
The legend of Alandir

​A lost stone has been longed for millennia, a forbidden stone that grants immortality, taking it from the gods. An ordinary young man finds the desired stone and sets out on an adventure to destroy it, but not before dealing with the temptation of possessing it.

Carl_Thomson_6335 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

"Come with me." - She said as she turned around and went up the marble stairs. Alfred and Merydia walked behind her.

"Alfred, my name is Rowa, I am the princess of Mildair and apparently you are someone we have been waiting for for thousands of years."

"Who am I?" - Alfred asked.

"Patience Alfred, you will soon know. Now, come this way." - Rowa continued and the three began to climb some spiral stone stairs that led to a wide pointed tower. However, the tower was so tall that each step they took on the steps felt heavier and heavier.

"Agggh! , I'm too tired, the tower is very high." - said Alfred, putting his hands on his knees and panting from exhaustion, he felt like his lungs were going to burst out and his thighs would fall.

"Alfred, get on my staff." - Merydia said as she raised her staff and placed it horizontally. They both got on it and rode it as if it were a witch's broom. They began to rise rapidly throughout the tower, Alfred only held on to Merydia's shoulders and looked down watching them move away from the ground until they finally reached the top.

"See how easy we can make things here?" - said Merydia, putting her feet on the ground and keeping the staff behind her back.

"I can see it." Alfred replied, looking to the sides and admiring the top of the tower.

They had arrived at a large enclosure made of stone bricks and built in a hexagonal shape. Around the walls, there were arched windows without windows and from which rays of midday light entered and illuminated the entire room. In the middle of them, lay an equally hexagonal table with various strange engravings and writings. Alfred and Merydia proceeded to sit in one of the 6 chairs that were there. Rowa sat on a kind of throne, a chair higher than the others whose backrest was shaped like a triangle.

Suddenly, flames of purple smoke began to emerge from the rest of the empty seats and slowly took shape. They were a group of gods who suddenly appeared sitting on said seats in the hexagon of the tower wearing blue hoods, wielding staffs with magic stones embedded in their upper part and covering their faces as if they wanted to hide their identity.

"Gods of Mildrair" - Rowa said - "I have gathered you for an extremely important occasion. Alfred, show us the stone."

 Alfred proceeded to get up from the chair, slowly put his hand into his pocket in a timid manner and from the palm of his hand he showed a small stone of an intense red and translucent color which he placed in the middle of the central table and sat down again. little by little.

The gods of the enclosure raised their hoods and showed their faces. They slowly brought their faces closer to the center of the table to better see what they had in front of their eyes. The gods had an overwhelming look, their bright eyes were stunned looking at the stone, their mouths were half open, they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"It is the stone, the relic that we have been searching for eons." - Said one of the gods who subsequently gets up from his seat, raises his arm to take the stone, showing on his face a tremendous ambition to take it and possess it.

However, another of the gods grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Stop! You cannot take the stone, we know how valuable this relic is, our entire lives and our entire world hang on this object. But just touching it could tempt us to never leave it again. The desire for power can consume us and lead us to the dark side."

"I really don't understand." - Alfred said - "What's so special about this stone?"

 At that moment Rowa slowly got up from her seat and placed her hands gently on the table and began to tell the story of the stone of Elendor .

 "It all began eons ago, when on Mount Sidom , the gods lay resting after having created the world they named Alandir."

"On the day of rest, Moloch, one of the creator gods, took the hammer of Hurum with which the gods had created the stones of magic and with it he forged a cursed stone."

"This stone took away the divinity of the rest of the gods, weakening them and turning them into mortal beings."

"With this power, the kingdoms of Alandir fell one by one, with the gods, protectors of the creatures, defeated and annihilated forever. Moloch managed to enslave the gods, demanding absolute worship and obedience from them as the eternal emperor of the new world. His hunger for power began to grow without limits, all thanks to being the only immortal being on earth, and being the gods powerless when offering resistance to his power."

"The gods had no choice but to submit to the clutches of Moloch until one day, a god named Roderick formed a rebellion with a legion of gods and rebelled against the evil power of Molech. Roderick forged a magical sword whose immense power turned it into a sacred relic that has been coveted to this day. With the sword, Roderick managed to reconquer half of the kingdom and was established as the rightful king of Alandir thanks to his leadership and bravery in liberating our world."

"However, the war did not end here, but continued for countless centuries and in the final battle, Roderick took up the sword he had forged and with it cut the necklace of Molech with which he carried the stone. Her necklace fell through the mountains of Erafim and with it the stone, being lost in darkness for millennia. Molech, with his left hand, stabbed Roderick and threw him into the same mountains along with the stone."

"After centuries and until today, both magicians and warriors have ventured to find the stone, wishing it as a relic for eternal life, while others covet it as a weapon to acquire absolute power. No one had ever found it until now."

"The gods and wizards of Alandir prophesied that one day the stone would be taken to the lake of purifying waters of Ateloriam , by the true heir to the throne of Alandir, where the power of the stone would return to the gods, restoring our immortality. The kingdom would be restored forever and with it, peace in Alandir reconquered once and for all. That is why we believe that you, Alfred, are the heir to the throne and therefore, you will carry the stone and carry it towards the lake, we will go with you in battle to first liberate the lands of Doriam and the lake of Ateloriam so that we can return the stone. Count on us."