

Proclamation of Invitation to Islam

Now Allah commanded Muhammad to invite all openly to Islam.

One day, thus, Prophet Muhammad climbed 'Safa hill and called out at the top of his voice, "Ya 'Sabaa'ha". It was Arabs' custom that in case of a peril, someone used to climb an elevated place and call out these words and people gathered at this call.

When the Prophet called out these words atop the mountain of 'Safa, a large number of people gathered there. Among them was Prophet's uncle – Abu Lahab.

When people gathered, the Holy Prophet said, "O people! If I tell you that a grand army is waiting behind this mountain to attack you, will you believe me?" All replied, "Definitely, by all means, you have never told a lie and we regard you as truthful and trustworthy." Then, the Holy Prophet said, "O people! I call you towards praying one God and I want you to refrain from the evils of idolatry. But if you deny Allah's religion, I warn you of a severe and painful chastisement".

Quraysh, hearing this, got incensed and Abu Lahab asked angrily, Did you call us only to convey this?"

It was a general call to Islam. Now, Allah's Prophet carried out the task openly and declared to all as to what was assigned to him by Allah. The Prophet now proclaimed that Allah is the Sole Creator and Lord of this universe. He is the One who created man and He is the master of all creatures. Man is nothing more than being Allah's slave. It is man's duty to serve Allah and obey His commands. Allah has bestowed the honour of being a supreme creature to man, and so it is against his status if he associates other partners in Allah's divinity. Allah is the Creator, Ruler and Cherisher of the whole universe and its creatures. No one other than Allah deserves to be worshipped, or to be obeyed and adored. Allah has bestowed limited powers to man. This worldly life for him is a time-bound test. When the time of this test will be over, the man has to go back to his Lord. Then, Allah will decide his fate according to the good or bad deeds performed by him. The proclamation by Prophet Muhammad was not an ordinary one.

The Quraysh and other people were extremely angry with the Holy Prophet because he had hurt their "religious sentiments".

Everyone in Makkah started talking about the invitation given by Muhammad and his claim of prophet hood.

A few days later, Prophet Muhammad asked Ali (RATA) to make arrangements for a feast. All the members of Abdul Muttalib's (Prophet's grandfather) clan were invited to this feast. His uncles 'Hamzah, Abu Talib and Abbas, all were there. When the feast was over, the Holy Prophet Stood up and addressed the gathering, "I have brought something that is sufficient for this world as well as the hereafter. Who will help me in conveying this message?" It was a tense moment because the 'help" meant that the helper will have to face the enmity of the whole Arabia. All he gets fpr helping Muhammad was the success in the hereafter and the honour before his Lord. No other benefit was in sight. A Silence dominated the scene. And then, to everyone's surprise, Ali (RATA) rose from his place and said, "Though my eyes are infected, my legs are thin and weak and I am the youngest too, still I would actively support you." This show of valour and extraordinary determination by a 13-year old boy took the gathering by surprise.