body rotated around the Ghost Venerable at an astonishing speed.

With a change in expression, the Ghost Venerable roared angrily, "This is impossible, no, I don't believe it! This is my exclusive secret technique, how could you know it, speak!" As it spoke, its body also began to rotate, once again activating the Nine Revolutions Endless.

In the midst of the rotation, Lù Yún coldly said, "Now, watch as I use the Nine Revolutions Endless against you, and see how it feels for yourself. As for whether my Nine Revolutions Endless is authentic, you should look carefully. Second revolution!" With a powerful momentum, a black light barrier formed within a radius of three meters, firmly trapping the Ghost Venerable inside.

With anger and unwillingness, the Ghost Venerable fully activated the Nine Revolutions Endless, wanting to exhibit the final ninth revolution before Lù Yún, because it understood that this Nine Revolutions Endless was extremely rare in the world. Under the ninth revolution, gods and demons would all perish, and there was no escape. Even if it encountered it itself, there would be no other way out. Its only hope at this moment was that Lù Yún's knowledge of it was incomplete, so that it could have a chance to win, or that it could complete the technique first, so that Lù Yún would be overwhelmed by its formidable power.

Not far away, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and began to focus their gaze on the enemies. Yún Fēng shouted, "Let's go, everyone, let's finish off these ghostly things and complete the mission. Attack!" With a flash of silver light, the Immortal Sword of Slashing Wind, carrying a powerful sword aura, charged straight at the ghostly experts on the opposite side. As he made his move, the others also continued their attacks, beginning the final annihilation battle.

By the Soul Transformation Pool, a fierce battle gradually came to an end. At this point, except for Ao Xue and Cang Yue still battling the Ghost Leopard Venerable, all the other ghostly experts had been eliminated. And between Lù Yún and the Ghost Venerable, it had reached the most critical moment. "Eighth revolution deity, eighth revolution deity." Two loud roars, one after the other, closely connected. With a powerful momentum, they converged into dazzling dark blue and black light pillars, intertwining closely together, alternating between each other.

When nine light pillars appeared, two loud roars accompanied by their respective voices, almost indistinguishable from each other, resounded: "Ninth revolution death!" With the powerful force colliding between the two overwhelmingly dominant light pillars, everyone around was sent flying. Amidst the thunderous roar, the powerful destructive force swept across the area, and the aura of destruction pervaded the sky above the Soul Transformation Pool.

With a sneer, followed by a heart-wrenching scream of terror, Lù Yún stood still in mid-air, his gaze fixed on the Ghost Venerable engulfed by the dark blue light. Perhaps out of unwillingness, in a situation where it knew it would die, the Ghost Venerable suddenly gave up struggling and looked at Lù Yún with angry eyes, asking loudly, "Why, why is this happening? In my life, since I succeeded in cultivation, this is the second time I have used the Nine Revolutions Endless. In this world, including the Three Realms, there will never be a second person who will... How did you learn it?You tell me, otherwise I won't die with peace of mind."

Coldly looking at the Ghost Venerable, Lù Yún's eyes were indifferent as he said, "If you want to know, you can, but you have to exchange the secret of the Soul Transformation Pool with me, otherwise I won't tell you. You don't have much time left, so think about it."

The Ghost Venerable smiled bitterly at the words and said, "I'm almost dead anyway, what else do I have to consider? As for the Soul Transformation Pool, it is the most evil and mysterious place in the Ghost Domain, no less than a matter of life and death. Even if I tell you how to enter, you will only be walking to your death, because whether you're human or ghost, once you enter, you will undoubtedly die, without exception. Otherwise, it wouldn't be called the Soul Transformation Pool."

Coldly, Lù Yún said, "That's our business. You just need to tell me how to enter, and I'll answer your questions. Hurry up, or you won't have time. This powerful destructive force has already consumed a third of your body and consciousness."

The Ghost Venerable understood the urgency of the situation and hurriedly said, "Okay, I hope you keep your promise and don't disappoint me. To enter the Soul Transformation Pool, you can't force your way in. You have to wait until the Ghost Day, when the mysterious patterns around it disappear for a quarter of an hour. That's the only chance, there's no other way. Now, it's your turn to answer my question."

Looking at the Ghost Venerable's eager eyes, Lù Yún said calmly, "I'm a man of my word. Since you've said it, I'll tell you. I learned my Nine Revolutions Endless from you, whether you believe it or not, but I just want to say, this statement is absolutely true."

"No, I don't believe it, I don't believe it. It took me five hundred years to cultivate this technique, five hundred years! How could you learn it in just one go? I don't believe it, I don't believe it!" With extreme shock and disbelief, the Ghost Venerable's desperate cry quickly faded away. In the quiet Shura Forest, there was silence. The uncertain and fearful expression of the Ghost Leopard Venerable was clearly visible to everyone.

Ao Xue glanced at Lù Yún, then shifted her gaze back to the Ghost Leopard Venerable, saying coldly, "We should end it here. Let's make one final effort." With a flash of purple light, a sacred and powerful aura enveloped the Ghost Leopard Venerable, firmly locking it in place. With a flicker, the Purple Shadow Divine Sword waved hundreds of times in an instant, covering the sky with layers of sword aura, forming a purple light barrier that trapped the Ghost Leopard Venerable inside.

Perhaps feeling weak, the Ghost Leopard Venerable appeared to have lost all fighting spirit at this moment, swiftly dodging in an attempt to evade Ao Xue's attacks. Glancing at Ao Xue, Cang Yue smiled faintly, her figure appearing silently beside the Ghost Leopard Venerable, cutting off its escape route. With a powerful sword qi, a dazzling sword pillar formed, cleaving directly at the Ghost Leopard Venerable. Behind, Ao Xue's dense sword aura, accompanied by deafening howls, formed a purple sword flower, flashing with purple light, following closely behind.

At this critical moment, the Ghost Leopard Venerable spun rapidly, hoping to avoid the attacks of the two women. However, it was too late for everything. The powerful attacks of the two women formed a strong force that firmly held its body in place, leaving it no chance to evade. With dazzling purple light and golden brilliance, the two divine swords almost simultaneously pierced through the body of the Ghost Leopard Venerable, and the strong and sacred aura instantly melted its evil body.

With a flash of green light, the soul of the Ghost Leopard Venerable detached from its body, turning into a wisp of green light and shooting into the forest. Seeing it trying to escape, Yun Feng sneered, appearing in mid-air in nine consecutive flashes, each time intercepting its soul, not allowing it to escape. With a roar of anger, the green light shot upward, rising to a height of three feet before suddenly changing direction, heading straight for the dark forest. Yun Feng, angry, didn't expect these things to be so cunning, and he chased after them.

In mid-air, Lù Yún grabbed Yun Feng and shouted, "Everyone, gather immediately, we're surrounded." Everyone was puzzled, seeing no movement around them, why did Lù Yún say they were surrounded? It was too fast. Just after wiping out one batch, another batch came so quickly, it was impossible.

Landing beside everyone, Lù Yún's body emitted a flowing light, and the wounds on his body suddenly emitted a miraculous multicolored light,

 healing instantly. Without time to see how everyone was, Lù Yún stared straight ahead, his eyes filled with vigilance. He couldn't understand why his incredibly mysterious mental wave couldn't detect the exact number of opponents. Could it be that the other party had deployed some kind of magical treasure to conceal their aura? Thinking of this, a gleam flashed in Lù Yún's eyes, and his entire aura disappeared. At this moment, he deployed the mysterious cloak, completely concealing his own aura.

At the moment when Lù Yún's aura disappeared, a sound of astonishment came, and at the same time, the mysterious voices around them disappeared as well. In the forest, a black cloud floated out, slowly moving towards the edge of the Soul Transformation Pool. What kind of figure appeared at this moment, and why did it appear at this moment?

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