
The Legend of Naruto Uzumaki

Naruto knew he was different from others. At a very young age , he could see the difference between him and others. He questioned his treatment only to be ruthlessly shut down. He grit his teeth as his conviction and ambition grew. Though a meeting with a certain being seemed to answer his question. A/n: This is going to be slow paced fabric with irregular updates.It is insipered from other fanfic and theories. It is my first fanfic so please bare with it. Also the personality of MC will be different from cannon. So let's see the journey of a naive little kid together.

retropanda · Anime & Comics
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Ch.3 The Meeting with Kyuubi and Knowing about his origins

While he was lying on the bed at his apartment. Naruto hear a very cold voice. He first checked his surroundings. But he didn't saw anyone nearby. He then used his sensory abilities to check again.Then he thought that it was no one.He just shrugged and goes to thinking again. But suddenly he lost his consciousness.

Now, Naruto was at a dark, unknown place, a place that was hidden deep inside his consciousness.

Naruto looked around curiously, he was at a dark, unknown place, his feet touching a faint layer of water, drenching his feet with a cold but gentle feeling.

There were many paths so the blue-eyed boy simply went to a random one and started to wander randomly, after a few minutes walking, he found a huge place, as he looked frontwards, Naruto saw what looked to be be an enormous red-coloured prison cell with a circle in the lower part of the prison.

Approaching it as he felt curious, Naruto was now close to many gaps between each red coloured bar that formed the prison, suddenly, a big nail approached him and stopped just before his face.

"So we meet for the first time huh, brat?!" An ominous, cold voice sounded from behind the enormous red-coloured bars as a shining, bloodey red-coloured eye stared at Naruto, evil intent permeating through the air.

"W...ha...t ar....e you?" Naruto stuttered to the gigantic monster in front of him.

But the fox ignored his question and continued growling and throwing himself against his cage like a mindless animal but Naruto was easily detoured.

"WHAT ARE YOU?" Naruto yelled, truly gaining the attention of the big fox.

Kurama looked down upon his new container in anger and loathing. "I'm the Kyuubi no Kitsune and once I kill you. I will be free!!" Naruto looked upon the fox and replayed his words in his head.

"You're trapped in me? Doesn't the fourth defeated you then why are you here ?? I mean if you're trapped within me, it couldn't answery question why are you trapped??"

He asked the giant fox who was surprised that the little brat had stopped shaking in fear, his curiosity winning over.

"Because you humans are greedy little things who desire power more than anything!" Kurama answered, rage clear in his tone.

"Is that why everybody hates me?" Naruto stated, the pieces of his became clearer than ever before.

"But why me? Why put put you in me?"The red-headed questioned the fox again, whose anger beagan to slightly dissipate and turn to annoyance at the young child, who no longer bore the face of fear bot of resentment.

To his surprise, it mirrored his own a little.

"You were the closest thing around. He needed a container and one quickly so he used his son!" The Kyuubi said in remembrance of that that day.

Naruto eyes grew in horror! After collecting all the information by Kyuubi and some general events, he came to know that, fourth was his father,who sealed this monster inside of him.

"Why, why did you need to be sealed in me?" Naruto questioned withe confusion. The Kyuubi no Kitsune snorted and anger that Naruto could feel doubled, making the air heavy.

"After my release from your bitch of a mother. I was forced to wreak havoc upon your village as I was being controlled by a masked Uchiha but did your parents cared that I was innocent?Noo~!They just didn't want to lose their weapon." The Kitsune scoffed. "Atleast I gutted them like the fish they were!" Kurama enjoyed the look of horror on the young boy's face untill the boy started to smile with tears streaming down his eyes.

Naruto didn't know what to think. He just received so much information; about himself about his family. It was strange; gis heart felt better and worst at the same time. Sure he was the host for a giant nine tailed fox but now he know why he was so hated, he knew he had a family, apparently not the best family but family neither the less.His mind and emotions were at turmoil.

"Thank you." Naruto started looking upto the fox who shot him a surprised look.

"Why are you thanking me, tiny human?!" The nine tailed fox asked with disbelief, doubt and fury lacing his tone. "You heard me saying I killed your parents, right?" Naruto shrugged with clear tears in his eyes.

"Yeah but from the way you were describing things you've trapped for a very long time alone, isolated amd hated, which was kinda like me. I can only sympathise with you. And also, why would you try to spare my parents who were trying to keep you seled away and steal your freedom. You told me that you were controlled and then you tried to destroy the village, at which all I can say that you are innocent. I understand about your condition If I was sealed away for most of my life, I would try to kill the person who tried to do that at the correct time.I don't want anyone to steal my freedom." he said, trying to keep the pain, anger and heartache out of his voice.

The Kyuubi no Kitsune looked at the little boy in surprise, for as long as he could remember humans could never understand why he did the the thing he did.

"You're a strange one brat."

"Naruto" The six year old said with a frown.

"What?!"The Kyuubi said in annoyance, wondering why the brat called out a ramen topping.

"That's my name, Naruto." the child replied trying to smile and failing horribly.

"Oh?" Kurama replied back, a little confused which showed on his face apparently because the brat started to laughing at him which caused him to grow a tick mark.

"HEY SHIT STAIN, WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING AT ME!!!!" The orange furred, mountain sized fox yelled in fury , causing the boy to freeze up and look towards the ground that was surprisingly devoid of water at the moment.

Naruto tried to smother his laugh,"Well you looked kinda cute and funny at a same time, with your face tilted like that."

The red haired admitted with an embarrassed blush.

The Kitsune balked at the accusation,"I am not cute! You take that back!!"

After that Naruto couldn't hold back his laughter anymore and started to roll on the ground, ignoring the growling coming in front of him.

"Hey Mr. Kyu...u...bee, um what's your name?"

The blue-eyed boy surprised the gigantic fox with his question. No human has ever asked his name before. No human has ever asked his name before. They only asked him for his power. As he stared at the wide, blue eyed child who staring right back at him unflinching, fear still sensed but surprisingly distant, the Kyuubi made a choice that he thought he'll never regret for in the future.

"You can call me KURAMA." He replied with a little less hostility but a lot more hesistance.

"And also I have another question with you Kurama."Naruto asked Kyuubi outta no where.

"Tell me."The Kitsune asked with confusion what can the question will be.

"Were you the one who told me that I can help you to be the strongest?"Naruto asked to the big old fox.

"Aah...About that…"Kurama started sweating a little bit.


Now this chapter is finished. It was quite nice to write this chapter.

A new bond of friendship is begin between those you.

Even tho this Naruto is slightly different from canon but he can use the power of almighty 'Talk no Jutsu'. Even tho he isn't naive, but he can sympathise with others as he also experienced the same.

And training arc might get started from the next two chapters. But I will not train him physically like with Saitama regime or something. Like come on, a child can't do that type of training.But he'll do something else that I have thought of.

Since now he has a particular guardian or so, he'll be a very different person from now on.

Next chapter will come at 19th of March or so.

If you like the fanfic,gimme some power stones and add it to your collections. You could also share it with your friends, relative or so as it will be a great help.

Also, you can also gave me some suggestions about jutsu, story and stuff.

Anyways peace out.ʘ‿ʘ

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