
Jake Runs Away

Jake bent down and opened the door, his permed hair falling over his face and covering his eyesight. He sighed and moved his hair out of his face to see if the two girls were okay. They both looked like they were dead. 

Jake bit his lip and asked quietly, "Hello?" He leaned forward inside and shook them a little. One of them slowly stirred and opened her eyes which drifted here and there before landing on Jake. Her eyes narrowed and she croaked, "What happened?"

Jake sighed with relief that at least one of them was okay. He tried to give a smile, but it might have come off as a frown because when he did that, the girl tried to get out of the car, "Oh God…" 

Jake raised his eyebrows and watched her try to get out but the belt stopped her. She tried to unlock the belt but it was stuck. She shook violently and screamed. Then she stilled as she saw her friend lying unconscious. Her hands went to the unconscious girl's cheeks and stroked it, trying to wake her. 

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